Sorry Chennai, but, I have to figure it out.

Looking at Xue Nai's empty pupils, Chiba gritted his teeth slightly. For the first time, he realized that it was such a difficult task to be hard-hearted. In just over ten seconds, he unexpectedly He wanted to speak four times to make Xue Nai forget what he just said.

This silent situation seemed to be a kind of torment.

However, suffering is suffering, Qianye knew that he must not let go of his mouth here, and must let Xue Nai talk about his eye problems. Only in this way can he help her better.

What he has to do now is not only to know some of the situation in the past six months, but also, just from Namikaze Minato's narration, he just got a two-dimensional information, and only understood it from a two-dimensional The ins and outs of this matter.

He also needs to understand this matter as much as possible, including all the parties he can ask for news.

And now, Xue Nai is also one of the parties involved, and even a victim.

In addition, if he doesn't come back, it's fine if he doesn't know, but now that he's back, he knows.

Knowing about Xue Nai's unfair treatment, and knowing that her eyes are blind, then, no matter what, she must reverse this situation and cure her eyes.

at all costs!

But now, knowing the story of the Hyuga Clan is to solve the problem of Yukina's unfair treatment, and asking about the problem of Yukina's eyes is to solve the problem of her blindness. He had to understand how Xue Nai's eyes became blind, so that he could prescribe the right medicine and treat it.

And in the past six months, too many things have happened, plus the fact that Namikaze Minato is already the fourth Hokage, he doesn't have much time to spend leisurely.

Things to be dealt with must be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Moreover, he faintly felt that these things involving the people he cared about were more complicated than what he knew now,

Moreover, Namikaze Minato did not fully handle this matter.

Of course, it’s not that Namikaze Minato’s ability is not good, but that Namikaze Minato’s time is limited. After all, the Shumeng peace talks have not yet started. Little, trivial things, and finally getting everything back on track.

To be honest, according to the policy of making big things small and small things small, Namikaze Minato has done a good job. This matter has actually been suppressed, and the next step is just time.

Among the various possible conspiracies and tricks of the villages before the peace talks and alliances, he was able to handle such things as the rebellion of the Hyuga clan so well, which shows the wisdom of Namikaze Minato.

It's just that this way of reducing big things to small things is naturally a good solution from the perspective of the village, but for Chiba, this is not a good solution.

Even, the consequences of this solution made him very dissatisfied.

So, he decided to intervene in this matter.

However, meddling is one thing. After all, he is not a hot-blooded teenager in his teens, or a brainless idiot. In this matter, he is not likely to make an earth-shattering riot. This kind of Hyuga clan only exists in juvenile books. The hearty and bloody scene.

In fact, if he really came to this game, then, no matter how many feats he has made, and how special Kushina's status is, no matter how much the Fourth Hokage favors him, he will not be able to keep him.

Even now that the war is coming to an end and the people feel at peace, he has come to such an act of blatantly rebelling against the village. It is estimated that not only the Konoha ninja group will get rid of him, but everyone in the village class will probably call for beatings.

The so-called irreversible trend.

As for the protagonists in those juvenile books who brave the world and rely on their strength to settle their grievances and feuds in a chic and happy manner, it is just a scene that young people want to see with passion, basically it is written for readers , In reality, the protagonist is really the kind of person who can only rely on fists. Without the aura of the protagonist, he is generally a character who cannot survive two episodes.

Chiba has already passed this age.

Although he was not very old when he crossed, but under the various comparisons between the real life of his previous life and the plot of the novel, he already understood what to do is wise.

A novel, after all, is a novel.

Reality is always cruel.

To be honest, he wanted to make a big fuss with the Hyuga Clan, but he couldn't do that. If he did, it would undoubtedly be self-destructive, ruining the only hope for Yukina, Hirohiko, and even Kushina to solve the current predicament Lose.

After all, now, both Kushina and Namikaze Minato are in a stalemate, and things have actually entered a deadlock, and he is the only breakthrough in this deadlock.

Since he intervenes, he must be cautious, cautious, and more cautious.

Because, if one fails, it will make the situation worse, and even completely push Hirohiko and Xue Nai into the abyss of eternal doom.

"ok, I get it."

And at this time, Xue Nai seemed to feel Qianye's determination, gently wiped away the tears that finally couldn't help overflowing, nodded, and said with a nasal tone.

"Tell me about something that doesn't feel right."

Seeing the strong look on Xue Nai's face, Qianye quietly heaved a sigh of relief, and spoke as calmly as possible.

"The eye problem should have started during the mission of Kannabi Bridge, and it was not so serious when recuperating later. Originally, as long as you don't use the white eye for too long, there will be no problem. Until the three After a month..."

Upon hearing Qianye's words, Xue Nai pursed her lips, and after taking a deep breath, she told Qianye everything about her eyes.

She understood that the reason why Qianye asked herself these questions was of course not to expose her scars, but to heal her eyes.

It's just that there are some things that she really doesn't want to mention, and there are some pains that she dare not even mention.

During the mission of Kannabi Bridge, it was already...


Xue Nai was already in danger at that time, I... Could it be that I have always let her perform tasks in that state?

I actually...

Didn't notice it at all?

But at this time, listening to Xue Nai's narration, Chiba's originally loosened jaws were slowly clenched again, and a feeling of fear and self-blame gradually emerged in his heart.

When I was at Kannabi Bridge, Baiyan was sometimes unusable, Xue Nai, this is really a brush with death!

As the captain, I didn't realize that this is no longer a matter of dereliction of duty!

At that time, he was thinking too much about Obito's fate and ignored it!

"Then, after being..."

However, at this time, Xue Nai's narration did not make him afraid and blame himself for a long time, only to see Xue Nai speaking, slowly raised his hand, and took off the forehead guard on his forehead.


And as the forehead guard was taken off, when the smooth and white forehead appeared in front of his eyes, Qianye's hand suddenly clenched tightly!

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