Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1574 Nothing can be done!

"Well, this..."

Hearing this young man who is only eleven or twelve years old but already the most outstanding talent in Konoha, who can already be compared with the genius of the Nara family who can be the chief of staff of Konoha, Mitomonyan stretched slightly. The brows were furrowed even tighter, and after a deep groan, it was difficult to speak.

Even Xiaochun who was sitting across from him, who didn't like him or not, also frowned tightly.

After Chiba's sound fell, the entire secret meeting hall No. 3 fell into silence in an instant.

A heavy breath rushed over.

For Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun, what Chiba said was not the same as what they thought, and it was precisely because they thought of this that they felt that there was nothing they could do, so they secretly let Chiba Come, let's think about countermeasures together.

After all, in their minds, there are only two people who can solve such a difficult problem.

One is Nara Shikahisa, whose wisdom has been fully proved in this third ninja world war.

One person, of course, is Chiba in front of me. Although this child is young, he often makes outrageous schemes, and even a few important schemes almost influence the direction of the entire Ninja War. , In terms of strategy, this young man is also impeccable, even slightly better than Shikahisa Nara.

The strategy tendencies of the two are both in a style that puts safety first. In comparison, Nara Shikahisa's is more steady, while Chiba's is steady with surprises, and they are both good at this kind of "precautionary measures".

Now, Shikahisa Nara is performing a mission outside, and the only candidate is this young man in front of him.

However, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun didn't expect that this incident would make the young man in front of him a little helpless.

However, although they did not expect it, they were not too surprised.

This matter, in fact, just from the essence of the matter, is actually very easy to solve now.

At this time, they already knew that the land of the earth was indeed plotting against the law. Generally speaking, according to the current situation of the infiltration of the land of the earth, if the enemy knew their intentions, then basically 80% of them would have lost.

If only from the perspective of the essence of the matter, the Land of Earth has only two options now, one is to fail, the other is to cancel the operation, and honestly conduct preliminary negotiations.

After all, what they sneaked into was Konoha's base camp, Konoha's home field, and Konoha almost occupied all the advantages of the right time, place and people. If something happens suddenly, mistakes will inevitably occur, and by making good use of these mistakes, big things will happen. Now, Konoha already knows about this matter, and everything has been prevented. If there is no such unique advantage, it will naturally be defeated. .

If this matter is just such a matter, then it is very easy to solve, and there is no need for them to discuss it at all. Konoha's defense system will solve this kind of matter.

With such information, Konoha's defense system can't prevent problems before they happen, and kill things in the cradle. Then, there is no need for Konoha's defense system to exist, and even Konoha Village does not exist. necessary.

However, this matter is not so simple.

Even, it is directly related to the trend of the third ninja world war. It has a big environment, which is the big environment of the entire ninja world war now.

And, Konoha is in a certain degree of passive position in this big environment.

Yes, passive status.

Although Konoha is now firmly occupying the position of the victorious country, it is a one-to-three victorious posture.

However, Konoha is actually passive.

As far as this matter is concerned, regardless of how complicated the situation can be in the current plan of the Land of Earth, if Konoha now takes strong measures to directly annihilate or control the envoys of the Land of Earth, then , will cause a huge chain reaction.

First of all, the envoys from the Land of Earth came under the banner of peace talks, and did not do any substantial damage to Konoha, and Konoha has no evidence to prove that the envoys from the Land of Earth are involved in this business. Illegal plot, after all, the information hidden in this hand reflects the fact that the land of earth is plotting illegally, but it will be denied by the land of earth and cannot be used as valid evidence. The Land of Earth can completely say that Sha Yin framed them, trying to sabotage the peace talks and repair the alliance, but it would have the opposite effect.

Without valid evidence, and without any action from the Land of Earth and his party, Konoha will be punished if Konoha takes tough measures, or secretly engages in any harmful or restrictive behavior to the envoys. It is said that Konoha deliberately sabotaged the peace talks and alliance, and it will even be said that it is another declaration of war against the land of earth.

Well, things could get out of hand.

As the main force of this ninja war, the three countries, although it is said that the country of the wind can no longer stir up any disturbances, and even Kazekage has come to sue for peace in person, but the country of the earth still has the power to fight, except In addition to the Land of Earth, there is also the Land of Thunder. The Land of Thunder is originally a military-oriented country. Although three generations of Raikage were lost in this ninja war, they are the highest leaders and ninjas with nuclear weapons. It was a big blow, but the new fourth Raikage and his partner Kirabi were enough to make up for the loss, and because of the terrifying fighting power of the third Raikage, in fact, the elite ninjas and ordinary ninjas of the Land of Thunder did not lose too much Many, the strength of the Kingdom of Thunder is still very strong.

At that time, the Land of Earth will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to use the gimmick of Konoha declaring war on it, coupled with the stakes, incite the Thunder Country Yun Yin to put down his hatred and launch an attack on Konoha.

Although the two countries of Tu and Lei, if the power of a single country, is absolutely unable to match the current Konoha, this is why Konoha firmly occupies the position of the victorious country. But if two or two join forces and are desperate, Konoha will definitely be the defeated side.

And if Konoha is defeated, then the Kingdom of the Wind here may not be willing to fulfill the terms of the peace talks, and must strive for the best interests. At that time, the so-called alliance may not only not help, but behind the scenes. It's normal to stab a knife.

At that time, Konoha's fate will be unimaginable.

This is why it is said that Konoha is actually in a passive state.

Konoha's victorious attitude, although it is a big advantage for any country, it is not an absolute advantage. It cannot be achieved under any circumstances. It is undoubtedly a victory, or the three countries combined , will not lose.

If you are not careful, the posture of the victorious country will become the posture of the defeated country.

Under the current situation, if Konoha is determined to end the war, it is impossible for the Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder to join forces to deal with Konoha. Many people have lost their relatives or friends, and their hearts are settled. They all want peace and long for the end of the war.

At this time, even if the leaders of the two countries want to launch a war against Konoha again and make a last-ditch effort to gain the maximum benefits of the war, the people will not agree. Before the time comes, they may get into chaos before they start sending troops. , into an absolute crisis. Moreover, the three generations of Raikage were killed by Yan Yin, and there is a new enmity between the two villages. It is impossible to form an alliance between the two sides.

However, if Konoha makes a move to sabotage the peace talks, or if it is considered to sabotage the peace talks, it will basically anger the people of these two countries who yearn for peace. At that time, under deliberate instigation, It is easy to generate hatred towards Konoha. At that time, the two countries temporarily put aside their hatred and form a deadly alliance against Konoha. External and internal conditions are completely allowed.

This alliance is also almost inevitable.

Therefore, it is impossible for Konoha to take any tough measures against the envoys of the land of land here, but must show full respect for the envoys.

It is inevitable for the envoys to enter Konoha, and Konoha cannot attack the envoys without valid evidence.

And since the third Tsuchikage made this plan at this time, it must be impossible to give Konoha effective evidence. It is clear that he wants to use this peace talk to repair the alliance. Taking the Peace Talks Xiumeng as a hostage forced Konoha not to take action against the envoys.

This can't be shot, so Konoha can only guard against the envoy.

However, ninja tricks, how can it be so easy to guard against?

Moreover, after this can't be done, all the advantages of the Konoha base camp may become a disadvantage to the Konoha side and an advantage to the Land of Earth's envoy side.

In this situation, Konoha has already been invaded by the enemy into the core area, but cannot make offensive defenses, while the enemy is already in the enemy's base camp, the enemy cannot take action against him, and even the enemy is still in a state where he must Situations where you can almost do whatever you want to some extent by protecting yourself.

It can be said that the third generation of Tsuchikage has completely blocked most of Konoha's internal defense mechanisms!

Moreover, what Chiba said is right now, the series of arrangements made by the three generations of Tsuchikage this time, so that anyone in the envoy can become each other's bait and smoke bombs to cover each other, preventing Konoha from catching something. And all kinds of situations that will arise, with all hands tied, can't be prevented in advance at all!

There is no way to prevent it. Then, this kind of infiltration operation, or six people or even the relevant information of six people, will be a smokescreen for each other, and they can cover each other at any time. As long as these six people are not idiots with negative IQs, then, basically It is impossible for Konoha to obtain any valid evidence, and it is impossible to use methods other than coercive measures to make their actions fail.

The solution, Konoha can only take tough measures!

It can be said that the three generations of Tukage have completely occupied an absolute advantage, and are even in an undefeated position.

For the Third Tsuchikage, the operation failed. As long as Konoha cannot produce valid evidence, and basically Konoha is impossible to produce valid evidence, then he can ally with the country of thunder and provoke Konoha If the war is fought, and if you are sure of winning, your own country can become a victorious country and seize the greatest benefits of the war.

As for the success of the operation, he will be able to achieve his own goals, and his plan and purpose at this time are basically no different from provoking a war against Konoha and seizing the maximum benefits of the war.

This operation, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, the third Tsuchikage will have the last laugh!

This is indeed a hopeless situation!

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