On the training ground.

The three people from the third class are all there.

"Hey, have you heard? This year's Chunin Exam is the first time in five years that there are newcomers appearing." Leaning against a big tree, Xiao Li said with his head tilted.


Tiantian threw a shuriken at the target, and then said:"What's going on? Is this the result of those Jonin being too stubborn about their reputation?"

"Who knows?"

Xiao Li smiled and said,"But this time the newcomers are still our acquaintances. It seems that Naruto, Sasuke and the others have signed up."

"Ah, this is too unfortunate."

Tenten shook her head.

The point is that in her opinion, Naruto and Sasuke's class had just graduated and had not completed many missions. It was too hasty for them to take part in the Chunin Exam.

"What do you think, Ningci?"

"What else can we do? Just walk and see. It is their freedom to sign up or not. We have no right to control them, let alone worry about it."

Ningji sat on the grass and said indifferently.

"That's true, but I'm still somewhat interested in Sasuke." Xiao Li said, his eyes also revealed a lot of fighting spirit

"What, you want to compete with him?"

"That's right!"

Clenching his fists, Xiao Li said,"I will definitely prove myself. I am definitely not worse than you top students. You and Tian Tian just wait and see!"


This statement.

It sounds like it makes sense, but it doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

After all, no matter what, Sasuke is one level lower than them. Xiao Li is bullying his junior.

It's okay if he wins, but what if he loses?...

It's not embarrassing enough, okay?

"Then you should do your best."

Throwing down a sentence, he didn't want to say more.

On the other side, after just finishing the tenth class, Xihi Hong was about to go home, but unexpectedly met Asuma on the way.

"Red, that....Do you have time?"

Asma was still a little shy and touched his head.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to treat you to a meal and go shopping."

Is this an appointment with me?

I understood what Asuma meant, and I don't know why, but Kurenai suddenly thought of Neji's face.

How should I put it.

Neci is indeed different from ordinary boys.

He seems polite, but in fact he is very rude.

Although Kurenai is no longer a naive young girl.

But she has never been in love, and is actually similar to Mei Terumi. She still wants an unforgettable and exciting love.

Rather than an ordinary love that is respectful, plain and without any waves.

Just like Asuma in front of him.

He has liked Kurenai since school days, but after so many years, he still stays on the surface and is polite to Kurenai.

Don't say that Kurenai doesn't have much feeling for him.

Even if she does.

After so many years, which is comparable to two seven-year itches, it should be worn out and no longer exist. Okay

"Sorry Asma, I'm a little tired today."

"Oh, then you go back and have a rest, we can go another day."

Asuma said with a smile. He seemed very considerate, but this was not what Kurenai wanted.

He was just too polite, which would make Kurenai wonder if she was really old, and she didn't feel excited or nervous at all. What kind of date was that?

There is a reason why good girls like little yellow-haired boys.

Because little yellow-haired boys can stimulate girls, make them get out of that lifeless state of mind, become ups and downs, and are more likely to fall in love.

On the contrary, the more obedient a boy is, the harder it is to find a partner.

This is the fact.

In addition, with the appearance of Neji, although he is young, he has brought Kurenai a very different feeling.

Not to mention that there is one more choice.

But her mind has been aroused.

Naturally, she also I didn't feel anything about Asuma's invitation, which was as light as white water. I didn't even want to go.

A few days passed in a flash.

Soon it was the day of the Chunin Exam.

July 1st.

A little after two in the afternoon.

After the third class gathered, they came to the school.

The first thing to do was to find classroom 301.

I came to the second floor.

There were two gate gods, Gang Zitie and Kanzuki Izumo, who were transformed into candidates, guarding this place and disguising it as classroom 301 on the third floor.

However, the illusion they created could only confuse ordinary Genin. Anyone with a little ability could basically see the problem.

Not to mention Neji, Tenten and the other three. Even

Rock Lee, who was an idiot in illusion, noticed something was wrong. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Tiantian, do you want to act in a play?"


Tian Tian refused without hesitation.

Just kidding, she is no longer the weak chicken she used to be.

Her strength has greatly increased, at least she has reached the level of Chunin, and she is acting with Xiao Li to deceive these ordinary candidates.[]

Of course, the main reason is that Tenten doesn't want Neji to think she's an idiot.......That would be more difficult to accept than to embarrass her.

Just in Xiao Li's regret.

More and more candidates came here.

Naruto and Sasuke's Team 7 were also among them.

""It's better to stop playing such a boring trick. We are going to the third floor. Please get out of the way!"

Sasuke walked up to the two door gods with his hands in his pockets and said coldly.

It gave people a very pretentious feeling.

"Oh? Have you figured it out already?"

Shinzuki Izumo said, as if a little surprised.

"Nonsense, get out of the way, I don't want to waste time here!"

Because he endured more than in the anime.

Not only the gossip from the outside world, but also the scolding and accusations from the family members, so Sasuke became even colder.

In the anime.

He also reminded Haruno Sakura to show her performance, but now Sasuke has no such thoughts at all.

"`."Haha, so what if I figured it out? It can only prove that you are not useless. But if you want to go to the third floor, this alone is not enough!"

His eyes changed.

Gang Zitie started to fight as soon as he said it, and kicked Sasuke.

Sasuke's reaction was not slow.

He immediately counterattacked and kicked Gang Zitie with his foot.

At this moment, when the two were about to collide

, a green figure suddenly appeared in the field, one on the left and one on the right, and firmly grasped Sasuke and Gang Zitie's calves with just two hands.

The person who came was Rock Lee.

This guy! Feeling the power coming from the opponent's hand, it can be said to be extremely strong

, which also made Sasuke change his face.

He knew Lee.

But he never thought that this inconspicuous thick-browed boy would be so strong.

How strong would Ningci, the real core of Team 3 and also the top student, be now?


Sasuke turned his head and looked at Ningci standing beside him.

And Ningci also smiled faintly in return.

To be honest, Ningci had no interest in this small scene that was like playing house.

So his real body did not come at all. What was standing at this time was just a (king? Zhao) is just a clone, so naturally he won't steal the limelight.

Without his intervention, the next situation is similar to that in the anime.

Xiao Li first went crazy with Haruno Sakura for a while, which scared people.

After the team 7 left

, he left the team again and chased in the direction Naruto and the others left.

Needless to say, this kid must have gone to challenge Sasuke.

Neji and Tenten were not interested in this matter, so they didn't care and left together.

Wandered around the teaching building for a while.

Chat by the way They talked about the interesting things that happened during their school days.

After Lee came back, Neji and the others didn't ask about the results, and just went to classroom 301 on the third floor.

Pushed the door and entered.

Wow, it turned out that everyone was a bad guy.

There were already many candidates in the classroom, and when they heard someone else coming in, they all turned their heads to look at Neji and the other two.

That evil look, that strange look. If you are a timid person

, you can be easily scared.

But for Neji and the other three, this little scene was nothing, even Lee and Tenten didn't care..


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