It turns out that Brother Richa is still concerned about this matter...

Listening to Hinata Hinata's determined words, Xue Nai could almost imagine the guilt on her brother's face that caused her blindness due to the bird in the cage.

"Don't worry, Brother Richai. In fact, the bird in the cage is only part of the reason for my blindness. It's not even the main reason. It's just a catalyst. The real reason is a strange disease in my childhood. However, Qianye has already helped me find a cure, and it only takes a certain period of recuperation to restore my light."

Thinking about it, Xue Nai smiled, trying not to show an expression that would let Hinata Hinata see that she had seen his thoughts, and said so.


Did you see it?

However, this time, it is obvious that Xue Nai is naive. For a person who has watched her grow up since she was a child, no matter how she conceals it, she can't hide it. .

"Feel sorry……"

But after seeing what Xue Nai was thinking, Hyuga Hideza felt even more guilty in his heart, and he didn't have time to think about what Xue Nai said, and the sound came out of his mouth.

At the beginning, after the civil strife in the family subsided, he was ordered to arrest Xue Nai as a traitor's daughter and hand it over to the clan.

It is because of herself that Xue Nai will be engraved as a bird in a cage. will cause blindness.

If he hadn't caught it by himself, with Xue Nai's strength, it would be absolutely impossible to be engraved as a bird in a cage.

Everything is because I accepted that order, the order to send my sister into the fire pit.

"Brother Rizu, please don't feel guilty. If it wasn't for you and brother Rizu, I'm afraid my situation would be worse than it is now. If you don't accept the order to arrest me, I'm afraid, you and I will both die. The patriarch will never condone a branch family that disobeys orders, and there is a clan that can make the branch family disobey, and it will even bring about a bigger wave of purges. Many innocent members of the branch family, even members of the clan at that time, will be punished. If there is an impact, I am afraid that more clansmen will be treated unfairly, and even lose their lives because of it. At that time, the previous generation of patriarchs really did everything they can."

Regarding this, Xue Nai sighed silently in her heart, and hurriedly opened her mouth to speak.

It was spotted by Richai brother.

However, this is not the fault of Brother Richai. If he doesn't accept it, more people will suffer.

Although I don't know what the previous patriarch was afraid of, or if he lost his sanity because of his terminal illness, his method was no longer the wise patriarch that his father said.

That kind of cruelty and ruthlessness... It's almost like a fight between trapped beasts!

Be sure to explain it to brother Richa, it's not his or anyone's fault!

It's just a fate that we, the Hyuga Clan, must bear.

And in her mind, such a thought flashed through.

"And brother Xueying, if it wasn't for you and brother Rizu, he would have been executed too. So, please don't feel guilty."

Thinking about it, without waiting for Hinata Hizai to say anything, Xue Nai spoke again.

" know?"

And hearing the second half of Xue Nai's words, Hinata Hidesaki's whole body was shocked, his eyes opened slightly, and a look of shock and surprise appeared in an instant, and there was already a sense of horror in the words that blurted out.

"Brother Richai, I am no longer a child. At that time, brother Xueying risked his life to prevent me from being engraved as a bird in a cage. If it weren't for you as the guard who released the water, brother Xueying who has already lost one eye, how could he be safe? Escape. You can't hide under our cabin now, without being discovered by the clan. Of course, Brother Richa, you let Brother Xueying go and let Brother Xueying stay safely in the secret room under the cabin. Brother Rizu made the arrangement. Even though I am young, I can still understand such an obvious thing."

Regarding this, Xue Nai seemed to have expected the reaction of the day and night, and said quite calmly.

Even the elder brother also helped, have you noticed?

Did you know that Xue Ying is hiding in the secret room of the cabin where she lives now?

This girl...

And hearing these words, Hinata Hidesei was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

At the beginning, when Xue Nai was about to be engraved as a bird in a cage, Hyuga Yukaka suddenly broke into the room of the heavily guarded Xue Nai, trying to rescue her, but when he broke in at that time, he had already lost one eye. How could he save Xue Nai when he and his elder brother had no choice.

The end is naturally the rescue failed.

At that time, I really let him go on purpose, and then, my elder brother, as the current patriarch, went to ask the only one in the village who can protect him now, and his status is detached enough, and at the same time, because of Xue Nai's relationship, he absolutely The trusted Uzumaki Kushina protected him.

Even, for this reason, my elder brother went to the Fourth Hokage to guarantee and explain Hyuga Snow Taka. Fortunately, the newly appointed Hokage understood his elder brother very well, and the current situation is very good. Annoyed.

After all, Hyuga Xueying's behavior, as far as the village is concerned, cannot be regarded as a complete treasonous behavior, and it is an internal problem of the Hyuga clan. His behavior made him have to punish him to establish his prestige and avoid losing his prestige.

In the end, in such a conflict, his elder brother had to bend down twice to ask for help, only to save Hinata Xueying's life.

Originally, Hyuga Hizai thought that they were hiding it well, and no one knew about it except for a few parties involved. However, he did not expect that his youngest sister had already noticed it, and also had insight into their fueling behind it.

"Brother Richa, you really underestimate me. Although I can't see, Brother Xueying is at my house. No matter how well Mr. Jiuxinna concealed it, for half a year, as long as I return If you are not deaf, you will definitely be able to discover something. And to be able to ask Dong Kushina-sensei to personally protect brother Xuekage, in addition to my sake, it also needs a weighty task, and it must be a member of the Hyuga clan. The important person, otherwise, no matter how much Teacher Jiuxinna thinks about me, no matter how fearless she is, she will not participate in this matter. Teacher Jiushinai is not an idiot. She will not be involved in such a big family matter. I don't know that it will be quite troublesome, and it is easy to cause a big mess. If the consequences are only Teacher Kushina's problem, Teacher Kushina may help me with this, but after all, she is not Even if there is a quarrel with one person, she is still the fiancée of Lord Hokage of the fourth generation. If something happens, Teacher Minato will be involved, so if there is no big person in the clan to agree, Teacher Kushina will not be ignorant of the risks involved. The risk of the teacher. And the big man in this clan, only brother Rizu is left, and this matter must have been facilitated by brother Rizu."

At this time, Xue Nai said again.

This... this girl...



Wha... when did it become so powerful!

But when he heard the second half of the sentence, Hinata Hisashi was really shocked beyond measure, his eyes widened, his mouth was tongue-tied, and he didn't know what to say.

Next, Xue Nai didn't speak, but just sat quietly, waiting for her closest brother to recover.

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