Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1587 Separate

The next day, early morning.

A Japanese-style log cabin surrounded by morning mist.

"Is there any pain in the eyes?"

Looking at Xue Nai who had finished washing and sitting down in front of her, Chiba who had also finished washing stared at Xue Nai's empty white eyes and asked.


To this, Xue Nai replied very seriously.

Just now, Chiba decided to interrogate her to determine the efficacy of the medicine, and then adjust the dosage and ratio of the medicine. According to Chiba, this is a routine examination and it is very important.

In order to restore eyesight, Xue Nai also paid great attention to it.

Although she is used to the state of blindness, and because of her blindness, Chiba's attitude towards herself has changed a lot. It seems that she still feels a little like "finally enlightened" as Kushina said, but, for her As far as she is concerned, in terms of personal wishes, of course she still wants to recover her eyesight.

"So, taking the medicine every day, is there any other bad condition in the body?"

In this regard, Chiba nodded, and then asked again.

"Well...it seems not. However, after taking the medicine, I often feel better. Is this a bad condition?"

Hearing this, Xue Nai thought about it carefully, and said.

"Is your spirit going to be better?"

Qianye was slightly taken aback by this.

"Well, yes, but it's just a refreshing effect, and I don't feel very energetic all the time, and I won't enter a hyperactive state."

Afterwards, Xue Nai added another sentence.

Is it because of the silver grass?

The silver grass in this world seems to have a refreshing effect, and it feels similar to the coffee in the previous life, but the medicinal value is different.

Well, this shouldn't be a problem.

And hearing this sentence, Qianye thought about it.

"So, were there any other reactions that were different?"

Then, he asked again.

"There is nothing else, um... I don't know, sometimes the body feels warm, is it a bad reaction?"

Regarding this, Xue Nai thought about it again, and said.

"Warm? Is it a fever? Are you sweating?"

Hearing this, Qianye frowned and asked again.

"It's not that kind of fever, it just feels that the body is very warm and comfortable without sweating."

Hearing this sentence, Xue Nai thought about it again, and seemed to organize her words before speaking.

Warmth...not fever or sweating, it should be a comfortable feeling.


Then, there should be no problem.

In response, Qianye nodded slightly.

"Then, the medicine should not be dangerous, and the ratio doesn't need to be readjusted. Next, just continue taking it, and don't stop it."

Then, Chiba spoke.

"I got it!"

Hearing this, Xue Nai smiled slightly and nodded to show that she knew.

"So, how are you?"

At this time, Hong Yan, who was leaning on the door frame, looked at the morning mist outside, then at the two people in the room, and said, interrupting their interrogation.

"Well, well, it's not a big problem."

In this regard, Chiba stood up and said so.

"Then, let's go."

And hearing this sentence, Xue Nai also stood up and said.

It can be said that today is also a busy day. In addition to reporting to the police, she and Hong Yan also need to go back to the camp to check if there are any omissions. Although it is said that all the people in the camp have been sent back to the village, they As one of the persons in charge, I still need to do some work, this is not a holiday.

We should be responsible for the good things, we should still be responsible for the good ones.

It's just that, because a large number of people return to the village, the required management does not require so much, which will make them relatively more relaxed.

It's just that, in this general environment of peace talks and alliance repairs, if they want to be free, they can't go anywhere.

As for Chiba's words, it seems that because of the follow-up of the previous mission, he needs to go to the Hokage Building again.

"Then let's go!"

After Xue Nai's voice, Chiba and Hirohiko immediately nodded in response, so the three of them left the Japanese-style cabin together, and went out together after a long absence.

And along the way, the three of them didn't talk a lot, Qianye kept frowning, as if he was thinking about something, and that expression of lost in thought that hadn't appeared for a long time reappeared on his face again.

For the other two, first of all, they have long been accustomed to Qianye's gloomy expression, and more or less guessed that Qianye must have played a very important role during the peace talks and alliance repair period. I'm afraid, It is also a heavy responsibility.

Therefore, the two didn't pay much attention to Chiba's emotions.

As for these two, Xue Nai's face was more or less dignified. Although her eyes were empty due to blindness, from the way she frowned, it could be seen that she was also thinking about some difficult things after all.

As for Hongyan, he has the same poker face as before, but there is a worrying look on his brows and eyes, as if he has something on his mind.

The three of them walked all the way until that intersection.

The intersection leading to the reporting office and the Hokage Building in the village.

"Then, I'll go first, Hirohiko, Yukina."

In this regard, Qianye recovered from the state of thinking that there was no one else in time, paused, and turned to bid farewell to the two close friends.

"Well, Hirohiko and I will go to the report office, and we will go to the camp later, will you go back to eat at night?"

Hearing this, Xue Nai raised her head and said.

"Xue Nai and I are sure to go back for dinner."

To this, Hirohiko also spoke.

"Really? Go back to eat...I'm not sure, if I haven't come back by the time, you can eat first."

Hearing this sound, Chiba thought for a moment, and said.

"Well, I'm at a fixed time anyway, and I have to go to the police force to report. There is a report point just before dinner. After that time, if you haven't come back, we'll eat first."

In this regard, Hirohiko opened his mouth and informed Chiba of the report point.

"Okay, that's it, then, goodbye!"

Hearing this, Chiba nodded, and after a reply, she turned and left, thinking about the Hokage Building.

It seems that it is a little eager.

"Let's go, then."

Sensing Qianye's departure, Xue Nai didn't say much, turned the bamboo pole slightly, and headed towards the reporting office.

Only after Hirohiko glanced at Chiba who was leaving and frowned, some determination seemed to flash across Poker's face, he followed Xue Nai.

It feels so good to have them back!

But after the two of them had walked a long way, Chiba, who had already walked a certain distance, couldn't help but turned around, glanced at the direction they were leaving, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Moreover, the preliminary and perfect plan was finally figured out!

Didn't sleep last night, it still works!

Then, after this smile, his smile turned into a serious one, and amidst this seriousness, Qianye didn't stay any longer, quickened his pace, and walked towards the Hokage Building.

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