Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1153 Bird in a Cage!


All the Hinata clan...

Go down from the sun to the sun, and go down from the sun to the sun!

Looking at the smooth and fair forehead, Chiba's eyes narrowed bit by bit, and his hands almost rattled.

And in his squinted pupils, in the pupils glowing with sharp brilliance, there is a reflection of the cyan-like pattern on the smooth forehead.

Curse seal, caged bird!

Yes, at this moment, on Xue Nai's forehead, the "X"-shaped curse seal pattern is clearly the curse seal used by the head of the Hyuga clan to restrain the branch family, the bird in the cage!

And the name of this curse seal is also very vivid.

Once engraved with a curse seal by the clan, it is like a bird in a cage, subject to the clan forever.

As for a seal, the person who is engraved with the bird in the cage will die.

And engraved with this curse seal, there is no way to eliminate it except death.

Looking at the entire Hokage, this bird in a cage can be regarded as a very insidious curse mark.

"Two months after I was engraved with this curse seal, my eyes were completely blind."

At this time, the second half of Xue Nai's sentence came.

Is it really because of the curse mark of the caged bird?

Originally, Xue Nai's eyes were good and bad, and there was an unknown situation. Now with the bird in the cage, blindness is nothing but normal!

Hearing this sentence, Chiba's clenched fist seemed to be clenched even tighter.

From Namikaze Minato's narration, he knew that since Hyuga Hyugo, everyone in the Hyuga clan has been engraved as a bird in a cage. Besides, even if this is not the case, as the daughter of Shinsuke Hinata, the mastermind of the rebellion, it is impossible for Yukino to keep The body of the clan must be engraved with a bird in a cage.

However, no matter how certain it is, guesses are guesses after all. Qianye still has some luck in his heart, hoping that Xue Nai might not be engraved because of blindness, but now, after seeing the caged bird with his own eyes, although there is still luck Psychologically, but Chiba, who had already made considerable psychological preparations, still felt a strong feeling of anger.

He understood that Xue Nai's blindness was definitely directly related to the bird in the cage.

He even faintly felt that it might be impossible to heal Xue Nai's eyes if he didn't solve the caged bird.

After all, the effect of the curse seal of the bird in a cage is to destroy the brain nerves of the person who was engraved with the curse seal, causing him to die.

In addition, each family member does not have complete white-eyed vision. There will be a dead spot with a diameter of five centimeters directly behind the first thoracic vertebra. I am afraid that it is because the engraved bird in a cage has affected the brain. The optic nerve of the eye, and the blood-continuous boundary of the white eye, is affected by this part of the optic nerve, resulting in this dead angle.

On the other hand, the Zong family has no such dead ends.

That is to say, the bird in the cage has a bad effect on the visual nerve of the engraved person. When Xue Nai was engraved with the bird in the cage, the impact of the bird in the cage on the optic nerve, plus the original white eyes of Xue Nai appeared The problem caused Xue Nai's blindness.

And coupled with Qianye's understanding of the sealing technique, coupled with the various similarities between the sealing technique and the curse seal, Qianye knew very well that the curse seal of the caged bird was probably implanted in the brain.

Although it appears on the forehead, the real subject of the curse seal may be deep in the brain.

This may also be one of the reasons why the curse of the caged bird cannot be lifted.

The brain can be said to be the most important and fragile organ of the human body. It is the carrier of human thinking. All human behavior can be said to originate from this organ.

Because of its importance and fragility, taking out the curse seal forcibly may cause irreversible damage to the brain, and may even directly lead to brain death.

Even if there is no brain death, it will be insane at the slightest, and become a vegetable at the worst.

Although the bird in the cage is said to be unbreakable, a ninja whose sealing technique has reached Chiba's level would not think that there are unsolvable sealing techniques, curse seals, or even barriers in the world.

After all, curse seals and barriers are at best the same as the sealing technique, except for the use of chakra through special techniques except for property changes and form changes.

It's just that the emphasis is different, and the special techniques are also different.

Essentially, it's the same.

"Chiba... Chiba? What's wrong?"

And at this time, Xue Nai, who had finished the narration, heard Qianye's silence for a long time, couldn't help feeling a little worried, and called out softly twice.

"No, it's nothing, put your forehead guard on later, I'll take a look."

Hearing Xue Nai's voice, Qianye took a breath, calmed down the anger that the important person was restrained by others, and said as calmly as possible.


To Chiba's words, Xue Nai nodded, responded, and put aside the forehead guard that she wanted to wear again.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure you."

Qianye took a few steps forward, shortening the distance between herself and Xue Nai to the point where they were face to face, then, closing her eyes, stretched out her hand, and lightly pressed it on Xue Nai's forehead, her smooth and flawless hand covered her face. The curse seal that symbolizes the cage.


Feeling the warm temperature in Qianye's hand, a blush suddenly appeared on Xue Nai's cheeks, and her heart beat a little faster.

The sealing technique and the curse seal really have the same effect!

At this time, Qianye's hands slowly released the unique chakra that constitutes the sealing technique, and released it along the lines of the curse seal of the bird in the cage, carefully using a method of sealing technique construction , began to build the special pattern of the curse seal of the caged bird like a copy.

Be careful, be more careful, I don't know if the bird in the cage has an intrusion defense mechanism, it can't trigger this spell!

At the same time, Qianye kept vigilant in his heart, for fear that if he was not careful, he would activate the curse seal of the bird in the cage and harm Xue Nai.

a little deeper...a little deeper...

And with the continuous construction of the special Chakra of the sealing technique, in Chiba's consciousness, in his own Chakra sense of touch, a huge and complex seal of the seal that extends from the forehead to the depths of Xue Nai's brain slowly built out.

The curse mark of the bird in the cage seems to be only the forehead, but in a microscopic structure, the bird in the cage is definitely a giant, and even in every neuron of Xue Nai, there are tentacles made up of the special chakra of the curse mark of the bird in the cage Deeply implanted in it, especially the optic nerve, the special cyan chakra of the bird in the cage is basically like a vine, tightly wrapped.

It turns out that because of these spells on the optic nerve, the white eyes are useless after the death of a member of the Hyuga clan.

When the branch of the Hyuga family dies, these curse seals will shatter the optic nerve, and the generation and transmission of Baiyan's pupil power is estimated to have a great relationship with the optic nerve. Obviously, Xue Nai's optic nerve It is much more complicated and sophisticated. If the optic nerve is crushed, the white eyes may cease to exist.

And this caged bird is really...

Too complicated!

Even more complicated than my yin seal!

It should also be a relic of the Six Paths era!

And as the model that copied the general sealing technique was constructed in his hands, Chiba's face slowly darkened.

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