"The members are leaders selected from various troops. There is no doubt about their positions and abilities, not to mention what affairs they are responsible for."

Turning his head to look at the people below, Koharu Utane said:"Before the fifth Hokage takes over, all affairs of Konoha will be arranged by this committee."

Good guy.

Isn't this definitely a small cabinet?

The faces of the representatives of each family turned ugly.

It's not that they are afraid of being controlled.

Wasn't it the same when there was a Hokage before ?

What's the key point? They were not notified in advance of such a big thing as forming a cabinet, let alone being allowed to run for election.

What's the point of notifying afterwards.

Isn't this completely excluding them from power! How can the people of each family have a good face when they are treated like this?

"Dormitory transfer consultant, who gave you the authority to do this?"

"Is it enough, Lord Daimyo?"


The person who spoke was immediately very angry, but he was helpless.

This is how the Naruto world works.

Even if a ninja has super strength and can kill ordinary people like killing chickens, he can't compete with those big names.

This is the rule.

There are also problems in the head.

""Hyuga clan leader, what do you think about this?"

Utane Koharu began to name names in order to suppress the arrogance of the major families. The reason why Hyuga Hizashi was chosen was also very simple.

Among the current Konoha, the Hyuga clan is the strongest. As long as this side can be suppressed, the other families will not be a concern.

"What do you mean?"

Hyuga Hizashi turned his head, as if he didn't understand what Utatane Koharu said.

"It is the legitimacy of the Emergency Executive Committee. Do you recognize it?"

"Of course I don't recognize it."

Hinata Hiashi said without hesitation.

His words not only changed the faces of the two consultants, but also made the representatives of various families exclaim and show their interest.

"Hyuga Hiashi you?"

"What's wrong with me? I've never heard of this thing organized by anyone, and I wasn't notified in advance. Why should I approve it?"

Hinata Hizashi spread his hands, not giving any face to Utatane Koharu.

"Hinata Hiashi, don't go too far, this is an institution appointed by the daimyo!" Mito Kado En slammed the table and stood up.

"So what?"

Hinata Hizashi continued nonchalantly,"If you didn't notify me in advance, it would be a private organization, which is against the rules, and it is even more impossible for me to recognize you. Don't even mention your name. Even if Amaterasu comes, I won't recognize you."

"Well said by Hyuga clan leader!"

"That’s right, they didn’t even notify anyone, who would recognize such a department!"

"Do you really think we are fools, so easily fooled?"

"Humph, they said that the daimyo allowed it, but I don’t believe that the daimyo would allow us to go without notifying us in advance. This is obviously making fun of us!"

"To put it bluntly, they don’t want our families to get involved, compete with them for power, and divide the cake. Everything else is bullshit!"

"That's right, who do you think is brainless!"

With someone taking the lead, people from all the families started to make a fuss, saying all sorts of things.

This really pissed off Utane Koharu and Mitomon En, their faces were distorted!

""Enough! Do you want to rebel?"

Mizutomon En shouted.

But in this situation, no one would give him face.

The key is that they have gone too far and directly excluded people from various families from the core power.

How big a grudge is this?

They don't take others seriously, so why should others give them face ?

""Oh, you are rebelling with a feather as a token of authority, don't forget that you are just advisors, not Hokage!" Someone said.

The others also acted as if they were in a daze.

These old guys were so used to being so arrogant that they almost forgot that advisors were just like staff members.

They were people who gave advice to the Hokage, but they had no real power.

"That's right, the Hokage just died. In order to prevent the two advisors from worrying too much and becoming ill from overwork, I think you should go back and rest. We, the families, will handle Konoha's affairs, so we won't bother the two advisors."

Someone else said, and deliberately emphasized the word"advisor".

This made Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En so angry that they didn't jump up.


"Stop talking so much, come on, send the two advisors back to rest!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The patriarch of a family called for help.

"Danzo, are you just going to sit there and watch them rebel?"

There was no other way, Mito Kado En could only call out Danzo who was sitting next to him.


Danzo cursed inwardly, thinking that Mito Kado En and the others were more trouble than help, and were extremely lame.

The key point is that they really don't know how to do things.

Can't you win over a group of people and suppress a group? You offended everyone right from the start, and you still want him to save the situation, how can he save it?


After pondering for a long time, until Mitomon En and Utane Koharu were about to be carried out, Danzo opened his eyes.

"Wait a moment"

"Elder Danzo, do you have anything else to say?"

Everyone from each family looked over.

Don't say it, the pressure on Danzo is still quite great.

But in order to sit on the position of Hokage, he still needs the help of Mitomonen and Utatane Koharu, so he can't really stand by and watch him die.

"This is the first time I have heard of this committee."

As a conspirator, Danzo is quite smart, so the first thing he did was to unify the team.

Then he continued,"The two consultants were not thoughtful enough and did not take everyone's feelings into consideration, but there are reasons for this, so it is understandable."

"How to understand it?"

"I think that in order to negotiate with the Sand Village, this committee was urgently formed, and there was no time to inform everyone, the transfer advisor, is that right?"

"ah......That's right!"

Utane Koharu was not too stupid, so she quickly accepted this reason.

"Is that so?

Many people are doubting

"Of course."

Utane Koharu thought for a moment and said,"The situation was urgent at the time and we had to send representatives to negotiate with the Sand Village. That's why we set up this emergency executive committee with the permission of the daimyo. You should understand the name, right?"

"The negotiations are over, and you want this committee to handle all the affairs of Konoha. How do you explain this?"

There are still smart people who are not so easily fooled.

Give me some money, brothers, thank you very much.. Được

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