Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1566 Change

Hunter's Lodge, one of them.

"Really? You are Chiba's friend."

Under the hanging kettle, a warm flame was burning, and the light of the tongue of the fire illuminated the three people sitting cross-legged around the fire. Outside the house, there were constant sounds of flesh and flesh hitting the stakes, among which there were occasional soft cries of pain from children, and then the voice of the boy called "Zongmi" at the beginning.

At this time, this sentence was said by the young man among the three who was reading the letter.

"Well, Chiba asked me to come here. I need a place to stay."

Regarding this, the white-clothed boy sitting opposite him, that is, Hyuga Snow Eagle, said very simply.

At this time, Hyuga Snow Eagle already felt that he could trust this group of children. First of all, although he did not get along with Chiba, Hyuga Snow Eagle still trusted Chiba very much after all. He wasn't too suspicious of this place in the first place.

And just now, he had already quietly looked at this place with supercilious eyes. This settlement is basically the same as what Qianye told him, except that there are more supplies than what Qianye described, there is no change.

Although they have weapons reserves, most of these children have mastered chakra, which is a necessary condition for being a ninja. However, judging from their appearance and attitude, they do not have the quality of being a ninja. They are really ordinary people.

Ordinary people who have mastered chakra.

Moreover, from their training methods, Hinata Snow Eagle can also clearly see that this is Chiba's handwriting.

The training method of these children is completely Chiba style.

It is certain that these children were taught by Chiba alone.

This is where Qianye wanted him to come.

"Since you are Chiba's friend, let's stay here."

But after hearing Hinata Xueying's words, the boy holding the letter hadn't opened his mouth yet, but the elegant girl on the other side spoke first.

"Well, then stay here."

Afterwards, the boy holding the letter also spoke.


For this, Hyuga Xueying nodded his thanks.

It's really just a group of ordinary people with chakra, their vigilance is too low, and they are very kind. In such a troubled world, if this place is not hidden enough, I'm afraid...


In this way, it can't be done!

While thanking him, such a worrying thought flashed through his mind.

"Here, my name is Yuze, and this is Harmony."

At this time, the boy who put away the letter remembered that he hadn't introduced himself yet, and that he would live together in the future. This self-introduction was necessary, so he said.

"Hyuga Snow Eagle."

Regarding this, Hyuga Snow Eagle hastily reported his name.

Absolutely not!

Accepting a stranger without even asking for his name, just relying on a letter, this is simply lack of vigilance!

I understand that because these children are orphans of the war, Chakra is taught to them to give them the ability to protect themselves.

But, you taught Chakra, but didn't teach them to be defensive, so what's the point?

Treat the symptoms but not the root cause?

In such a chaotic world, where such a battlefield is located, what is the use of chakra alone!

This is perfunctory!

Taki Chiba, is this perfunctory?

During the words, this series of thoughts flashed through his mind, full of dissatisfaction with Qianye.

"Really? Hinata Xueying, then we will call you Xueying from now on, is that okay?"

Hearing this sentence, He Yin said happily.

"Well, of course."

To this, Hyuga Snow Eagle naturally agreed. In fact, he can be called anything, whether it is "Hyuga" or "Snow Eagle", it doesn't matter, it's just a title.

"That's great."

Hearing Hinata Xueying's response, Heyin was obviously very happy. After saying this, he stood up and said, "I have to prepare breakfast, let's talk."


In response, Yuze nodded, and then together with Hyuga Snow Eagle, watched Heyin leave.


Harmony seemed particularly happy.

Is it because I heard the news from Chiba?

And in his mind, such a doubtful thought flashed through.

"Speaking of which, I don't know if Chiba wrote in the letter. We want to set up a contact station here, which may bring certain risks. After all, I am Konoha's rebel, and the village will definitely treat me to a certain extent. Hunting operation. I want to ask, your opinion."

After Heyin left, Hinata Xueying seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked immediately.

"This, Chiba has already explained in the letter, we are willing to cooperate. Moreover, if there is such a contact point, we can also learn about Chiba's movements."

In this regard, Yuze hurriedly said.

"Really, then, I'll start now."

Hearing this, after getting permission from Yuze, who seems to be the person in charge here, Hyuga Snow Eagle didn't talk nonsense. When the contact station came, that bastard Chiba told him to set it up as soon as possible. However, Hyuga Xueying was also afraid that because of this matter, he would be caught in the conversation in the future, and he would have to endure Chiba's cynicism, and he also wanted to learn about Xue Nai's movements from Chiba, so he did not neglect at this time.

Although, what he has to do when he leaves the village is to dig out the unspeakable secret, but this is also the first thing he has to do when he leaves the village, and there is a second thing, which is to find out who stared at him. We go to character of Yukina and remove.

Information contact with Chiba is also necessary.

After finishing speaking, Hyuga Snow Eagle did not hesitate at all, and immediately took out a scroll from his bosom, spread it out, made a rather complicated seal with both hands, and pressed it on the spell on the scroll.


Immediately, a cloud of white mist exploded.

"Cuckoo... cluck..."

Then, when the white fog dissipated, a snow-white Ninja Pigeon with the nameplate of the Hyuga Clan's family crest hanging on its neck stood on the scroll, looking left and right, and the spell, It disappears without a trace.

"This is the ninja pigeon I raised since I was a child. As long as it stays here with me for a day, it can serve as a messenger between Konoha and here. In this way, a contact point will be established."

Seeing Yuze's obviously surprised expression, Xu Shi explained it to Xueying Hyuga, then picked up the pigeon, opened the closed window beside it, and with a flick of his hands, the ninja pigeon flew out.

"Let it get familiar with the terrain here and speed up memory."

After closing the window, Hyuga Snow Eagle said to Yuze again.

"Well, I see, is this... also ninjutsu?"

In this regard, Yuze nodded, put away the surprise on his face, pointed to the scroll of white paper, and said.

"That's right."

Hearing this, Hyuga Xueying nodded, but the answer was somewhat vague.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. Maybe I'm taking the place out of the way when I say this, but I think it's necessary to tell you."

At the end, he seemed to hear something suddenly, and said.

"What is it, tell me, you are Chiba's friend, and you will also be a partner who will live together in the future, so don't worry too much."

In this regard, Yuze smiled slightly and said.

"Here, changes must be made. The current situation is very dangerous!"

And hearing this sentence, Hyuga Snow Eagle really stopped being polite, and said directly.

Since I will live here in the future, the safety here is also my responsibility!

In his mind, there was such a thought.

In Hinata Snow Eagle's view, the current unsuspecting situation must be changed!

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