Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1610 No flaws at all?

"Captain, it's still the same today. There is no abnormal situation. Konoha's defense is really solid."

In the room belonging to Iwayama, the guard stood straight, thinking about Iwayama sitting in front of the table and reporting.


In this regard, Yanshan rubbed his eyes, nodded slightly, and then, after seeing the exhaustion on the guard's face and the looming dark circles, he waved his hand and said, "Well, that's it, you don't have to go out tomorrow Check it out, take a good rest for a day."


To this, the guard simply responded, then turned around and opened the door to leave.

Is there no flaw at all?

No chance at all?

In this world, is there really a perfect defense?

After the guards left, a trace of helplessness flashed across Yanshan's face. After taking a deep breath, he covered his face with his hands and rubbed it gently, while such a bitter thought flashed across his heart .

Ten days have passed since the first meeting. During these ten days, every day, he sent his guards out to inquire about news, and sometimes he himself would use the name of shopping to observe the terrain of Konoha , already in the case of defense.

And since the first day of the meeting, after he sent the so-called message of "seeking the consent of Mr. Three Generations of Tukage", Konoha seems not to be impatient at all in the past ten days. Except for the ninjas who delivered three meals a day, Konoha never sent any other ninjas, let alone urged them to respond quickly. In the past ten days, Konoha seemed to have forgotten them.

To be honest, Konoha's actions were beyond Iwayama's expectations.

His current daily inquiries, as well as his earlier proposal of soliciting the opinions of the three generations of Tukage, skipping the preliminary negotiations, and directly signing the armistice agreement, are all purposeful, and even skipping the preliminary negotiations is not just for understanding All of a sudden. Also with follow-up means.

This daily inquiring, and the constant use of the third Tsuchikage's unreceived news as a delay, is actually to arouse Konoha's anxiety.

After all, an envoy clearly aware of its evil intentions is blatantly inquiring in the village, and it cannot quickly solve such hidden dangers. Yanshan believes that no matter which ninja village it is, it will slowly become anxious when faced with such a thing stand up.

And as long as you get anxious, people's hearts will fluctuate, and there will always be opportunities to take advantage of it.

At the same time, doing this, constantly delaying the time, and hanging the vigilance of the Konoha guards with inquiries, will naturally cause mental fatigue over time. After these mental fatigue reaches a certain level, no matter how perfect the defense is, there will be mistakes. open the door to them everywhere,

Even, he has already thought of ways and rhetoric to deal with Konoha's various urgings.

However, in the current situation, it is obvious that Konoha, not to mention being impatient, didn't even react at all, and behaved very calmly, from being calm to defense, there was no slight change in defense, and he was still so impeccable.

Moreover, yesterday, several construction sites in Konoha, which were suspended due to the peace talks, seemed to have started to restart.

Obviously, Konoha is not only calm, but also has absolute confidence in the peace talks and alliance, everything is under its control.

To be honest, it made him a little uneasy.

In the current situation, his methods are obviously useless. Although he still has time, this time is not unlimited, and Konoha is not talking about it, he is completely stopped by him.

As long as the time is long enough, Konoha can also turn his back on him, saying that the Land of Earth has deliberately delayed and has no sincerity to negotiate a peace alliance. At that time, he will still face those two choices.

But now, the only thing that comforts Yanshan is that the third Kazekage is still in Konoha Village, which means that Konoha and Sand Yin have not yet been finalized, and the peace talks between the two sides are still in progress.

This can be regarded as reassuring Yanshan a lot.

After all, Konoha's current calm attitude may be because the negotiation with Sand Yin is going well, and the focus of Konoha's negotiations may be on Sand Yin, not them.

The reason why Konoha is calm may not be because his methods are not effective, but because Konoha has not fully focused on them, which greatly reduces his methods.

"However, Konoha's defense has not been disturbed in the slightest. It is really strange that there is no loophole at all. After such a long time, there is no loophole at all. According to their deployment of troops on the front line, and the current deployment in the village Anbu, Konoha can only achieve this level of strength unless it doubles the force we estimated. Otherwise, ten days of high-intensity alert and a large-scale alert outside the village are impossible. No fatigue at all. It shouldn't be."

And thinking of this, Yanshan slowly opened his hands, his eyes under the thick dark circles gleamed with doubts, and he murmured unconsciously.


Should not!

It shouldn't be!

Even if everyone in Konoha has a strong will, it is impossible to do everything in this super-wide-scale vigilance without a single gap.

Even, it is possible to maintain this "loose on the surface, but in fact there is no room to take advantage of" situation. This not only requires the ninja in charge of vigilance to have extraordinary will, but also the commanding commander needs extremely strong commanding ability and concentration. There is a slight deviation.

No matter how powerful a commander is, it is impossible to continue such subtle commands.

So weird here!

Could it be that our intelligence was wrong?

In fact, there are not as many Konoha Frontiers as we have investigated?

Or, all of this is actually not as real as I imagined?

Then, after this murmur, such a thought flashed through his mind.


Am I stupid?

Why is Konoha so calm? Why can the defense be impenetrable without any flaws?

This was originally arranged by Taki Chiba, this arrangement was originally to force us to sign a treaty!

Of course it is, making us look invulnerable!

And, long-term invulnerability!

All of this is still in Taki Chiba's psychological layout!

Afterwards, he suddenly woke up, and stood up with a swipe of his body.

Prove it!

Must verify it!

Here, proof must be sought!

Then, like a scholar who solved a long-suffering puzzle at once, Yanshan quickly picked up the pen and ink beside him in a panic, and began to write on the letterhead that conveyed the message.

one day!

It only takes one day to prove it!

As long as what I think is correct, then... Konoha can no longer hold on!

While writing, there was only one exciting thought in his mind.

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