Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1534 Visitor

At ten o'clock in the evening, on the western outskirts of Muye Village, the camp.

"Then, you have to take good care of yourselves and don't work too hard."

Looking at the two disciples who were seeing him off, Jiuxinna couldn't help stretching out his hands, gently pressing on the heads of the two, and rubbing them vigorously until the soft hairs of the two were frizzy. A pinch of warped hair was slowly removed.

And in her mouth, there was such a sentence with a little reluctance.

"Yes, Teacher Kushina!"

Hearing this, feeling the teacher's warm palm slowly move away from his head, Xue Nai and Hirohiko said almost in unison.

In the words, there is also a bit of reluctance.

It seems that there is really no need to worry too much about Hirohiko's mental state, this child is different from other Uchihas.

At this time, Kushina, who was a little worried about Hirohiko, had completely let go of the worries in his heart, and the haze about the Uchiha clan that he got from his ancestors finally dissipated.

It's just that this child... lost a lot of weight.

Afterwards, after completely letting go of his heart, Jiu Xinnai was a little distressed. The disciple in front of him had obviously lost a lot of weight. Although he looked quite healthy, compared to before, he could still clearly I can see that I have lost weight.

"Then, I'll go back first."

However, Kushina didn't say much next, but couldn't help but patted the heads of the two of them again, and after smoothing their hairs, he turned and left.

"Be careful on the road, Teacher Kushina!"

And following the sound of Hirohiko and Xue Nai, Kushina slowly stepped into the avenue of the village.


"Let's go back."

Hirohiko watched Kushina all the way until he could no longer see her figure, and then said to Yukina who was invisible but also watched Kushina leave.

"Well, really, it made Teacher Kushina worry."

Regarding this, Xue Nai nodded, subconsciously saying this.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it seems that Teacher Kushina is more worried about me, so I came here specially."

Hearing this, a slightly apologetic smile appeared on the corner of Hirohiko's mouth, but his tone was filled with rare warmth.

Today, since Kushina came to see them this afternoon, Hirohiko has already noticed that Kushina is asking for warmth, and he has carefully looked at himself and Xue Nai up and down. Kushina is worried about the two of them, especially himself. .

He could even see a bit of worry from the way Jiuxinna looked at him.

To be honest, this made him a little embarrassed, but more moved.

Around him, there are still many people who care about him.

Chiba, Kakashi, Yukina, Snow Eagle... and his own teacher.

"However, it's been a long time since I ate Teacher Kushina's bento. Teacher Kushina's food is really getting better and better."

Regarding Hirohiko's Chiba, Xue Nai didn't say anything, just said so.

"Well, yes. It's a pity that Chiba is not here."

Regarding this, Hirohiko didn't dwell too much on apologizing, and said it was a pity to hear this.

"He's afraid we won't have anything to eat."

Hearing this, Xue Nai smiled slightly and said.


Hearing this, Hong Yan was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then said with a deep feeling.

Then, both of them smiled slightly.

"Over there, how is it going?"

Then, after walking away with a smile for a while, Xue Nai's smile slowly subsided, she lowered her voice as much as possible, and said.

"Don't worry, there are still many people who are biased towards us. We will know immediately about some aspects of things. If the new person in charge makes any decision that is not good for us, we will have enough time to react. Of course, I Under the guise of being the chief assistant in charge, they asked them to report to me alone out of work considerations, which is entirely for the purpose of work and will not be seen by others."

Regarding this, Hirohiko's expression returned to that expressionless poker face, and he said so.

"Well, next, the matter of the second ring has been settled. With the experience of the first ring and enough manpower transferred from the village, we can follow the steps."

Hearing this, Xue Nai nodded, and said as if he was slightly relieved.

"If you follow the steps, you will have a lot of free time. Do you want to go back?"

Regarding this, Hirohiko seemed to have sensed the meaning hidden in Xue Nai's words, and said.

"You'll be empty, too."

Hearing these words, Xue Nai paused slightly, but quickly recovered, her footsteps sped up a little, and with the sound of "Dede" hitting the ground with the bamboo pole, she caught up with Hirohiko who was walking in front.

"Well, so, I'm also thinking about whether I should go back."

Hearing Xue Nai's words, Hirohiko seemed to think for a while and said.

"Wait for a couple of days and stabilize completely. Let's go back together. Let's give Chiba a surprise."

To this, Xue Nai said.

"Well, it seems pretty good!"

Hearing this, Hirohiko also agreed.

"Then it's decided."

Hearing Hirohiko's affirmative answer, Yuki Nai made a final decision like this.

Then, after that, neither of them spoke any more, and walked directly towards their own room all the way.

Now, according to the work intensity regulations of the camp, they are already off work and have free time.

And soon, the two returned to their own rooms amidst their farewell sounds.


"Get... get... squeak..."

Amidst the sound of the bamboo pole hitting the ground, and the creaking sound of the door being pushed open, Xue Nai slowly walked into her room.

After two days... Well, I should be able to arrange work in two days, and I will be able to see Chiba again!

And in her heart, there was such a thought that was somewhat excited.


However, just when such a slightly excited thought flashed in her mind, her foot that stepped into the room was suddenly heavy, her whole body was stunned, and the other hand almost subconsciously touched her waist. In the ninja bag behind.

Although she couldn't see it, she could feel that there was someone in the room!

strange feeling...


what to do?

Kunai attacked first, and then forced him to make a sound, revealing his position?

What should I do if he takes advantage of what I can't see and makes two noises when his heart is fluttering?

What can I do to deal with this situation?

Who is it?

Why can sneak into this camp?

What kind of strength can sneak into the camp?


But at this moment, a series of thoughts flashed through her mind.

"Xue Nai, it's me."

At this moment, when she was in a state of confusion, a voice sounded in the room.

A, quite calm voice.

It was also a voice that made her startled, with a look of astonishment and doubt on her face.

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