Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1555 Unfavorable


Hearing the cold words of the person in front of him, and the tone and attitude that didn't take him seriously at all, Orochimaru's voice was already trembling with anger, completely lacking the usual calmness and ignorance.

At this moment, Orochimaru, from his tone, can already clearly feel his anger and the helplessness hidden under this anger.

"Our cooperation ends here. If you don't want to become the next Hinata Shinsuke, then go back to Konoha now. When the right time comes, I will let you get what you want."

As for Orochimaru's anger, the person on the opposite side didn't seem to care, and still said in a condescending and cold command tone.

"The right time? When is that?"

In this regard, facing the cold commanding words of the person in front of him, Orochimaru seemed to calm down a little, his anger was obviously suppressed a lot, and there was a strong suspicion in the words.

"When the time comes, you will naturally know."

Then, after Orochimaru's words, the man said so.

"When is the time? When is the time? Are you going to break your promise? Just like Hinata Shinsuke!"

In this regard, Orochimaru snorted coldly, but most of the anger in the voice dissipated, replaced by a strange yin and yang that Chiba was familiar with, or an evil feeling.

It sounds like Orochimaru has begun to calm down.

"Are you testing my patience? If I want to break my promise, killing you here is the best way. Do you think I can't kill you?"

However, Dashewan's calm words at the beginning greeted even colder words.

The words this time made Qianye shudder, not because of how cold the prophecy was, or because of the terrifying killing intent mixed in, but because the voice seemed to be able to arouse the deepest part of his heart. It's like primitive fear, every word seems to be knocking on the heart, making people who are not prepared tremble inexplicably.

And the magic power in this strange words, with the content of the words, seems to produce a strange deterrent, which is irresistible.


This time, Orochimaru, who had started to calm down, was not calm again, and the anger came out from his mouth.

"So, go back to Konoha honestly, the envoys of the Kingdom of Wind, now, I don't allow you to do anything, if you want to do it, I don't mind killing you right here."

Seeing Orochimaru's appearance, the words of the person on the opposite side already showed a trace of impatience.

"I want, the exact time!"

Then, there was the sound of Orochimaru almost gnashing his teeth.


In this regard, the person on the other side had no room for an answer, and that kind of impatience had already occupied most of the tone of the words.

Qianye can tell that if Orochimaru talks more nonsense, the person who stops him will mercilessly kill Orochimaru here.

I don't know why, but Chiba actually felt that the person who blocked Orochimaru could really kill Oroshemaru, who is known as the most difficult guy in Hokage.


Facing the man's words, Orochimaru was at a loss for words again, already so frightened and angry that he was speechless.

"Don't make me say anything else."

However, facing Orochimaru who was already out of anger, the person opposite did not give in at all.

"Okay! If that's the case, then I'll wait until then!"

However, after that, Orochimaru didn't seem to insist anymore. After leaving this sentence, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place, and he had already left in an instant.

"Tsk! Orochimaru, this bastard, insists on letting me... But, it's still too early for him to touch the Land of Wind, and he can't let him ruin the chance of peace!"

And after Orochimaru left, Qianye seemed to hear the man's words again in a vague way.

Then, suddenly, his heart was empty, and there was no sound in the rustling grass.


Almost instantly, such a thought popped up in his mind.

"Huh... so dangerous!"

Then, after this thought, Qianye breathed a long sigh of relief unconsciously, and slowly raised the hand that was pressed on the branch, revealing the place where the hand was pressed, the dark handprint.

Before he knew it, his palms were already full of sweat.

Just now, I almost bumped into these two people who are not easy to mess with, and, looking at the conversation just now, Orochimaru must be doing something ulterior, and that person and Orochimaru are in a cooperative relationship, I guess so Can't see the light.

If I bump into it rashly, I will inevitably be silenced.

Against Orochimaru, not to mention the current him, even if he can use the eight-door mode, it cannot be said who wins and who loses, nor can it be said that he has retreated from the whole body. In addition, there is another player whose strength is obviously higher than Orochimaru. Guy, he is bound to die.

However, the envoys of the Kingdom of Wind they mentioned...

Orochimaru, are you going to intercept and kill the envoys?

Or is it bad for Konoha to unite with the envoys?

Although there are no rumors in the village, Orochimaru should be very dissatisfied with the fact that Namikaze Minato became Hokage. He wants to take advantage of this time to assassinate Namikaze Minato, or to make the peace talks fail, so as to hold Yu Nami accountable. Feng shui door?

Or, what more ulterior secret does he have?

And who is the person who blocked Orochimaru? Is it a character that appeared in the original book?


Then, after heaved a sigh of relief, a series of doubts flashed through Qianye's heart.

Through the conversation between the two just now, it is obvious that Orochimaru has some intentions against the envoys of the Kingdom of Wind, and the person who blocked him, because he destroyed the hard-won peace, blocked Orochimaru, and the identity of this person , It should be a collaborator of Orochimaru. As for what He is doing, I don’t know.

Even Orochimaru is definitely going to be detrimental to this peace talks and alliance repair.

It seems that I have to hurry up!

Anyway, I plan to use the excuse of guards to monitor the envoys. Now I don’t know if Orochimaru will really give up under the threat of this person. I still have to hurry over there!

If Orochimaru doesn't give up, he will be more or less afraid when he sees me here, and with the threat of the person who blocked him, he may not be able to make up his mind to contact the envoys and carry out his plan to sabotage the peace talks.

And as long as the peace talks and alliances are carried out smoothly, I can also have relatively stable training time.

This dawn of peace, which came so hard, is also very important to me!

And thinking of this, Qianye didn't stay any longer, his figure flashed out, and swept towards the direction of the envoys.

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