Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1584 When are you going to peek

"When are you going to peek? Haven't you come out yet?"

When Mito Muko and Hirohiko were seated, Chiba, who still couldn't help being curious in her heart, poked out half of her head again, but was met with Mito Muko's sharp eyes and these half-angry words.


This is, is she becoming more and more feminine?

How can I feel that Mito Muzi's speech has changed a little.

In response to this, Chiba grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a somewhat ugly sneer that was neither awkward nor embarrassing.


Then, Qianye could only wipe the washed hands in a daze, and then walked out of the kitchen.


What femininity!

It's entirely because Mito Muzi is getting stronger and stronger!

But in his heart, he denied the previous thought.

"You really haven't changed at all, except that you have grown a lot taller."

When Chiba was seated, Ping Ping Tingting, who had grown up, and Mito Muko, who was already a beauty, squinted her bright eyes and looked up and down carefully, then frowned and spoke.

It seemed that the praiseworthy evaluation had grown a lot higher, but it was made somewhat derogatory by this frown.

Hey Hey hey!

Don't you need to hate me so much, Hinata Snow Eagle doesn't even hate me that much, okay?

Compared with you, of course I haven't changed much. You have changed too much!

Hearing this, Chiba's mouth twitched again, and he couldn't help but slander.

To be honest, Mito Muko’s changes are really too big, and the before and after comparison is too obvious. If it weren’t for the fact that plastic surgery is not popular in this Naruto world, and Konoha doesn’t have any plastic surgery items, he almost thought that Mito Muko was going for plastic surgery up.

"However, Hirohiko has been under your care all along."

Then, before he could say anything, Mito Muko suddenly straightened her sitting posture, thinking of Chiba's bowing, she sincerely thanked him.

"No! No, no, this is what I should do."

Regarding this, Qianye was taken aback for a moment, and then, amidst the displeasure in the eyes of Mito Muko who straightened up, she quickly waved her hand and opened her mouth.

"Then, in the future, Hirohiko will still ask you."

Seeing Chiba's flustered look, Mito Muko slowly closed her narrowed eyes, bowed to Chiba again, and sincerely begged Chiba.


Is this a please?

It should be a threat!

That look just now should be a threat!

Why did I see a bit of Mr. Kushina's appearance from her? Recently, is it possible that Mito Muko is very close to Mr. Kushina?

Seeing Mito Muko's seemingly sincere request, Chiba couldn't help but a wry smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

A wry smile mixed with an inexplicable fear.


While smiling wryly, he couldn't find anything to respond to.

"Huh? You don't want to help Hong Yan anymore, or do you disdain my solemn request?"

At this time, Mito Muko straightened up, seeing Chiba's appearance of being unable to speak, his eyes narrowed again, and his face immediately became unkind.

"No! No no! How is it possible!"

Regarding this, Chiba hurriedly said.

"Muzi, that...that, stop teasing Chiba. Please."

But at this time, seeing the appearance of the two, Hong Yan, who already had a hint of anxiety on his face, hurriedly said.


Hearing this sentence, Qianye, who was in a hurry and couldn't find anything to say, was slightly taken aback, and looked at Hirohiko.


Afterwards, there was a sound of uncontrollable laughter, but Mito Muzi covered her mouth and laughed.

"What Xue Ying said is exactly the same. You are not good at responding to other people's thanks or requests. It is also the same as what Hongyan said. You are a good person who does not know how to refuse and responds to requests. Besides, you are too honest. It is completely different from your rumors outside. No, the enemy village has described you as a cunning monster and devil, but you are being played around by me, you are actually an idiot like Hirohiko, right? Hahaha!"

Then, it was Mito Muko's words with a smile.


The previous ones were all just kidding me?

And, don't you hate me?

And looking at the real smile on Mito Muko's face and the gentle eyes looking at herself, Qianye was a little confused and confused.

At this moment, when Mito Muzi looked at him, there was no indifference or disgust in his eyes, on the contrary, he was really grateful, and of course, the smile was the majority.

However, from the smile in her eyes, he could also see the relaxed mood after the worries were gone.

Even, she smiled and smiled, but there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

Mito Muko, during this period of time, I am afraid that she has been really worried about Hirohiko's affairs, this smile is not so much from teasing Chiba, it is better to say that she is crying with joy after knowing that Hirohiko has been free.


It turned out that Mito Muko valued Hirohiko so much!

Besides us, there are people who value Hirohiko as much as we do.

After realizing this, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Chiba's mouth.

This time, the smile was warm, without any embarrassment or helplessness.

"Muzi, what do you want to drink?"

Noticing the smile at the corner of Chiba's mouth and Muzi's non-stop smile, a smile turned on Hirohiko's face, and then he spoke.

Now, after all, Muzi is here as a guest. As a rich man, although he has been isolated all the time, he still knows how to treat guests.

"I can do it!"

And hearing Hirohiko's voice, Mito Kiko slowly stopped smiling, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes without a trace, and spoke.

"Is the tea okay?"

In response, Hirohiko got up and said.


Hearing this, Mito Muzi nodded heavily, and added a sentence at the end: "Matcha is fine."

"Where's Chiba?"

After nodding to Mito Muko, Hirohiko asked again.

"Me? Let me prepare. You've been away for so long. Do you know where to put your things?"

In response, Chiba stood up, patted Hirohiko on the shoulder, and sat him down, said this, and walked towards the kitchen.

The layout of the kitchen is different now, so Hirohiko is asked to make tea, which may take a while.

Here, let him and Mito Muzi catch up on the old days.

"Boom boom boom!"

However, at this moment, there was another knock on the door.

"I'll drive."

Without waiting for Hirohiko and Mito Muko to react, Chiba turned around and walked towards the door.

It's about time, who else will come?

Hope it's not a hassle.

At the same time, he turned around to open the door, and a thought flashed through his mind.

After all, the envoys from the Land of Earth will arrive tomorrow, and the village will have to make a series of arrangements. Coupled with the information that the envoys are planning to do something wrong, it is not surprising that they suddenly come to him with urgent matters at this time.

But after the creaking sound of opening the door, Qianye was stunned, his eyes widened slightly, but he was stunned on the spot.

This...how...what's going on?

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