Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1565 Arrival

Unexpectedly, I would meet Xiao Nan!

Fortunately, a shadow clone was left behind, this Yan Yin, really wanted to attack the envoys of the Kingdom of Wind!

If I hadn't arrived, with Xiaonan's strength, plus those hidden rocks, and this is not the terrain that Kazekage is good at, I'm afraid something will really happen.

However, since Xiao Nan said so, there should be no problem in the future. I can rest assured.

Chiba, who was speeding along with the Kazekage Five, suddenly seemed to have received some information, his brows were slightly frowned, and a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

However, what Xiaonan meant was probably because he was afraid that I would have a good impression of the Xiao organization, so what he said had nothing to do with the organization.

The meaning should be that she cannot personally represent this organization, and she wants to tell me that not only can she not develop a good impression of Xiao, but she should be careful about this organization.

So, in other words, Yahiko... can already be sure that he is already dead.

Now, Nagato has also been blackened.

In this way, it seems to explain why Xiaonan told me that there is no problem in the future.

Xiaonan should still be worried about losing Yahiko's loss and loss, and Nagato's change.

So, seeing my old friend suddenly told me something that I shouldn't have said.

Fortunately, I didn't ask about Yahiko and Nagato, and it's also because she suddenly had something urgent to do, so I didn't continue the chat.

Otherwise, I would have to ask about Yahiko and Nagato's recent situation.

This will definitely hurt Xiao Nan.

Moreover, in this matter, I am somewhat sorry for these people who saved me.

Afterwards, after this series of thoughts, such a solemn and fortunate thought appeared in Qianye's heart.

It's just that the problem behind this is gone, but the front is unknown.

And with solemnity and rejoicing, Qianye couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although it is said that there will be no problems in the future, but in the front, Qianye dare not take it lightly.

After all, before coming here, he had already clearly felt Orochimaru's killing intent. It seemed that Orochimaru was also very interested in the group of people in the Kingdom of Wind, even though he was blocked by that mysterious person.

However, Orochimaru is notoriously difficult to deal with, and Chiba is not sure if he really gave up.

As for the purpose of Orochimaru, Chiba can also roughly guess the purpose of the persistent purpose of the group in the Kingdom of the Wind.

Roughly, Chiba has three speculations.

The first one is that Orochimaru is dissatisfied with Namikaze Minato becoming Hokage, so he deliberately wants to create more chaos and drag Namikaze Minato down from the position of Hokage.

The second is that Orochimaru should have started in vivo experiments now, and the peaceful situation is not conducive to him obtaining living materials, so he has to create chaos to meet his experimental needs.

The third speculation is that the above two reasons are combined.

And no matter what kind of speculation, it can explain the motivation of Orochimaru.


These four generations of Kazekage Luosha were full of disasters, being targeted by such a guy, and even, after many years, he was really killed by Orochimaru.

Even Sand Hidden, under him, was used to attack Konoha.

And thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help flashing such a thought in his heart.

Speaking of which, could it be that the purpose of Ooshemaru this time is also to kill Luo Sha, and then impersonate the Fourth Kazekage?

Then, take the opportunity to assassinate Namikaze Minato?


Thinking about it, Chiba's mouth couldn't help twitching.

However, although this possibility is somewhat unlikely, but think about it, it is still feasible. Now Orochimaru has not rebelled against the village, nor has he founded Otonin. It is estimated that he does not have much power under his hands, and it is impossible to assassinate him blatantly. Naruto.

If he wants to kill Namikaze Minato, then he must be Hokage himself, and if he kills Namikaze Minato by himself, then this inference is not valid.

And with Namikaze Minato Hiraijin's super fast speed, even if he hits himself, it is impossible to kill Namikaze Minato.

However, using the identity of the Fourth Kazekage is a good cover for a sneak attack, and it won't be discovered that he killed Namikaze Minato.

Moreover, when Namikaze Minato was interviewing the Fourth Kazekage, it should also be the time when his vigilance was the weakest, just in time for a sneak attack.

Only when Namikaze Minato was unprepared, Orochimaru had a chance to kill him.

And after killing Namikaze Minato, with Orochimaru's difficulty, it is still possible to escape, and as long as Orochimaru escapes, it is actually easy to escape by changing to another place and turning back into itself.

Therefore, even though Chiba himself didn't believe it, there was still this possibility.

However, no matter what, the Fourth Kazekage must be delivered safely.

If Orochimaru really comes to attack, with the assistance of Sidai Kazekage, it is not completely impossible to win.

Now, peace is in sight, as long as there is peace, then I will have more time to practice and improve.

And wait for the arrival of the Nine Tails Rebellion with peace of mind.

Even Orochimaru couldn't let him disrupt the peace talks.

And following his thoughts, Qianye's eyes gradually condensed, but his figure became faster.

The four generations of Kazekage and five people behind them also accelerated their speed.

So fast!

However, such a rather surprising thought flashed through their minds.


At the same time, on the other side, outside the fence of a certain two hunters' huts.


Following the sound of footsteps, Hyuga Snow Eagle stopped, looked at the fence surrounding the two seemingly hunter's cabins, and frowned slightly.

This is where Chiba asked me to come.

It's a hidden place.

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Just at this moment, there was a sudden ear-piercing sound of hitting a metal object, breaking the quiet atmosphere in an instant, and maybe it was too sudden, which also made Hyuga Snow Eagle shrug his shoulders in shock.

what happened?

His heart tightened, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, Hyuga Yukaka suddenly touched the ninja bag on his back.

"Get up! Get up! Start training! Get up for me!"

Then, there was this loud cry full of dissatisfaction.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Then, there was a more violent sound of hitting metal objects.

"Why is it already morning?"

"Hey—? Let me sleep for another five minutes, Somi-san."

"Yeah... I'm going to get up soon... I'm going to sleep for a while, I'm going to sleep for a while..."

After that, there was a sound of sleepy voices full of complaints. Most of the voices were immature, and they should be some children.


What good did that guy do here...

Hearing this, Hyuga Snow Eagle frowned.

"Excuse me, who are you? Are you passing by?"

But at this time, behind Hyuga Snow Eagle, there was a sudden sound, and the words were quite polite.


Hearing this sound, Hyuga Xueying almost froze, and was startled again.

When is there someone behind me?

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