Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1158 Go home

"come in……"

Kushina pushed open the door of the Japanese-style wooden house, said to Chiba and Yukina who came from behind, and went straight into the house.

"It's just right, there is still some food at home, why don't you eat, Chiba."

Then, there was a sound from the kitchen, along with the sound of pots and pans.

Obviously, Kushina is going to heat up the food.


Hearing Kushina's words, and the sound of pots and pans from the kitchen, Qianye gently opened Xuena's hand and responded, but his eyes fell on this and the other place involuntarily. Japanese-style wooden houses and the surroundings of Japanese-style wooden houses.

Everything is still the same as when they set out for the mission of Shenwubi Bridge.

It's just that there are a lot of potted plants on the aisle outside the door, and various flowers and plants bloom around the wooden house. It seems that the small wooden house is surrounded by green grass orchids.

Did Kushina make these?


Xue Nai?

Looking at everything in front of him, the corner of Qianye's mouth couldn't help but a slightly reassuring smile.

Looking at the situation here, it seems that the Hyuga clan did not make a fuss here. In other words, after Kushina lived here, it can be regarded as suppressing some people. Xue Nai's life during this period, as long as she stays in this Japanese-style wooden house You should not be disturbed or bullied.

After all, Xue Nai couldn't see it, and it was impossible to go out often.

This made Chiba feel a little more at ease, and also made the guilt in his heart a little less.

"Chi... Chiba..."

And at this time, while Qianye was thinking about it, Xue Nai's voice, which was hesitant to speak, rang out.

"What's wrong? Xue Nai?"

Hearing this sound, Chiba subconsciously turned around.

But she saw Xue Nai lowered her head, her face was hidden under the bangs on her forehead, and her right hand was stretched out towards herself.

"That...bamboo pole, give me the bamboo pole. I... let's go in."

Then, under the indistinguishable face covered by bangs, there was a faltering sound.

"Ah? Oh! Sorry, here you are!"

After hearing this, Qianye suddenly realized, looked at the bamboo pole in his hand, and hurriedly handed it over.

"No... nothing."

In this regard, Xue Nai took the bamboo pole, not only intentionally or unintentionally, she lowered her head and tried to avoid Chiba as much as possible, but after the bamboo pole, she said softly, and then used the bamboo pole to enter the house with ease.

After Qianye froze for a moment, he followed into the house.

After entering the house, Qianye took another look at the furnishings, and it was the same as the outside, except for some more potted plants, there was no change in the interior furnishings, everything was still the same.

Before he knew it, Qianye stopped in his tracks, feeling an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

The bits and pieces of living with Yukina, Hirohiko, and Nao slowly came up.

It's just that people have changed.

Someone is gone.

And the people who are here are also different.

"I'm going to change clothes."

At this time, when Chiba gradually felt that he was human, Xue Nai in front of him suddenly said something, and walked quickly to the bottom of the stairs on his own, grabbed the railing of the stairs and ran up.

"oh oh!"

Qianye was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously responded.

Oops! Forgot to ask!

Then, suddenly, he realized that he had missed something. When she was carrying Xue Nai on her back just now, Xue Nai's heartbeat and body temperature were obviously abnormal. Xue Nai's body may have other problems besides her eyes.

Forget it, Xue Nai is by my side now, she doesn't look like she is seriously ill and has a fever, so I'll ask again when I have time.

And after realizing it, seeing Xue Nai's voice disappearing on the second floor, Chiba didn't plan to go to Xue Nai's boudoir for a while, and temporarily dismissed the plan to ask Xue Nai about her health.

Now, I don't know what happened to Hirohiko?

According to Namikaze Minato's narration, although Namikaze Minato described Hirohiko as crazy, but judging from some of the narration process, Hirohiko at that time was probably because Nao's pupil power disappeared, and those memories suppressed by pupil power recovered. , he couldn't find an emotional outlet for a while, so he was temporarily crazy, so he killed those Uchiha clansmen.

Crazy should not be enough.

Hirohiko's temperament is definitely not that weak.

Even if Nao left, he would definitely be able to calm down.

It's just that after calming down, it doesn't matter if he is still the warm-hearted guy!

I have to fight for a chance to see Hirohiko, I have to understand Hirohiko's current state, and then find a way to weaken the impact of Nao's incident on him.


Think of a way to avenge Nao!

And after giving up the intention of asking Xue Nai about her body, she stroked the wooden pillar at hand, and rubbing this pillar, feeling the texture of the tree rings in the smooth touch on it, Chiba couldn't help but flashed through her mind. Here is the scene where Hirohiko built the cabin in the ruins of the cabin.

During that time, he was obsessed with cultivation, and this house was almost built by him.

"That guy, I don't know that he lived in the confinement room..."

A series of pictures flashed in my mind, and amidst the sound of "giggle", Qianye murmured, and her fists were slowly clenched.

"What are you doing? Eat!"

At this time, the sound of stir-frying cumin in the door of the kitchen stopped, and amidst the sound of pots and bowls colliding, at the kitchen door, Jiu Xinna poked out half of his head and greeted Chiba.

"Well, here we come."

Hearing Kushina's words, Qianye immediately restrained her expression, making herself look as calm as ever, and at the same time turned and walked into the kitchen.

At this time, there were already six or seven steaming dishes beside Jiu Xinnai.

"Go to the big table to eat."

Seeing Chiba walking in, Kushina, who was putting the last dish in the pot into the dish, said casually.


To this, Qianye immediately responded, and after taking a look at the small table in the kitchen behind him, he brought out the dishes.

Do Kushina and Xue Nai usually eat at this table?

In Qianye's heart, he had some thoughts about the small table in the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, the killing of more than a thousand people did not change this child...

At this moment, looking at Chiba's back as usual, as well as her demeanor and movements, Kushina couldn't help showing an uncontrollable smile at the corner of her mouth.

Although she didn't show any joy in front of Qianye's return, and even beat him up as soon as he came back, but how could Kushina be unhappy in his heart?

My beloved disciple, who escaped death, came back after all. How could she remain indifferent, as if my beloved disciple had never experienced a life-and-death situation at all.

Of course she was happy, but now she, as the teacher of these three children, Kushina, couldn't show too many emotions.

Because, before Chiba came back, she was the only support for Yukina and Hirohiko. If she showed too many inappropriate expressions, how would these two suffering children deal with themselves!

Encountering such things, disciples going through such tribulations, anyone, anyone who cares about them, can cry over it, feel resentful about it, and feel sad about it, but there is only her, the only one they have left Relying on their teacher, she, Kushina, couldn't show any emotion.

Only she had to grit her teeth, pretend to be okay in front of the children, and block everything for them!

This is also the only thing she, a useless teacher, can do for these two children!

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