Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1575 The Undefeated Conspiracy


In the long silence, pushing the atmosphere into the most oppressive stage, Mitomonyan finally couldn't bear it, ended the oppressive silence, and said the last way.

It was the only way he could think of.

"No, the envoys of the land of earth are already in the territory of the land of fire, assassinating outside the village, we have missed the best opportunity, and no one will believe it in the village, the envoys of the land of earth, He was assassinated by people from other ninja villages, but at that time, he will be used by the land of the earth, and the assassination will only dig his own grave."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was denied by Zhuanzhu Xiaochun.

It's not that she hasn't thought about this assassination, but there is no best chance. No, it should be said that this is a method that should not be considered. Even if Konoha intercepted and killed the envoys of the Land of Earth outside the Land of Fire, Three generations of Tukage can also make use of the problem.

After all, under the current situation and the general environment of people's minds, no country will choose to assassinate the envoys, even if it is the country of Lei that has hatred with them. At that time, the third generation of Tukage only needs to forge some evidence, regardless of the assassination Whether it was Konoha's work or not, they were able to direct the mastermind of the assassination to Konoha.

At that time, it is not strange to say that Konoha will destroy and talk about Xiumeng after some manipulations.

The ending is still the same.

In the current situation, the six members of the envoy cannot make any mistakes.

This is also the fundamental reason why they are tied up now. The safety of these six people is directly related to the peace talks and repair alliance, and even whether the current war situation dominated by Konoha will be broken. This is already personal safety. Rise to the most sensitive changes in the war situation.

The safety of these people is actually the choice between whether the war situation will lead to peace or lead to greater conflicts.

Turning to Xiaochun, she was still very calm.

Indeed, the safety of these six people is no longer a simple matter of life and death. There is nothing wrong with these six people.

And ensuring the survival of these six people is also a huge test we have to face.

After all, even if one of them committed suicide, he could blame Konoha.

These six people are a time bomb, a time bomb sent by the third generation of Tukage.

This is also the most cunning, no, even the most sinister place of the three generations of Tukage.

He perfectly took advantage of Konoha's seemingly active, but actually passive situation, and then turned this seemingly active into passive.

And this matter, for the Land of Earth, although peace will be postponed, it can be the last fight. Regardless of success or failure, the loss of these six people is nothing more than the loss. Compared with the victory of a big war, this loss is nothing more than Definitely worth it.

For the third Tsuchikage, failure is only the loss of six people, while success is the entire Third Ninja World War. No matter what, he will not lose.

This situation is really no less than a big battle!

At this time, hearing the words of Zhuanxing Xiaochun, Qianye couldn't help nodding in his heart, because Zhuanxing Xiaochun could see the current situation very clearly.


At the same time, Mitomenyan let out a long sigh.

Sure enough?

So, what else can be done?

This Mitomonyan actually knows that this plan is not feasible. The reason why he said this is firstly that he can’t keep silent like this, and there is nothing he can do if he keeps silent. Second, the only thing he can think of to break the silence is a little bit possible Sexual thoughts, that's all.

As Konoha's high-level executive, he has experienced many wars, and he can see the current situation very clearly.

"It can only be...closely monitored."

As for Mitomonyan's sigh, Zhuanju Xiaochun was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth and said a solution that she could think of now.

Since the safety of these six people cannot be moved, we can only monitor their every move and keep them under Konoha's sight at any time.

"No, if you want to closely monitor, you will definitely use a considerable amount of manpower. Although there are relatively rich manpower in the village, there is still a Kazekage in the village that needs to be protected. Before, I was not sure whether there were spies outside, or even whether spies had sneaked into the village, but it would cause many security loopholes and hidden dangers, which would be in the hands of Yan Yin."

In this regard, Chiba opened his mouth to express his objection.

Now Kazekage of the Land of Wind is in Konoha, and the envoys of the Land of Earth's peace talks and repair alliance are also in Konoha. Konoha's defense must be put into action. Right now, there are many deployments outside Konoha Village. Manpower, soon, Konoha's manpower arrangement will be in the same situation as martial law. At that time, we will have to protect Kazekage, seamlessly monitor the missions of the Land of Land, and guard against possible intrusion into the village. Espionage, seamless surveillance, is certainly impossible.

At that time, as long as the six members of the Land of Land envoys find an excuse casually and separate the six people, the manpower needed may be six times, which will cause more safety hazards instead. Perhaps, one of the purposes of Yanyin, It may be this, to scatter Konoha's hands and create a gap.

As for what to do in this security gap, only Yanyin knows, but it is certain that what is going to be done here is definitely not something that is beneficial to the peace talks.

It is definitely the kind of action that will destroy the peace talks and repair alliance.

"Surveillance doesn't work, and assassination doesn't work either. Could it be that there's really nothing we can do?"

After hearing Chiba's words and quickly understanding the stakes, Mitomonyan couldn't help but let out a helpless sigh.

Then, next, it fell into silence again.

After turning to bed, Xiaochun and even Qianye didn't speak any more, they just frowned tightly.

This is basically an unsolvable situation.

I really didn't expect that the third Tsuchikage could think of such a strategy, it was perfect and invulnerable.

They can push Konoha's think tank to this level.

This world of Naruto... No, it should be said that the original work, about the three wars, is really too simple!

How to crack this perfect strategy?

At this time, Qianye's heart was filled with helplessness. He really couldn't think of a suitable solution for this matter.

The third generation of Tukage has already fully grasped the initiative, and it is an absolute initiative, that is, an absolute advantage.

Maybe, Konoha really has to think about how to face the alliance between Tu and Lei.

This war may really last for a long, long time, and the losses will expand to unimaginable hugeness in the previous two wars.

However, is there really no other way?

As long as it is a strategy that people come up with, there will definitely be a solution, and there will be a chance of survival in a situation that must die.

Here, there must be a solution!

It's just that I haven't thought about it, or rather, I haven't really figured out the most essential thing about this matter...

There must be a way.

I didn't think of it!

Definitely, there are!

However, in desperation, Qianye did not give up, but began to think more actively.

Think, everything about this thing!

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