44 Practice Field.

The remaining 78 candidates all gathered here.

After Mitarashi Anko introduced the exam rules and distributed the scrolls, many candidates entered the Death Forest in groups of three.

Neji's team was also among them.

"Captain, are we going to rush to the finish line? Or what?"

Xiao Li asked as he walked in the forest.

"Just walk over there, the rest is up to you."

Ninji really didn't have to worry about anything.

And he didn't plan to get involved in anything.

For example, Orochimaru attacked Team 7.

That's right.

Orochimaru came after all.

Before entering the forest, Ningci saw the other party.

Don't know what this guy is up to. With the Mangekyō Sharingan, he actually came here to cause trouble.

But if it doesn't concern me, I won't worry about it.

Not to mention that Naruto and Sasuke won't die, even if they will die, it won't have much impact on Ningci, so of course he won't worry about it. After walking for a while, they met other teams.

Ningci didn't even take action. Rock Lee and Tenten alone dealt with the invading team.

"Bad luck, it's the scroll of heaven."

Xiao Li threw it and grabbed the scroll, saying

"Then let's keep going."

Ningji didn't care. He waved his hand to extinguish the burning fire. He stood up and headed towards the center tower.

What do you mean it's not suitable to act at night?

That's for other ordinary teams.

Ningci and his three people, even though he only brought a clone, because it's not important, a clone can also kill everyone here, as he pleases.

It's others that should be worried.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

The third team not only got the scroll and arrived at the center tower early, but also helped other teams before coming.

Of course, it was all incidental.

They would only help when they met.

There is no need to take the initiative to run over to help.

The main thing is that under Neji's arrangement, Hinata and Ino have become much stronger and not so weak.

Let's talk about Ino first.

The basic package is also Yes.

It is to use life energy to improve their physical fitness and chakra. This benefit is not only for Tenten, but also for everyone who is close to Neji.

For example, Hinata, Hanabi, Yakumo, Mei Terumi, Uchiha Izumi, etc.

It is not just girls.

Family members, close subordinates.

There are also foreign personnel who have made great contributions. Neci will help them improve their strength in the form of rewards.

Of course, there is also Hyuga Hizashi, who will not be forgotten.

Let's talk about Ino.

In addition to these benefits, like Tenten, Neci also helped her develop a set of training methods, which also includes several secret techniques.

In addition, the purple pendant he gave her is a protective trump card.

Even if she meets Orochimaru, she can save her life, not to mention meeting other people, and she doesn't have to worry at all.

Hinata is similar.

And her strength is much stronger than Ino.

How to say it.

In terms of physical skills, Ino doesn't have much talent, and she won't make much progress even if she practices more. The key is that she doesn't have the heart to do it.

Hinata is different.

She has a high talent for physical skills, and she is also gifted with special skills.

This is not groundless.

You know, Hinata is a big eater and can easily eat dozens of bowls of ramen.

Is this something that ordinary people can do?

Not to mention ordinary people.

Even Naruto's Uzumaki physique is difficult.

Eating a lot means a big appetite and good digestion. Good digestion means that the cells can transport energy quickly and the physique will not be weak.

In the anime.

The reason why Hinata's performance is not eye-catching.

Neci thinks that there are three main factors.

The first is the need for the plot.

After all, it is a hot-blooded show, telling the story of the male protagonist. If the female protagonist is not weak, how can it be reflected. The hero's bravery.

The second reason is Hinata's character.

Too cowardly, and not wanting to hurt others, how strong can she be?

As for the third reason.

It has to do with the growing environment.

Under the high pressure of Hyuga Hiashi, she dared not do anything out of line. Can we still expect Hinata to behave like a glutton and eat dozens of bowls of rice every meal?

That's a joke.

She has restrained herself since she was a child and dared not eat freely.

She obviously has a huge appetite, but she can only chew slowly like a normal person and eat only a little bit at each meal.

It's good enough that Hinata didn't starve to death.

How can she develop her talent and become stronger and stronger?

Of course, it's different now.

With the help of Neji.

Even if she is embarrassed to eat freely at home, Hinata can cook outside and fill her stomach.

In addition, there is life energy to supplement, and Neji's careful teaching. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Multi-pronged approach.

So Hinata also embarked on a completely different path from the anime.

Now not only has she become more and more cheerful, but her strength has also changed greatly.

Catching up with Orochimaru is impossible.

But among these candidates who came to take the exam, I believe that few of them can pose a threat to her.[]

"Teacher Ningci"

"Yakumo is here too"


In the central tower, after seeing Neji, Kurama Yakumo also laughed happily.

Because of Neji's appearance, many people's fates were indeed changed. Yakumo was just one of them, and he was not the most outstanding one.

Soon, it was the last day.

Many candidates arrived at the central tower one after another.

Hinata's 8th team, Ino's 10th team, Gaara's team, and some extras.

Naruto, Sasuke and others also rushed to the gate of the central tower at the last moment, a little embarrassed.

"Are you targeting Sasuke?"

In the corridor of the central tower, Neji and Orochimaru met.

0 Ask for flowers

"Senior, do you still care about this?"

"Of course not, I'm just asking casually."

Ningji really doesn't care about Sasuke's life or death, he just wants to know what Orochimaru thinks.


Orochimaru also laughed, and then said:"After all, he is Itachi's younger brother, and his talent is not bad. He still has some value."

"Did you fight with Uchiha Itachi?"

"I didn't find him, he found me"

"What happened?"

Neji became interested.

Waving his hand, Orochimaru said,"I left the Akatsuki organization, so they hunted me down. Uchiha Itachi was the first person to find me."

"So who won?"

As soon as the question came out, Neji felt that he had asked a nonsense question.

As expected,

Orochimaru's expression became visibly uglier.

"He won, but I didn't lose either!"


I don't want to argue with Orochimaru about this. Anyway, it's not Neji who is at a disadvantage.

"So you're attracted to his brother?"

"I am a little interested in my brother's Sharingan."

Orochimaru had no problem admitting this.

"Well, how about the Fourth Kazekage?"

Compared to Sasuke, Neji was more interested in the Kazekage.

It's not that Sasuke is useless.

But isn't it close?

It's easy for Neji to get his cell tissue, but the magnetic escape that the previous Kazekage possessed didn't have so many opportunities.

"We have to wait for another month for the Chunin Finals. Only then will the Kazekage leave the Sand Village and rush to Konoha. We can start then."

""Okay, remember to notify me."

He didn't say anything more.

He waved his hand and went to the venue.

Many candidates gathered together and listened to Sarutobi Hiruzen explaining the rules of the competition.

Neji's clone was also among them. No one noticed his problem, including those jonin and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for passing the second exam."

"However, due to the large number of participants, a preliminary round will be held before the third exam."


"How could this happen?"

"This is too troublesome!"

"It's just a Chunin Exam. How many times do I have to take it? It's too difficult!"

Many candidates were dissatisfied.


Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his hand, and then he talked a lot of big truths to the kids.

What about the competition between allied countries, it's all for justice, friendship first, competition second, personal life is even less important, and other nonsense.

Add to that dreams and prestige.

Neji almost fell asleep listening to it. It was not until half an hour later that the old man Sarutobi finished his long-winded talk, and replaced it with a look of premature death, and the weak-looking

Gekko Gale explained the rules of the preliminaries to everyone.

Give us some money, brothers, thank you..


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