"this....We didn't think it through."Let's take a step back and smooth it over first."

Utane Koharu looked very apologetic and continued,"According to the Daimyo's intention, he wants Jiraiya or Tsunade to succeed him as the Fifth Hokage."

"Before they take office, there must be an organization responsible for handling Konoha's affairs. Anyway, it is only temporary and short-term, and will be disbanded afterwards, so we didn't think too much about it."

"Let Jiraiya and Tsunade succeed as the fifth generation?"

Everyone's attention was immediately diverted to this topic.

"That's right, that's what the daimyo meant."

Kuroda Koharu said.

As for Danzo, his face was not very good, because Kuroda Koharu and Mitokado En had never told him this news.

What is this?

Just after saving the dog, he turned around and was bitten by the dog?

Damn it!

The meeting continued.

The committee was finally recognized by everyone.

This is because, without the Hokage to preside over the overall situation, Konoha really needs such an organization to maintain the most basic operation.

Of course.

The committee members proposed by Kuroda Koharu and others were all rejected, and they had to go through a re-election. New selections must be made.

In the end,

Danzo, Hizashi Hyūga, Ino-Shikacho, and the heads of several large families became members of this committee.

As for Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En, they are still consultants and can make suggestions for the committee, but they do not have much actual power.

In this matter, even Danzo no longer supports them.

Being bitten is one thing, but Danzo does not want them to seize the real power. If they jump too much, he will naturally not help them.

As for the struggle for power,

Hizashi Hyūga does not care much, let alone Neji.

He still does it silently. He was busy with his own things, doing various experiments, or developing some ninjutsu.

Of course, he also practiced the Sage Mode. Even with his super comprehension, it took him so long.

That was because Neji's goal was too high.

He wanted more than just an ordinary Sage Mode, but wanted to turn it into a set of immortal cultivation techniques.

That's right.

It's immortal cultivation.

Neci felt that the pure Sage Mode was too lame. Not only did it borrow the power of nature, but it couldn't maintain the state all the time.

There were too many shortcomings.

So, he invested a lot of time and energy in it. , concentrating on thinking about how to transform the Sage Mode into a method of cultivating immortality.

This is almost creating a brand new system. There are too many things to think about. It is not a small project.

Naturally, the speed will not be too fast.

On this day.

Ningji received a secret letter from Hoshigaki Kisame, saying that he and Uchiha Itachi went to Konoha to investigate the situation of the Tailed Beast Jinchuriki.

In this regard.

Ningji did not intend to pay attention.

Because he knew that Uchiha Itachi's mind was not on the Jinchuriki, and he would not make any big moves in Konoha, so why bother with him.


He still told Uchiha Izumi about this matter.

"Sir, can I seek revenge?.?"

"You can't beat him yet."

Neji was also speaking the truth.

No matter how extreme the thoughts of Uchiha Itachi, this idiot, were, his strength was indeed very strong, and he could be ranked among the top few among the Kage-level characters.

Many veteran Kage-level strongmen, such as the Three, Four, and Five-Tails Jinchuriki, and Kakuzu, were far from his opponents. He had Tsukuyomi for illusions and

Amaterasu for eye techniques.

In addition, he had Susanoo, as well as a bunch of divine weapons, such as the Eight-foot Mirror and the Ten-fist Sword, which made him invincible in defense and unparalleled in attack.

How could ordinary people fight him?

Although Uchiha Izumi had good talent and opened the Mangekyō Sharingan in his teens, he was still a little worse than the cheating Uchiha Itachi.

Even with Neji's help.

He helped her stabilize the Mangekyō and increase her chakra, allowing her to truly possess strength above the Kage level.

But Neji dared to say that if he really fought with Uchiha Itachi, Izumi would definitely be the one to die.

How do you say it? (See... For exciting novels, please visit Faloo Novel Network! )

It is that Uchiha Itachi’s fighting talent is too high, and his control over the fighter plane is unparalleled. He can seize every flaw of the opponent and every opportunity to attack.

This is a very terrifying thing.

It is an advantage that can help people survive in desperate situations and turn defeat into victory.

Therefore, even those who are stronger than Uchiha Itachi may not be able to defeat him, let alone a rookie like Uchiha Izumi who does not have much practical experience.

If she wants to kill Itachi, she still lacks a lot of skills.

And this skill does not refer to basic ninjutsu, physical skills, and chakra, but combat experience and control of the battle situation.

It just so happens that others can’t help with these things, and Uchiha Izumi can only rely on his own comprehension.

Treat your own people.

Neji did not hide anything, and said whatever he had, and told her all the things that Uchiha Izumi lacked.

"`.Sir, I will continue to improve my combat experience, but I still want to fight that guy to see the gap between us!"

Uchiha Quan said with his head down, and he was a little stubborn.

"Well, as long as you don't expose yourself, you will get too excited during the fight and must die in the hands of others, the rest is up to you."

Neji waved his hand and said.

Uchiha Izumi's face turned red, but he still gritted his teeth and said:"I understand, thank you for your help, sir"

""Okay, go ahead."

Neji didn't really care about this.

Because he had mastered the art of resurrection, as long as he was willing, it would be difficult for those around him to die.

Two days later[]

Two people wearing red clouds and black robes passed through the layers of defense outside and came to Konoha. They were Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame.

"Well, Mr. Itachi, this is where Ninja���Konoha, known as the No. 1 village, doesn't look that good."

Kisame Hoshigaki said as he stepped on the ruins. Uchiha Itachi looked around and felt very strange.

Just Orochimaru and the Sand Village could bring such great damage to Konoha?

Good guy.

More than half of the houses and buildings collapsed, and even the streets were blocked.

If it weren't for living here for more than ten years, Uchiha Itachi would hardly recognize this place as Konoha.

"We just went through war, so it's understandable that it's a bit chaotic."

"Is the Sand Village so powerful that it can turn Konoha into this?"

"Aren't there still tailed beasts? Shukaku is the best at destroying the landscape."

"Well, that makes sense.

Hoshigaki Kisame nodded.

"Well, let's carry out the mission first, and we can talk about other things later."Uchiha Itachi wanted to end this topic.

"No problem.

Hoshigaki Kisame agreed directly.

After that, he followed Uchiha Itachi to the interior of Konoha.

In various places, such as the mixed areas of teahouses and taverns, he scanned the situation of the Jinchūriki. Được

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