Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1554 Who is it!

Now, the Nine-Tails Rebellion is more assured!

If you can master this touch perception ability.

The trees on both sides quickly swept towards his back, and when the bright colors slowly appeared in front of his eyes, Qianye's face was a little relieved, and such a thought flashed in his heart.

At this time, he had secretly made up his mind to ask the perception ninja about perception, and it was best to master his awakened perception ability before the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Now, he already has a forbidden technique that can ignore the terrain. Although it is not as fast as the Flying Thunder God, it is still enough to cross the battlefield. If this touch perception ability is added, then the entire battlefield of the Nine-Tails Rebellion is in his sight It's like having a global map.

After all, the battle of the Kyuubi Rebellion still has a large battlefield spanning, at least, the battle between Namikaze Minato and Obito, and Namikaze Minato's final transfer of Kyuubi, which is the position where he sealed Kyuubi before his death, Chiba is not I know exactly, although the transfer location must be near Muye Village, but if I don't know exactly, what kind of variables will appear in it, Chiba will not know.

Last time, because of a small accident that happened ahead of time, the plan fell short. Chiba would not think that there would be no problem if he didn't know the exact location.

On the contrary, this time, as long as there is even the slightest possibility of a change, Chiba will try her best to eliminate this possibility.

And this touch perception is a good way to eliminate one of these possibilities.

When he has the perception ability to observe the overall situation, plus the forbidden technique that can pass through the battlefield at will, then the entire battle of the Nine Tails Rebellion will be under his control, and as long as he catches the few moments that lead to the tragedy of the Nine Tails Rebellion At this point in time, then, no matter how dangerous the Nine-Tails Rebellion is, he will definitely save me, Kushina and Namikaze Minato.

From different points in time, he now has a set of follow-up plans for the success and failure of each point in time, and he is still supplementing every possible response plan, so that there will be no omissions in the preparation this time. When something unexpected happens, with the perception ability, he can respond quickly.

Moreover, this time the Nine-Tails Rebellion, after all, did not take place in the same area as the Kannabi Bridge mission. It needs to span half of the battlefield. The Nine-Tails Attack Village is near Konoha. It can be noticed immediately, and there is no need to worry too much.

The fate of this time, the key is the handling of those few characters and the behemoth Nine Tails, as long as they are handled well, then everything can be changed.


However, just as this thought crossed his mind, his eyes brightened, and when he was about to rush out of the dark woods, Qianye's expression turned pale, and his footsteps stopped abruptly, in a daze to stop the rushing out.


At the same time, the branch on which he was standing was also cracked due to the trampling of Qianye's sudden stop.

not good!

To break!

In an instant, Qianye's face changed drastically again. She slipped on the soles of her feet, staggering the force of stepping on the branches, and her whole body also leaned towards the tree. It seemed that the whole person was about to slip off the branches.

Fortunately, Chiba's physical skills passed the test. At this stall where he slipped down the tree trunk and his body was turned upside down, he hooked his feet lightly, and with two extremely slight "bang bang" sounds, his feet were already hooked on the branches, and his whole body Also hung upside down on the trunk.

After that, he straightened his waist, and with some force, he turned over and landed on the branch without making a sound.

But in front of his eyes was the morning light.

he is……

Gently pressing his right hand on the branch, Qianye crouched down slowly, leaning against the shaded part of the tree trunk, but hid himself, while his eyes were fixed on the tree covered with morning light. grass.

How come here?

What is he doing here?

And in his pupils, there is Reflection, an extremely familiar figure, and also a figure he is extremely afraid of.

That one, who was commented as "the number one scientist in Hokage" in the previous life, is definitely the most dangerous and difficult one among the Sannin... Orochimaru!

Yes, at this moment, the long-haired man named Orochimaru in front of him was standing with his back to him and arms crossed.

And in front of Orochimaru, there seemed to be someone blocking him. At this moment, Oroshemaru's body was exuding a faint murderous aura, and it seemed that he had obvious killing intent towards the person in front of him.

However, because of the angle, Chiba couldn't see the appearance of the person in front of Orochimaru.

"So, are you sure you want to stop me?"

At the same time, Orochimaru's hoarse and evil voice sounded slowly.

"I've already explained the reason, the envoys of the Kingdom of Wind, you can't touch them now."

Then, a slightly chilly voice sounded in front of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru... Are you afraid of this person?

At this moment, upon hearing these two sentences, and based on what she saw from the back of Orochimaru, Chiba quickly came to such a conclusion in her mind.

Also, is Orochimaru's murderous aura only at this level?

I remember that his murderous aura in the original book is still terrifying.

As for Orochimaru's murderous aura, Chiba didn't feel it at all. This level of murderous aura may have a great deterrent effect on most ordinary ninjas, and even some jouninjas. However, Chiba hasn't realized it yet. He realizes that for a ninja like him who has faced thousands of troops alone, this level of murderous aura is actually not a big deal, and even Qianye's own murderous aura is much richer and more terrifying than his.


At this time, Orochimaru's voice came again, and the words were rarely filled with anger. Although the murderous intent became stronger, it seemed that Orochimaru had no plans to do anything yet.

"There's no reason, it's just that it's not the time, it's not the time, I said you can't touch it, you can't touch it."

Afterwards, the voice of the person blocking Dashewan also sounded very quickly, but this time, it was even colder.

It was cold, Qianye almost shivered when she listened!

This... what a joke!

The dignified Orochimaru was forced by this person to be so angry that he didn't dare to do anything. Although the murderous intent became more and more intense, he still had no intention of doing it. This... is completely in the state of a paper tiger!

This Orochimaru, unexpectedly, dare not make a move in front of this person?

This person, one of the majestic Konoha Sannin and the culprit who will kill the third generation of Hokage in the future, was so scared that he didn't dare to do anything, forcing Orochimaru to only talk angrily?

What's the background!

But when he heard the words, the hair on Chiba's back stood erect, and Chiba's heart was not afraid or fear, but shocked, shocked by Orochimaru's tone, and his helplessness amidst his anger and killing intent , fear and...


Yes, Orochimaru, I am already a little afraid of this person in front of me!

At this moment, Qianye could hardly believe the two words she just heard.

Can shock Orochimaru...

Who is this guy!

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