Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1535 Visiting

"Daily difference...brother?"

Recalling that calm and gentle voice in her ears, Xue Nai slowly straightened up, and slowly withdrew her hand from the ninja bag, while her face was full of surprise and doubt, even with her words, there was also doubt and not sure.

"it's me."

And soon, she got an affirmative answer.

At this moment, in front of her, standing in the middle of the room, is the branch of the Hyuga clan, the younger brother of Hyuga Hyuzu, the current patriarch of the Hyuga clan, and one of Xue Nai's older brothers, Hyuga Nichizai.

"You... why are you here, Brother Richai!"

Hearing this affirmative answer and the familiar voice, Xue Nai almost immediately burst into a surprised smile, and walked into the room quickly while speaking.


Amid the sound of the door closing, Xue Nai stopped in front of Hinata Hyuzai, her pair of empty beautiful eyes precisely "stared" at Hinata Hyuzai's face.

"Come and see you."

In this regard, looking at Xue Nai's empty eyes, Hinata Hinata suffocated slightly, and after a while, he said in a voice as calm as possible.

"Really? Sit down, why don't you tell me in advance."

Obviously, Xue Nai was very happy when this elder brother came to see her, so she asked Hinata Hinata to find a place to sit down first, while she went to touch the teapot beside her.

"I want to surprise you."

Seeing Xue Nai's turning around to touch the teapot, although Hinata Hyuzai said that he was still quite calm, his face had changed, and a layer of guilt slowly surfaced.

"This is really a surprise!"

At this time, Xue Nai also touched the teapot, and while talking, she poured the tea skillfully, and without using a bamboo pole, she accurately walked to the table in the room, and put down the tea and the teapot.

"Sit down, Brother Richai!"

Sensing that Hyuga and Rishi were fixed in place and had no intention of sitting down at all, Xue Nai hurriedly said again.


In this regard, Hinata Hinata immediately restrained the guilt in his heart, walked a few steps, sat down behind the table, and then, watching Xue Nai also sat down with a smile.

Can Xue Nai's eyes be cured?

And in his heart, the sense of guilt seemed to be even stronger.

"Come here today, just to see me? Come to the camp, is there any mission?"

Pushing the tea in front of Hinata Hichizai without any mistakes, Xue Nai smiled and said.

Facing this elder brother who loved her very much since she was a child, Xue Nai finally showed a childish look on her face.

Compared to her other brother Hinata Hyuzu, this Hinata Hinata can be regarded as her closest person besides her father.

Her mother died early, and her father was busy with other things. From the time she can remember, almost all of her memories are the voices of Hinata Risai. Richai brother is always right, hungry and greedy, but father doesn't allow it, so Richai brother will always leave some delicious food for her...

It can be said that in Xue Nai's memory, this elder brother is also a brother and a father. When her father is busy training the son of a close friend, hoping that he will become a talent, so that he can bestow important responsibilities, she is almost always with him. poorly together.

It is also Hinata Risai who has been taking care of him, and even his soft boxing method was taught by this brother Risai.

Among the two older brothers, Xue Nai undoubtedly likes the older brother Rizu more than the older brother who always feels a bit distant.

However, since I entered the ninja school, this brother who is on a daily basis has gradually lost contact with her. Many things in the clan have also fallen on this brother who is separated from the family. The chances of the two meeting each other are getting more and more not enough.

However, every time we meet, this day-travel brother will always bring her a lot of surprises, sometimes it is the experience of soft boxing, sometimes it is beautiful ornaments, and sometimes it is some rare flowers... She knows , this elder brother has always cared about her.

Later, after the elder brother got married, they hardly saw each other.

This is also the first time she has met this brother after the accident in the Hyuga Clan.

"There are some tasks. It's a discussion about deploying the Hyuga clan to station on the second ring. Tomorrow, the clan will be selected to enter the second ring early warning system. It's Hokage's order."

Regarding this, Hinata Hinata paused for a moment, and finally answered truthfully without hiding the truth from this suffering sister.

"Really? Is it a new order?"

And hearing this sound, Xue Nai's face subconsciously turned serious, with a somewhat thoughtful expression on his face.

"Don't think about it. There is no room for manipulation here. It is purely to use white eyes to increase the visual range. It is expected that a group of other types of perception ninjas will be deployed."

Seeing Xue Nai's appearance, Hyuga Hinata had a flash of warmth in his eyes, and said.

At least, she is doing well now!

With the protection of someone like Qianye, nothing will go wrong.

Moreover, now that she has gained a firm foothold in the defense force, I heard that the entire defense force is convinced of her. After the incident in the clan broke out, it seems that it is not Hokage who is suppressing it. The current defense force captain Kenshin Watanabe, But I'm about to go to the door and take Xue Nai away.

Xue Nai was engraved as a bird in a cage, and it seemed that the defense forces also had a big commotion.

For this reason, up to now, the defense force still has quite a few complaints about our family.

In the faint warm smile at the corner of his mouth, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Okay, then I won't think too much about it. Anyway, these things are also the things that the general manager is responsible for. As the side of the defense force, I don't have too much direct relationship."

Regarding Hinata Risai's words, Xue Nai simply didn't think too much about it, and said after pouring herself a cup of tea.

"Now, are you used to the life here?"

Seeing Xue Nai's obviously happy face, Hinata Hyu took a deep breath and asked.

Although he really has a mission this time, he is also serious about coming to visit Xue Nai. He wants to know how his sister is doing now.

Looking at the simple decoration here just now, he was actually a little worried in his heart.

Compared with the clan, the conditions are far worse.

Moreover, her eyes are not convenient, and I don't know what the general manager here thinks, so there is no one to take care of her daily life.

"I'm used to it. Look, I don't need anything. I can walk to this table and pour tea by myself. Don't worry, I have no problem here."

Regarding this, Xue Nai clearly sensed her brother's thoughts, and said.

"That's good!"

Hearing this, Hyuga smiled faintly.

It's really...something I can't hide from her.

But in his heart, there was some helplessness.

"Well, don't worry, Brother Risai."

Regarding this, Xue Nai gave Hinata Hinata another big reassuring smile.

However, seeing Xue Nai's smile, Hinata Hinata frowned.

"How's your eye? Can it... recover?"

Then, after hesitating for a while, as if he had made up his mind, Hyuga asked abruptly.

Finally, he asked the question he was most concerned about and worried about.

It is also the real purpose of his trip besides the mission.

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