"Ahem, the next qualifier is an individual match ahem......Therefore, candidates who are unwell should carefully consider whether to cough or not.......Quit the competition."

You should be the one to quit!

Seeing Yue Guang Ji Feng who was about to cough out his lungs after just a few words, many candidates couldn't help but have this thought in their minds.

The key is that this is really scary.

Pale face, dark circles under the eyes.

Coupled with constant coughing, he spoke breathlessly and weakly. Even if Yue Guang Ji Feng fell down the next second and died directly.

Most people would not be surprised.

It was another bunch of nonsense.

To sum up, time does not allow, there are too many candidates, and a preliminaries must be held to eliminate more people.

Regardless of whether the candidates are willing or not, they failed to stop the competition.

After Kabuto Yakumo and Kurama Yakumo withdrew one after another.

Needless to say, the former, as for Yakumo.

Because her teammates were not strong, she was the only one left, and she didn't want to compete and expose herself, so she simply withdrew from the competition.

At this point, there were 20 candidates left.

"One, two, three. As the names on the electronic screen on the wall scrolled, the names of the first group of players also appeared.

It was different from the original.

It was Uchiha Sasuke vs. Saku.

Neji was not surprised by this. After all, this was a random draw. If it was the same as in the anime, it would be a problem.

Soon, only the players and the referee Gekkou Hayate were left in the field.

The rest of the people, including the candidates and Sarutobi Hiruzen, all left the competition venue and came to the stands on the second floor.

"Brother Neji."

Hinata's team came over.

Because of his successful training in space-time ninjutsu, Neji can now switch back and forth freely between his clones.

The specific steps are:

Before the transfer, the clone is transformed into an empty shell, so that the main body can move directly into the clone, which is equivalent to wearing a thin coat. It is similar to Gaara's sand armor.

The real body moved over, and Neji also smiled.

"Hinata, I haven't asked you before, were you injured during the competition?"

"No, thank you for your concern, brother Ningci."

"No, come watch the game with me."


Hinata responded.

Then she stood beside Neji obediently and looked downstairs with him.

"Ningci, who do you think will win?"

Inuzuka Kiba asked

"Sasuke, right?

Although Sasuke is nothing in Neji's eyes, after all, he hasn't even opened the three-magatama Sharingan.

But it depends on who the opponent is.

What about Saku? He can only do some fancy things and can't even meet the standards of the most basic physical skills. How can he be Sasuke's opponent?

The result also proved Neci's inference.

It took only a few minutes for the battle to start.

With his own advantages and the power of the Sharingan, Sasuke defeated Saku and crippled his arm.

The battle ended without suspense.

Soon the second The second match was between Kankuro and Aburame Shino.

The result was that when Aburame Shino used bugs to seal Kankuro's puppet joints, Kankuro admitted defeat.

Because they had other purposes.

So they didn't care about the result of this match.

The third match was between Tenten and Jin, and Tenten won. The fourth match was between Hinata and Akimichi Choji, and Hinata won. The fifth match was between Naruto and Akadoun Kai, and Naruto won. It

's really sad to say.

Akadoun Kai has the ability to absorb other people's chakra, and its combat power is still quite good.

If you meet an ordinary opponent, you will win. The chance of that is not small.

But who made him run into this guy Naruto.

Whether it is his own chakra or the chakra of the Nine-Tails, it can fill up the Red Copper Armor and make him want to vomit.

Coupled with Naruto's unexpected attributes.

There is nothing to say about winning the game.

Watching the Red Copper Armor being carried out by medical staff, Neji thought about it and let a clone follow him.

The ability to absorb chakra.

Although it is not a bloodline of the Dark Release, he is still a little interested.

The sixth game, Temari vs. Shikamaru.

The intersection came early.

But without that person outside the field With some obstacles as cover, Shikamaru was also in a very bad state, and his smart brain was useless.

After all, a good cook cannot cook without rice.

In the end, he had no choice but to admit defeat and surrender.

The seventh game, Toss vs. Inuzuka Kiba, Toss won.

The eighth game, Haruno Sakura vs. Ino. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This pair of old enemies has not changed, and they met again.

The result is needless to say.

It must be Ino who followed Neji who was more powerful. She didn't even have to work hard. She defeated Haruno Sakura very easily and won the victory.

"The ninth match, Rock Lee and Ken Misumi, please come on stage."

Is this going to be Gaara's turn?"

Feeling something, Neji turned his head and met Gaara's gaze in the distance. The boy was staring at him with indifference.

""Ningji, Tenten, I'm going down first."

While saying this,

Rock Lee flipped over the railing and jumped directly from the second floor to the bottom.

The game started soon.

There was not much suspense in this game.

Although the ninja named Jian Meicheng knew soft body skills and could stretch freely, making him look like a defective version of Luffy.

But facing Rock Lee who opened the Eight Gates, he still couldn't stand the beating.

In just a few minutes, he was beaten to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Rock Lee wins!"

"The last match, Hyuga Neji vs. Gaara, both players please come down, cough cough!"

Moonlight Gale said, covering his mouth

"Come on, Brother Neji!"

"Brother Neji, beat him hard!"

"Come on, Neji!

Hinata, Ino, Tenten, all cheered for Neji.

There was also Kurenai Yuhi, who didn't say anything.���She nodded to Neji as well.

She received encouragement from all the beautiful girls.

Naruto didn't count, who would care about him if he was making a fuss? Neji also smiled slightly, waved to a few girls, and then walked down the stairs.

"Is this guy strong?"

Looking at the popular Neji, Kankuro said with a little bit of a smile

"I heard that he is a genius of the Hyuga clan, who has been the head student for six years and completed two B-level missions and eight C-level missions in one year."

Temari was interested in Neji, and she also found out some information.

"How come Konoha has so many geniuses? Really? It won't affect our plan, right?"While talking, Kankuro also looked at Gaara.

He was just afraid that Gaara would have too much fun and use Shukaku's power without listening to his advice.

If he was exposed in advance and Konoha's people were prepared, it would be difficult for them to complete their mission.

"I love Luo......"

Temari also wanted to give some advice, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Gaara.

Just kidding, he finally met an interesting opponent, how could he let anyone interfere with his interest?

"Shut up! If you keep talking I'll kill you!"



Temari and Kankuro were speechless.

Gaara didn't care about that. He said this and followed him down the stairs and entered the competition venue.

"Ahem, I won't repeat the rules of the competition. If you can't hold on, just admit defeat quickly to avoid casualties!"

Seeing that both of them had no objection,

Moonlight Gale said again:"Now, the competition begins!"

"Oh, you can't help it either?"

Gaara suddenly covered his head with his hands, and a creepy smile appeared on his face.

Because the Shukaku in his body was unusually agitated, as if it had encountered something interesting.

"Don't worry, I will kill him soon and let you taste his blood, ah! Just give me a little more time, I will definitely not let you down!"

Gaara held his head and talked to himself, as if he was in pain.

And as he made the promise, it was as if he had really gotten the forgiveness of the monster in his body, and even the pain was relieved a lot. He took a few deep breaths.

When he raised his head again, Gaara's eyes were also filled with strong murderous intent.

After that, without waiting for Neci to do anything, he took the initiative to attack.


As Gaara raised his palm, a large piece of sand came out of the gourd behind him, and all rushed towards Neci.


I killed your father, so what?

Is it necessary to be so cruel?

Speaking of which, Neci did not expect that Gaara would have such a great hostility towards him, and he would not stop until he came up.

However, since the other party has already made a move, he will not just wait to be beaten..


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