Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1588 Correction


Sure enough, early this morning, the Hokage office will not be too deserted!

After getting permission, he slowly pushed open the door of Hokage's office. After seeing the situation inside, Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly, and a slight solemn look flashed across his face.

And there was such an expected thought in my heart.

At this moment, in this office belonging to Hokage, there are already the most powerful figures in Konoha.

Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

Consultant, re-sleeping Koharu, Mitomon Yan.

Root's leader, Shimura Danzo.

Sannin, Orochimaru.

Defense Minister Kenshin Watanabe.

Ayume Maki is the top person in charge of the Konoha Intelligence System.

The patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hyuzu.

And as the door opened, the gazes of these eight people also fell on Qianye with a heavy and oppressive aura.

It seems that the implementation of the plan is not going well!

At the same time, facing these eight gazes, the corners of Qianye's eyes twitched slightly.

Except for Orochimaru who has never been able to figure out what he is thinking, Xiaochun who likes and dislikes in bed, and Danzo who looks like an old monk with drooping eyes, Chiba can look at the faces of other people. There was a look of solemnity and worry intertwined.

And among these five people, except for Mitomon Yan, the others should not agree with this plan, and the expressions on their faces are not only dignified and worried, but also have a firmness of denial.

Obviously, the previous plan was too risky.

Although Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomenyan are confident that they can reach 90% certainty, but the others are still not so sure.

So much so that now at least half of the people disagree.

Even Namikaze Minato had a negative expression.

It seems that staying up all night to perfect it is still the right decision.


Orochimaru had obviously plotted against Kazekage before, and he didn't know what he was going to do, and what he was going to do was obviously not good for Konoha.

Now that he joins this plan, I am afraid that he will become the biggest saboteur of this plan.

While walking towards the crowd's stall all the way, Chiba glanced lightly at Orochimaru who was thinking about something from the corner of her eye, and a series of thoughts passed through her mind.

However, he also knew that it was normal for Orochimaru, as the only Sannin still in the village, to be invited by Namakaze Minato to make decisions.

This time the situation is particularly sensitive, and the plan is really too important, so it is inevitable for Namikaze Minato to do so.

Regarding such a big matter as the peace talks, even Minato Namikaze, as Hokage, cannot decide on such a big and high-risk plan based on his own opinion. If it were Chiba himself, I am afraid that he would not dare to make a decision with a single word.

"Chiba, what's the matter?"

Seeing Chiba standing still in front of the desk, the eight people who were invited to discuss made way in two rows, giving way to the middle position, and Namikaze Minato opened the mouth.

"Well...Actually, last night, I made some revisions to the plan. I still think the previous plan was too rudimentary."

Regarding this, Chiba also said straightforwardly,

Saying that, he handed the scroll in his arms to Minato Namikaze.

This child is still...

But when he heard Qianye's words and saw that scroll, Xiaochun, who had always liked and disliked so much, couldn't help but raised his brows, but his face sank a little.


Sure enough, wouldn't this kid simply hand over a half-finished project to the village?

Sometimes, I really don't know how to evaluate this child!

It's just that, I don't know, whether the child's character is beneficial to him or harmful to him in the end.

But at the same time, turning to Xiaochun's side, Mitomon Yan let out a long sigh in his heart.


Xiaochun and Menyan, in this matter, do they have any connection with this Taki Chiba?

At this time, Danzo, who was slightly behind them, also quickly noticed the subtle changes between the two old friends, and a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

So, this matter, I...

Moreover, the established thinking in my heart slowly started to rethink.

Revised plan?

Just for one night?

At the same time, Watanabe Kenshin, Yume Maki, and Hinata Hinata, who were facing the three of them, were slightly startled.

As for Orochimaru, it still looks like that, and no one knows what it is thinking.


Orochimaru, Danzo, is really difficult to deal with, and there is no change in his face.

At this time, Qianye, who glanced at the two of them out of the corner of his eye, frowned slightly.

"A revised plan?"

At this time, Namikaze Minato was also a little stunned, and subconsciously reached out to take the scroll in Chiba's hand.

Doesn't this... mean that there is no time for perfection?

Such a thought flashed through his mind, as well as what the two consultants said last night about the lack of time for this plan to be perfected.

Chiba, did you do something that ordinary people can't do?

Then, after the thought, such a thought came to his mind.

However, despite the many thoughts in his heart, Namikaze Minato quickly spread out the scroll and read it.

Moreover, he picked up the original plan and compared them one by one.

Although there are still imperfections in many places, and only some fine-tuning can be done in one night, it can be regarded as each department, and the things to be done by everyone have been simplified a lot, and nearly half of the steps have been reduced. As long as a few points are achieved, the fault tolerance rate will be greatly improved.

In comparison, the feasibility is higher.

If the previous plan was only 70% feasible because there was no way to do it, and it was actually less than 30% feasible, then the possibility of this plan is actually at least 70%, and the success rate is guaranteed to be around 90%.

Now, no one should refuse.


Seeing Namikaze Minato's increasingly dignified face and his slightly frowned brows, such a thought flashed through Chiba's mind.

But from the corner of his eye, Orochimaru and Danzo were always on both sides, watching their every move.

After all, these two people are absolutely ulterior motives. In order to have time to further improve their strength in the future, they can't have anything to do with the peace talks, and he will never allow these two people to do anything to sabotage the peace talks.


After a while, under the gaze of everyone, Namikaze Minato handed the new plan to Zhuanxing Xiaochun, and then passed it on after Zhuanxing Xiaochun read it.


And when the new plan passed through everyone's hands and returned to Namikaze Minato's hands, except for those few characters who still couldn't see the joy or anger, everyone's face had an indescribable expression. expression.

Even as the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hinata, who is usually known for his prudence, had an indescribable shock on his face at this moment.

Everyone looked at Qianye with an expression as if they were looking at a monster.

Are you... Are you kidding me?

This... is this the revised plan?

Completely, there are two plans!

And in their hearts, there is such a thought surging.

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