Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1589 Guarantee

"Everyone, what do you think?"

After receiving the new plan that came back in a circle, Namikaze Minato looked around, waited for a while, and waited for the expressions of monsters on everyone's faces to slowly dissipate before speaking.

This kid Qianye has really done something that ordinary people can't do!

In just one night, this complex and high-risk plan, which can be said to be prone to problems if you are not careful, has been improved into a relatively very simple plan that only requires a few steps, and each step has a certain degree of fault tolerance. .

Moreover, the success rate has also been improved.

Does this child have no boundaries?

Did the greater pressure create the greater miracle he created?

Doesn't this kid have limits?

At this time, such a thought flashed through his mind.


At this time, upon hearing his own Hokage's words, everyone looked at each other, with a hesitant look on their faces, except for those few who couldn't see any emotion or anger.

Compared with the original plan, although the new plan is almost another plan, it is undoubtedly a good plan.

However, after the plan fails, it may directly cause chaos in Muye Village, but it makes them feel that the 90% success rate is still a bit low.

For them, the consequences of the failure of this plan cannot be afforded.

However, there is no better way now. According to reliable news, the envoys from the Land of Earth will arrive tonight. A plan must be made, and they have no choice.

Between the unbearable consequences and the situation of having no choice, for a while, they couldn't make up their minds.

Sure enough, it was hesitation!

Sure enough, these two guys didn't show anything in their hearts, they both hid it so deeply.

Looking at the appearances of everyone, Chiba's expression did not change much, as if he had anticipated the current situation, and the corner of his eye was still locked on the faces of Danzo and Orochimaru, observing carefully.

And Orochimaru still looked like he didn't know what he was thinking, Danzo still lowered his eyebrows and looked pleasing to the eye, like an old monk in meditation, and even Xiaochun, who turned to sleep, closed his eyes, unable to see whether he agreed or disagreed.

However, despite this, Chiba did not have any worries about the implementation of the plan. At this time, no matter how hesitant, there was only one final result.

That is, follow his plan.

Now he is only worried about how Orochimaru and Danzo will use his plan, and he must rule out these two uncertain factors.

Only when these two uncertain factors are ruled out can he feel at ease.

Only this plan can truly have a 90% success rate.

Otherwise, Chiba has no confidence to succeed.

"I agree."

But at this moment, when Qianye was thinking about it, an unexpected voice sounded first.

With low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, he looks like an old monk in meditation. Danzo is what you say, but he opened his mouth first.

Before everyone else, Chiba's plan was agreed.


But upon hearing this sound, the reactions of the people in the office were different. Qianye was the first to react, and a thought of dissatisfaction turned in his heart.

It's really rare that Danzo will take the lead in expressing his position.

It seems that this plan is also the only option.

Next, it's the sleeping Koharu and Mito Menyan.

This... turned out to be, Danzo-sama was the first to agree.


It would be too arbitrary to agree to this plan now.

The last ones to react were the few remaining people.

As for Orochimaru, I still don't know what he is thinking, and it doesn't look like he wants to express his opinion.

"Is there any more? As I said, this time our minority obeys the majority. Please express your opinion whether you agree or reject it."

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato saw that someone finally spoke, and the silence had already opened a gap, so he hurriedly said.

"Wait a moment!"

However, before these words fell, Qianye suddenly spoke.

"What else is there?"

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato looked at Chiba suspiciously and asked.

"Before voting, I would like to add a guarantee of the success rate of the plan."

Facing Namikaze Minato's gaze, Chiba had a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't leave Danzo and Orochimaru from the corner of his eyes, and said.


Minato Namakaze was slightly taken aback by this, and subconsciously said.

"Yes, guarantee. With this guarantee, the success rate of the plan should be higher."

Hearing this, Chiba nodded and said.

This child, do you want to...

However, upon hearing this sentence, Namikaze Minato's face froze slightly, as if realizing something, and did not answer Chiba directly.

"What guarantee?"

But he didn't speak, the chief of the intelligence system, Yume Maki, who was also the only woman here, spoke eagerly.

She is in charge of all of Konoha's information, and she clearly knows how bad the situation is now, and how urgently she needs a plan with a success rate close to 100% to restore the crisis and ensure the smooth progress of the peace talks.

At this time, she was no longer able to maintain her usual calmness and prudence.

"Let the person who made the plan direct the execution of the plan."

Regarding this, Qianye didn't hold back, and said straightforwardly.

Let the person who made the plan direct the execution of the plan?

And hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

So, that is to say...

Then, subconsciously, the gazes of Yume Maki and others focused on Qianye with a look of surprise.


Namikaze Minato showed a look of confidence.

Is that really the case?

Afterwards, the look of neither joy nor dislike on Xiaochun's face slowly faded away, replaced by a look of disappointment or sighing.

Qianye's words were exactly as they thought.

Even with a high success rate, such a plan with such a high risk, according to Chiba's personality, cannot be given to others with confidence.

This kid!

But at this time, Danzo, who had returned to his low-browed and pleasing appearance after speaking, couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.


This Taki Chiba...

At the same time, Orochimaru who didn't know what he was thinking over there raised his eyebrows slightly at this moment.

Finally... the show has been revealed!

Didn't think of it!

At this time, the worries in Qianye's heart finally eased.

This kind of plan is risky, and relatively speaking, the error tolerance rate is still not high, and no one is more suitable to direct this plan than me, the maker.

Moreover, here, I am afraid that there is no one who can fully exert the effectiveness of this plan!

Orochimaru is not expected to be trusted by everyone!

And Nara Shikahisa is not here at all!

As the mood stretched, Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly.

Cold and firm!

At this moment, the Hokage office fell into silence again.

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