Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1157 For this?


For this?

On the top of the head, the red and raised bun stacked like double balls steamed with a wisp of white smoke, and Qianye's face that was about to cry but without tears was added with a layer of expression that was about to cry without tears, and the whole person was about to cry without tears. Tears plus dumbfounding.

Looking at the angry red-haired beauty who was still flying red hair at this time, Chiba didn't know what to say for a while.

There is only one reason for Jiu Xinnai's words to be beaten.

it turns out……

only one!

That is, I went to meet Namikaze Minato first, not him.

Yes, you heard that right.

Jiu Xinnai's words showed his angry position, that is, as his most beloved and proud disciple, after returning from a narrow escape, he didn't come to see his teacher for the first time, but went to see the four generations Naruto.

Chiba felt wronged.

Logically speaking, I have been away for half a year, and now I am back, of course I have to report to the Fourth Hokage. After all, after leaving the village for a certain period of time, no matter what the reason is, I have to report this time to the village after returning to the village. The village, especially information that is beneficial to the village,

Besides, this time, Namikaze Minato asked Assistant Hokage to take him there, so how could he not go.

However, this is logical after all.

For my own teacher, especially for my angry teacher, logic does not exist.

"Yes, I was wrong, Teacher Kushina."

For this, Qianye, who was wearing two bags, stood up slowly, and apologized as if accepting her fate.

At this time, Chiba knew very well that she could not justify herself no matter what, the best way was to apologize.

No matter right or wrong, apology first.

Generally speaking, after he has apologized, Kushina will consider "logical" issues, which is the experience that has been deeply rooted in his subconscious for many years.

It is also the only truth for survival under Jiuxinai's fist.

All three of Jiuxinnai's class knew this.

So, here Chiba chose the answer as always.

That rascal……

And just because I went to see Namikaze Minato first, I was so angry that I was implicated and beaten.

The conflict between the two is really deep!

However, an apology is an apology, and Chiba still feels wronged in his heart. At the same time, he is also a little worried. Seeing Kushina like this, he already has a prejudice against Minato Namikaze, and he has become that guy by name.

For the innocent two, and for Kushina, who blushed and heartbeated and turned into a paste after Namikaze Minato apologized for his mistake, this is almost the rhythm of breaking up.

At this moment, Qianye was a little unconfident. In terms of emotions, he was not a master at all, even a blank sheet of paper, plus he was not very good at communication, so his ability to persuade fights was basically a negative number.

And the reason why he agreed to Namikaze Minato, or the certainty that he agreed to Namikaze Minato to do this, is entirely because of his resurrection after a long absence. With my own persuasion, I reconciled.

Even, this may be the reason why Namikaze Minato asked himself.

However, looking at Kushina's appearance now, just because he was ahead of her and saw Namikaze Minato, he directly beat him up. I'm afraid he can't solve this matter.

These two punches directly knocked out Chiba's confidence.

At this moment, he even wanted to change what he said in front of Namikaze Minato, so that he could let go of this errand. Seeing Kushina's appearance, let alone persuasion, he would be beaten if he mentioned Namikaze Minato!

"Hmph... Forget it, what's the matter?"

But at this time, after hearing Chiba's apology, Kushina lowered her fist as before, and even her hair slowly fell down, obviously her anger has subsided.

Jiu Xinnai's anger came quickly, but in fact, it dissipated quite quickly, provided the correct method was found.

how's it going?

This is, seeing that Kushina calmed down, Chiba was overjoyed at first, thankful that he didn't have to be beaten, Kushina's fist, for some reason, always hurts, no matter how much his ability to fight against blows is strengthened, it still hurts. If he couldn't reach the fist, he felt as much pain as he wanted. He was still quite afraid of Jiushina's fist.

While rejoicing, Qianye was also a little puzzled. Kushina's words were obviously asking him something, but he didn't know what happened to the four words "how's it going?"

"What, how is it?"

Then, he hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Xue Nai's eyes! How did you check?"

Regarding Chiba's question, Kushina frowned and said it as a matter of course.

Xue Nai's eyes?

How did Kushina know that I checked Yukina's eyes?

Hearing this, Chiba was taken aback for a moment, and after recalling that there was really no way for Kushina to know how he checked Xue Nai's eyes, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Kushina.

But seeing that Jiu Xinnai was also looking at him at this time, there seemed to be no expression in his eyes, but in the bottom of his eyes, there was subtle worry and a glimmer of hope.

She is worrying, but also hoping...

She worried that Qianye did not say what she expected.

And the words that Jiu Xinna wanted, Qianye had faintly noticed.

So that's the case, Kushina...you're still worried about me after all!

Then, after realizing it, Chiba's heart still warmed up. No matter how Kushina behaved before, he understood that Kushina was still the teacher who devoted all his feelings to them and was really good for them.

"I haven't found a solution yet, but Mr. Kushina, please believe me, I will definitely find a solution."

But thinking of this, Qianye didn't hold back, and hurriedly said.

"Is it that serious?"

Hearing Chiba's words, Kushina was overjoyed at first, and then stunned. Kushina knew Chiba's medical technology quite well, and Kushina even boasted to Mikoto Uchiha about her own skills. The medical skills of the most beloved and proudest disciple, she originally thought that Qianye should be able to find a cure, but now she didn't expect that even Qianye could not do anything, and her heart skipped a beat.

She doesn't want Xue Nai to be blind for the rest of her life.

"No, I'm fine, Teacher Kushina, I'm used to it anyway."

And hearing Jiu Xinnai's words, Xue Nai hurriedly said, she could hear her teacher's worries, now her teacher has enough things on her shoulders, she doesn't want to add to her teacher's troubles.

"It's a bit serious, but it's not completely impossible. I still have some ideas now, it just takes time."

But at this moment, Qianye shook her head and said.

Not all of his "temporarily" are comforting, he still has some ideas.


Hearing Qianye's words, a gleam of joy obviously flashed in Kushina's bright eyes, and he hurriedly asked.


Chiba nodded positively.

"Okay! Then, I want to go home for dinner!"

After getting the answer she wanted, Kushina finally smiled, turned around and gave an order, without waiting for Chiba and Xue Nai's reaction, she immediately went to the Japanese-style residence.

Chiba hurriedly pulled Xue Nai to follow.

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