Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1585 Hirohiko's circle

About ten minutes later, the Japanese-style log cabin, the kitchen.

why do i do these things...

While tidying up the tea set in her hand, Qianye looked at the empty tea bag in distress, with a deep wry smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Hahahaha! Yes, yes, Yuya was really funny that time! I laughed so hard!"

"A D-level mission, he was actually being chased by a cat!"

"That's not a cat, okay, that's a bear! That's a bear! A bear with a high combat power!"

"Clack cluck!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Stop explaining, the more you explain, the more ridiculous you will find it!"

"You! You!"


And outside the closed kitchen door, there were bursts of laughter, with a little noise.


Listening to these voices, Qianye couldn't help closing her eyes and let out a long sigh. In his mind, the scene of crowds of people behind the door after the door was opened just now emerged.

There is no other way, there is no more tea.

Moreover, there is nothing to entertain them, so they still have to go out and buy.

It just so happens that Hirohiko and Xue Nai are back, and the stock at home may not be enough. At this time, there should be shops that are still open, so let's go quickly.

Then, after this scene flashed by, Qianye sighed again, and a decision was made in his heart.

And after making a decision, Qianye also acted very quickly. After all, it was getting late, and if he went late, he might not be able to buy anything.

So, he opened the door of the kitchen, and suddenly louder laughter and noise came roaring from the living room like the wind pouring in.

It is also fortunate that this place is located in a remote place, otherwise, if it is in a residential area, I am afraid that someone will smash the glass and report nuisance to the people.

In terms of disturbing the people, Konoha is actually punished quite heavily, just because there is no bustling nightlife in Muye Village at night, everyone goes to bed early, and there are no machines or the like, and there has never been a phenomenon of disturbing the people. .

"Well, Hirohiko, I'm going out to do some shopping."

Then, he raised his voice as high as possible and shouted towards the living room.

Afterwards, in an instant, the entire noisy living room fell silent, a needle could be heard, and everyone's laughter and conversation stopped abruptly at this moment.

In an instant, twelve eyes fell on his face.


In this regard, a trace of unnaturalness flashed across his face immediately.

"I'll go with you."

At this moment, one of the group of people sitting around the low table stood up and spoke.

It was Hirohiko with a poker face but with joy.

"No, no need, just stay with these partners well."

In this regard, Qianye shook her head and refused, and then, after nodding to the other eleven people, she opened the door and left the room, and left the Japanese-style cabin in a flash.


And the moment he left, the living room, where the needle drop could be heard, burst into a noise that almost shook the ceiling.

"Then... Qian... Lord Qianye nodded to me!"

"Just... Did he smile at me just now, did he smile at me!"

"It can't be done, it can't be done, when I think that the captain actually lives with such a great god who dominates the ninja world, my little heart..."

"Why do I feel that there is something unreal like a dream!"


After the noise, there were all kinds of excited voices.

"Are you idiots? This guy, what do you worship!"

Soon, amidst all kinds of excited voices, a young girl's crisp voice rang out, overwhelming everyone's voices.

I saw that next to Hirohiko, who seemed a little at a loss, Mito Muko had already stood up, with her hips on her hips, and a stern expression on her face.


And these more than a dozen boys and girls who were younger than her were immediately attracted by this sentence, and their eyes all focused on Muzi for a moment, and the living room became quiet in an instant.


At this time, seeing that everyone was attracted by him, after quieting down, the corner of Mito Muko's mouth suddenly curled into a sly smile.

"Would you like to hear about this embarrassing story of the Great God Chiba? It's all confidential!"

Then, in this sly smile, Mito Muko said mysteriously.


Hearing this sentence, the corner of Hirohiko's mouth was slightly pulled, and he covered his face with one hand.

The others, after looking at each other in confusion, slowly approached, and directly expressed their willingness to "listen, listen, listen" with silence and action.


Chiba's embarrassment?

What is what?

Even Xue Nai, who was eavesdropping on the corridor on the second floor, slightly lowered her ears and listened more seriously.


No wonder, Hiroko didn't completely blacken, but was so extreme that he would do anything for revenge.

It turns out that besides us, he has such a group of good comrades in arms!

Moreover, the closeness to him is no less than that of me, Xue Nai and Kushina.

Behind him, there is also a group of people who support him wholeheartedly!

Otherwise, they wouldn't have flocked to him on the first day he came back.


That's great!

Now, I don’t have to worry too much about Hirohiko’s blackening. I was thinking that I should at least use Nobuhiko Uchiha’s information to keep his vengeance steady, and not let him do anything related to revenge for a long time. This leads to the further deepening of revenge, causing impatience, and doing something irreversible.

Now, it seems that I was worrying too much.

Hirohiko is indeed a different Uchiha.

I'm afraid, and Uchiha mirror, Uchiha Shisui, and Itachi should be the same kind of Uchiha tribe.

Seeing the Konoha gate getting closer and closer, Qianye breathed a sigh of relief.

The boys and girls who were in the room just now were all friends and comrades-in-arms that Hirohiko met when he was the captain in the Third World War.

They are all teammates who really care about him and trust him.

And this also made Chiba feel extra at ease, not just because these people would support and care for Hirohiko, but from another point of view, since Hirohiko can get the support and love of these people, then he must be the captain. gained their trust and love.

In other words, Hiroko's qualifications, character, and mentality as a captain can win their trust.

That is to say, Hirohiko possesses the talent of a leader, even overshadowing Uchiha's racial defects.

Otherwise, with Uchiha's standard temperament, he may be able to be the captain for a while, but it is unlikely to be trusted and loved by his teammates.

The future isolation of the Uchiha clan, on the one hand, is definitely a problem with the Second Hokage policy, on the other hand, Uchiha's arrogance and paranoia are definitely not a pleasing character. It is by no means a character that can win people's hearts.

Even, Uchiha is rarely teamed up with other people in the village. Although there is a relationship with the policy of the police force, there are also reasons why Uchiha's character is not pleasing. Apart from the fact that the police force is not pleasing The bad impression created by his behavior, and the general ninja's feeling of superiority towards Uchiha, is also quite unacceptable.

In fact, Uchiha's character is quite unsuitable to be a captain.

But now, Hirohiko's performance is exactly the opposite of Uchiha's character. It can be seen that Hirohiko is different from other Uchihas.

This is a fundamental difference.

So, speed it up!

Hurry up and buy something!

And thinking of this, Qianye smiled slightly, then suddenly accelerated, and after a sharp turn, he headed towards the shop area.

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