As for Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo's attempt to harm the Hyuga clan, it doesn't matter much.

It's not that Neci is magnanimous and doesn't care.

It's that the Chunin Exam is coming soon.

Orochimaru has also informed him and wants to implement his collapse plan.

In this case, let Orochimaru do it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's life is already in the countdown, and for a dying man, what else can Neci care about. In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

As the Chunin Exam approaches, many strangers have come to Konoha.

Not only ninjas taking the exam, but more ordinary people come.

Just to join in the fun.

From civilians to hawkers, from rich people to nobles, there are so many people coming, and countless carriages pour into the gate every day.

Walking on the street.

Looking at the people and shops coming and going.

Neci thinks he can set up a real estate company and sell houses to these villagers in the form of loans.

Then wait for Konoha to be seriously damaged.

The loan hasn't been repaid yet, but the house is gone, leaving these villagers in debt and having to work for the Hyuga clan.

Come a few more times.

The debt is getting bigger and bigger.

They will be slaves for generations and will never be able to turn over a new leaf.

By 01, they don't have to compete for the position of Hokage, and the entire Konoha will belong to the Hyuga family. They will be the biggest winner without bloodshed, how great. The more

I think about it, the more I think this thing can be done.

The main thing is, the money in my hands is accumulating more and more, and I'm still making money. I always feel uncomfortable if I don't find a way to spend some of it.

""Brother Ningci, what are you thinking about?" Hanabi

, who was already seven years old and attending Ninja School this year, asked as she held Ningci's hand.

Hinata, who was standing next to her, turned her head and looked at Ningci after hearing this.

"Nothing, I just think these houses in Konoha are too old and should be renovated."Ningji said with a smile

"Renovating the house? That would cost a lot of money."

"Well, it costs more than a little greedy cat like you."

"Brother Ningci~~"

Hanabi was not happy and started to act like a spoiled child with a frown on her face.

Neji also laughed and reached out to rub Hanabi's hair.

""Brother Neji, look over there."

Hinata pointed to the entrance of the alley and said.

Then Neji saw a famous scene.

It was Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and Konohamaru. They had a conflict with Temari and Kankuro from the Sand Village. Konohamaru was lifted up by Kankuro.

And Naruto rushed to rescue him.

But because he was too weak and not familiar with the puppet master's fighting method, he was tripped to the ground by Kankuro's chakra thread just after he approached. He fell heavily. For a while, he didn't dare to go over again.

As for Haruno Sakura, it's better not to mention it.

The key is that she has always been a heavy punch internally and submissive to the outside world, and this time is no exception

"Brother Ningci, should we go help?"

Seeing Konohamaru in danger, kind-hearted Hinata asked

"No need."

Others didn't notice Sasuke hiding in the tree, but that didn't mean Neji didn't either.

Sure enough, the next second, a stone flew out and hit Kankuro's hand directly, causing him to scream in pain and drop Konohamaru to the ground.

"Who is it? How dare you sneak attack me!"

Kanjiurou turned his head and glared at the tree next to him.

"It's better to be honest in other people's villages......."

Sasuke didn't hide himself either. He tossed another stone and started to teach a lesson.

What happened next was similar to the anime.

Sakura was crazy about him, Naruto was numb and speechless, and was very dissatisfied with the two pillars' pretense.

Then when Kankuro couldn't stand the squeeze and was about to get serious, Gaara also showed up and suppressed the whole scene with his cold momentum.

But for such a small scene,

Neji was not interested in participating.

Seeing that the two gangs didn't fight, he took Hinata and Hanabi away without saying hello to Team 7.

Return to the Hyuga clan.

Let Hinata take Hanabi back.

Neji's figure flashed and he came to the secret base outside the village.

In the very spacious room, there were rows and rows of glass containers.

Each one was more than two meters high, and there were some tubes inserted on it, which were transporting various special substances and nutrient solutions into it.

In the containers, there were"people" one by one.

They were old and young, and their shapes were also different.

That's right.

This is exactly the clone army that Ningci created.

It is just still in the experimental stage and has not yet reached the mature stage.

"Sir, the degree of integration of these experimental subjects is indeed very good, and there is basically no rejection reaction. The success rate is over 95%."The researcher reported


Neji nodded without comment, and then asked:"How is the No. 1 serum test going?"

In fact, for Neji, these clones are just incidental research and are not very important.

What he wants most is to obtain the physique of Uchiha Shin, and then go to the moon to capture the descendants of Otsutsuki and advance to the Samsara Eye.

On one side is the external object, and on the other side is his own strength.

Which is more important, is there any need to say

"Sir, the No. 1 serum test has reached its final stage and will be completed soon. I believe the results will not disappoint you."

"Then hurry up and don't make me wait too long." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Yes, don't worry, sir!"

The researcher responded quickly.

After coming out of the laboratory,

Neji gave two more instructions.

One was to find the trace of Beiluohu, and the other was to find the Forgotten Island in the Sea Country.[]

Let's talk about Hiruko first.

The forbidden technique of Kiyomaru developed by this man is quite good.

It can fuse other ninjas or summoned beasts into oneself, so as to obtain all the abilities of the other party.

Whether he can become a god or live forever is not to be discussed.

The role of plundering blood limit alone is also very good.

Neji is a person who likes to plan ahead.

He doesn't think that after awakening the Samsara Eye, he has reached the end and can't be promoted.

There is no way.

Then he will create it himself.

Of course, it is also possible to obtain the promotion method from others.

So he set his sights on the forbidden technique of Kiyomaru. He is ready to use this forbidden technique to reach a higher level after awakening the Samsara Eye.

As for finding the Island of Oblivion.

It is also preparing for the forbidden technique of Kiyomaru.

The Island of Oblivion, also known as the Summoning Island, has many large and strange creatures.

For example, spiders as big as trucks.

Centipedes several feet long.

Giant snakes hundreds of meters long.

There are also eagles that cover the sky and the sun, etc., which are very suitable to be summoned beasts of ninjas. Over time, this island has been called the Summoning Island.

In the anime.

A group of researchers created an ultimate summoning beast on this island.

This summoning beast can devour and plunder the abilities of other creatures, and then continue to evolve and become ultimate.

Ningci is attracted by this ability.

Although, he has no intention of eating people or anything.

But as long as he can have the ability to evolve himself, it's fine.

The human body has limits.

It's really not easy to break.

For example, at present, Ningci is no longer short of life energy and chakra, but his physical fitness can't be improved all the time.

It has long entered a stagnant stage and can't be improved.

This is the limit.

If you want to break it without the help of external forces, it is really difficult as climbing to the sky, and you dare not say that you can succeed until the day you die.

Ningci doesn't want to be like Uchiha Madara.

In the future, he will have the strength of the Six Paths level, but he can't withstand a kick from Might Guy.

A typical high attack and low defense, with serious bias.

What he wants is all-round development. While his attacking means are strong, his physical fitness and defense must also keep up.

So while he was developing various secret techniques, he did not underestimate other people's brains. He thought that learning from others could also improve his jade.

Anyway, as long as it is useful, it's fine.

This is the improvement route that Ningci planned for himself.

First use the serum to obtain the same physique as Uchiha Shin.

Then go to the moon to capture the descendants of Otsutsuki, create new serum, and awaken the Samsara Eye.


Get the Kisara forbidden technique of Otsuki, and then fuse five powerful creatures with special skills.

By then.

Ningci is not invincible, but it should be almost there.

Of course.

You can also get the Kisara forbidden technique first.

Then fuse five creatures including Uchiha Shin's physique and the bloodline of the descendants of Otsutsuki.

It can be done at one time, saving time and effort.

So it depends on which side makes progress first. If the serum is ready first, then use the serum first.

If Otsuki is found first, then use the Kisara forbidden technique directly, and it's almost there..

Don't worry: Đỗ văn đạt

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