Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1609 Rest? calculation?

Is it... a quick wit?

In other words, is it sudden and quick-witted?

In the dark secret meeting hall No. 2, Qianye's mouth cracked into a wry smile, looking at the scroll in his hand, he couldn't stop smiling wryly.

And in his heart, a thought that was even more bitter than his smile appeared.

At this time, the scroll he was looking at was brought by Anbe, who is directly under Hokage, and it described in detail the situation of the negotiation with the envoy of the Land of Land, and judging from the handwriting, it should be written by Minato Namikaze himself.

Through this scroll, this first meeting, Chiba has already learned about it in detail.

At this time, he also had to sigh that the other villages were not without talents. The envoy named Yanshan's quick wit at the end could be said to have perfectly solved the absolutely unfavorable situation at that time.

Of course, it also cracked his plan.

This family wants to sue the third generation of Tsuchikage, skip the preliminary negotiations, and sign the final armistice agreement, Konoha can't say anything.

On the surface, they agreed to your conditions, no matter how much you want to have an outbreak, you will not be able to.

Then, people have to skip the preliminary negotiation, take a moment to inform Tuying, you can't use time to talk about it.

For Konoha, this sentence basically sealed off all the rhetoric of turning his face.

As far as the land of earth is concerned, for the envoy, he only needs to pass the content of the contract to his village and wait for the news.

As for when the third Tsuchikage will reply to the letter, then it is not his concern. Maybe the letter will come tomorrow, maybe ten days later, maybe a month, it depends on when the three generations of Tukage will send the news.

It has no direct relationship with him, and even if Konoha is urging, he can only spread his hands and say that the decision on this matter is not up to him. You can get rid of it cleanly.

And since the third Tsuchikage had made a plan to mess up Konoha, how could it be possible to reply in a short time?

This sentence has actually completely ruled out the possibility of Konoha coercing Iwagakure to sign an armistice treaty.

At least, before finding a new excuse, Konoha could only wait.

After all, this is a country-to-country issue, something that can be ignored at ordinary times, and can be done by any means, but it will not work.

It has to make sense and have a reasonable reason.

That is to say, for the Land of Earth envoys, they already have the prerequisite for a protracted war—time.

For Konoha, it is quite unfavorable.

However, at this time, although Qianye felt bitter in his heart, he was not impatient. Even at this time, he was calm as expected.

For such an important task, with the witty calculations of the third generation of Tsuchikage, it is of course impossible to send a few insignificant or incompetent people over. Chiba had already expected the disadvantage.

And since there is prediction, Chiba naturally has a solution.

In other words, falling into a disadvantage and failing in the confrontation was originally part of Chiba's plan.

If it succeeds, forcing the Land of Earth to sign or recognize the peace treaty will be done once and for all, there is no need to think about it, and there is no need to carry out the next plan, and there is no need to bear the possibility of causing huge chaos and destroying the entire peace alliance. However, if it can go so smoothly, they won't have to worry so much in the beginning.

Qianye had already prepared for this failure before thinking of this link.

"So, next, can you rest for a few days?"

After reading all the content, Qianye casually put the scroll aside, couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, and yawned softly.

During this period of time, I don't know why, it may be that the biological clock has been destroyed destructively, and he is always prone to sleepiness.

Arrangements have been made over there, and all the information that should be given has also been given.

It should be no big problem.

If there is really a big problem, that's not bad, at least one very unstable factor can be ruled out.

Although it will advance all plans, it can eliminate a huge hidden danger for the future of the village.

is worth it.

After rubbing his eyes, Chiba began to seriously consider the matter of resting for a few days. First of all, he ruled out whether his rest would cause any adverse reactions.

To be honest, Chiba is not willing to rest, at least he does not plan to rest until the matter of the Land of Land Missions is resolved.

However, the reality of getting more and more sleepy every day made him consider taking a few days off to adjust his spirit.

After all, this second step has also been preliminarily completed, and the next third step may involve a considerable amount of energy on him, and the third step is not only the most important, but also difficult, requiring all departments of Konoha to There is a tacit cooperation, and the fault tolerance rate is very low. Once there is any confusion, it may affect the whole body, causing the entire plan to collapse and lead to chaos beyond his control.

In terms of the current mental state, it is necessary to rest for a few days.

Moreover, it does take some time to ferment between the second step and the third step. It is necessary for Chiba to rest for a few days, and even let the commanders of the third step take a few days off.

As for the envoys of the Land of Earth, now they have to wait for the impossible message from the third generation of Tsuchikage, and it is impossible to do anything excessive. Now the village is full of secret sentries, and because of the previous rest of the lifting of martial law, the secret sentries There is no weakness, and their every move is under the surveillance of Konoha, and there are no waves.

And the other party should also know that Konoha already knew about their unruly intentions. Since the other party wants to fight a protracted war, they will not take the initiative to make trouble.

A few days off seems to be okay.

No, forget it.

If something goes wrong, it's bad, I'll just stay here.

I don't know if I will be complained by Xue Nai and Hirohiko when I go back.

But, for the next third step to be able to... eh?

Wait a minute, step three, is it that complicated what I need to do?

But thinking of this, Qianye shook his head, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind, and then, just after this series of thoughts passed by, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind. The third step, which had nearly a dozen steps, was suddenly broken down. Under the habit of thinking, those complicated steps with low error tolerance were slowly eliminated.

A simple and clear plan, although difficult, but not too complicated, slowly emerged in Qianye's mind.

Before, was I playing around the corner?

Cooperating with the current result of the second step, plus the arrangement on a whim, I think it doesn't need to be so complicated!


Let's do the math first!

Thinking about it, Qianye's spirit suddenly lifted, and without hesitation, he directly picked up the pen and paper, and began to deduce the simple third step in his mind, calculating its feasibility.

If it works, then the feasibility will be even higher!

While calculating, such a thought flashed through his mind.

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