Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1567 Integration

"So, according to Xue Ying, we must set up guard posts, and if anyone wants to enter here, they must be interrogated?"

On a quiet night as always, Heyin held a bowl of broth and gently placed it in front of Yuze.

At this time, Yuze was sitting at the bonfire in the house, flipping through the scroll in his hand.

This is the scroll that Hyuga Snow Eagle left for himself before setting off this afternoon, and the method of transforming this settlement.

As for Xueying, a new resident, when he heard that winter was about to pass, he went hunting with Mingtai and a group of friends to increase his winter food reserves.

As for Mingtai and the others, it may be because Xueying is Chiba's friend, and after losing that vigilance, they are also very close to Xueying. Ashamed aristocratic atmosphere, but he should also be regarded as that kind of cold-faced and warm-hearted character, he treats everyone very well.

His speech is not as mellow as Qianye's, but although some of his words are not pleasant, and he has a habit of speaking from top to bottom, but every word he said, since he accepted him, is all about this settlement The safety of the land, the needs of everyone's life, etc., but never heard him talk about his own needs.

Yuze could tell that this Hyuga Snow Eagle was definitely a trustworthy good person.

Otherwise, those children would not have gotten so close to him in a day.

Moreover, here Yuze has to admit frankly that this Snow Eagle's expression of being surrounded by children and asking this and that is already so embarrassing that he doesn't know where to put his hands and feet, it is indeed...

so cute!

As for the scroll in his hand now, it was the result of Hyuga Snow Eagle locking himself in the house that day.

"Well, I don't think his idea is wrong. If Qianye was here, he would probably do the same. We are indeed too lacking in anti-vigilance."

In response, Yuze gently rolled up the scroll in his hand and handed it to Harmony.

"Really? Let me see."

Hearing Yuze's words, Heyin took the scroll handed over, and then sat down beside Yuze, unfolded it and read it.

And Yuze picked up the bowls and chopsticks on the side, and ate today's dinner.

"I took a look, and they were all necessary measures. Perhaps, Chiba asked his friend to come here, and he was worried about us. He felt that it was not enough for us to learn chakra and ninjutsu. Someone came to teach us how to have ninja skills, and mentality."

Afterwards, while eating, Yuze opened his mouth and said.

"Well... I think this is fine. After all, this is a war zone, and the tactics and strategies Chiba left us have also written about the importance of defense and intelligence. Although it will be a bit tiring, but, I think, from It is necessary to set up guard posts from tomorrow. Twenty-four hours of vigilance is necessary. In this way, we can also exercise our willpower. Moreover, the specific implementation methods are also written here, and we only need to follow them without trouble .”

Hearing Yuze's words, Heyin nodded in agreement and spoke.

"Then, it's decided like this, Zongya's thoughts... don't ask."

In this regard, Yuze also nodded, and then seemed to think of something, and said.

"No need, he is obsessed with cultivation and doesn't want to care about such things at all. It's probably good to ask him, whatever you want."

Hearing this sentence, He Yin also chuckled and said.

"Then, when they come back from hunting, let's start deploying. When it's winter, we'll start setting up some traps. Snow Eagle said that we can construct something called enchantment to give early warning, but it requires a certain height of the wall. Winter Anyway, I can’t go hunting, and everyone is idle, so let’s start the transformation in winter.”

In this regard, Yuze made a final decision.


And the tone agrees.

"Then, there is one more thing I want to show you."

After getting Heyin's affirmative answer, Yuze became serious, put down the soup bowl, took out an envelope from his arms, and handed it to Heyin.

"This is?"

He Yin was slightly taken aback by this, she could tell that this was the envelope of Chiba's letter.

"Let's take a look."

And Yuze said again.

"Could it be that Qianye left us a message?"

In this regard, He Yin took the envelope and asked.


Hearing this, Yuze nodded.

At this time, Heyin had already spread out the envelope, and Yuze had already cut the envelope for Heyin to watch.

Be careful of grass hidden.

Above, there are only these four words.

"Kaoyin? Isn't this our country's ninja village? Chiba told us to be careful of them?"

To this, He Yin was taken aback again, and blurted out.

"That's what it should mean. Maybe, Cao Yin will be against us."

Hearing this, Yuze also frowned. The literal meaning of these words is very simple, but to them, it is difficult to understand the meaning, which is a bit abrupt.

This grass hidden has been reduced to a mercenary army of a big country, how can they care about their life and death, and now they live in such a remote corner, except Chiba, and now Hyuga Snow Eagle, they have not seen each other for more than a year People who have passed away, even Cao Yin, can't know that they live here.

Be careful of what?

"This...we are just a group of war orphans, is there any threat to Caoyin?"

At this time, He Yin spoke again.

"and this."

Then, Yuze took out another piece of letter paper from his arms, Chiba's letter paper, and handed it to Xue Nai.

He Yin quickly took it and looked at it.

"It is impossible to have eternal stability. We must take precautions for possible future crises."

Then, looking at it, He Yin couldn't help but read it out.

This letter paper seemed to be mixed in Chiba's letter of introduction to Hyuga Snow Eagle. It could be said to be a complete letter addressed to them. Apart from the most basic greeting, there was only one sentence on it.

"I think Chiba wants us to be ready for everything, not to be too comfortable, to be aware of danger, and to be careful of Cao Yin. Maybe it's his vigilance to us. In the future, we will learn chakra and ninjutsu. That is a ninja. According to Chiba’s definition of a ninja, as long as a plurality of ninjas gather together, they are a military force, and the ninja village is also a military force of the country. We may become Kusakashi’s target in the future. .”

In this regard, Yuze gave his own answer.

"So, that is to say..."

Hearing this, He Yin frowned.

"That's right, that is to say, Qianye's hidden meaning may be that let us learn how to become a ninja from Xue Ying."

In this regard, Yuze nodded and said.

"Qianye, you're still worried about us..."

At the end, he couldn't help sighing again.


And at this time, on the other side, a certain hiding place.


With the sound of slight footsteps, Xiao Nan stopped, looked around the dark cave, and his face sank slightly.

"You're here, Xiaonan."

Then, behind him, a voice sounded.

A familiar but unfamiliar voice.

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