Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1711 Communication

Sure enough, it was correct to let Hyuga Snow Eagle come over.

Even the secret room has been built, and it looks good.

Then, the emergency escape route should also be prepared.

Walking step by step towards the dark downward stairway, Qianye looked at it, and such a satisfied thought flashed in his heart.

And soon, the stairway came to the end, and a square secret room that was not big, but enough to accommodate everyone here, appeared in front of us. It was fully furnished with tables, chairs and beds, as well as some pickled game and fur, as well as ninjutsu. With a weapon, it is obviously a place where you can hide for a while in a crisis.

This is not only a secret room, but also a temporary refuge.

If the consideration here is thorough, then the escape route is likely to be hidden in this secret room as well.

After all, if Chiba designed this secret room, Chiba would definitely set up the escape passage here.

Otherwise, if you take refuge here and are discovered by the enemy, there is really only a dead end.

"Here, is there a newcomer here?"

After entering the secret room, Qianye didn't talk nonsense or criticize anything, but asked out the doubts that had arisen since entering the door.

"Well, there are about a dozen more people."

Regarding this, Hyuga Snow Eagle no longer had the angry and ugly look before, his face was completely serious, he nodded and said.

Since he came, he has indeed taken in two batches of orphans. Now there are almost twenty people living in this small camp. They are all victims of the war, and they were also brought back by Yuze and Zong Mi. After some investigations by him , stayed and also taught ninjutsu and ninja basics.

However, the aptitude of these two groups of children is much lower than that of Yuzawa Soya and Yin and others, and the aptitude of Mingtai people is far beyond these people. Throughout his life, he has been fighting at the level of Chunin, and even only at the level of Genin.

Of course, Hinata Snow Eagle is not disgusted, but an objective speculation. After all, judging from the attitudes of Yuzawa and Soya, this place will become an orphan shelter in the future, and the number of people may increase, and there will still be ninjas here.

In the future, I'm afraid it will always attract attention, but sometimes it doesn't matter whether it is an enemy or a friend. As the teacher here, he also needs to think carefully.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a hurry. In just half a year, he had built all the escape passages in the secret room. On the contrary, it didn't take much effort for the front wall.

"Really...so, where did the rest of the people go?"

In this regard, Chiba nodded and didn't say much, just asked.

Just now, he saw that the person who opened the door was an unfamiliar face, so he asked this question. Hearing Hinata Xueying's answer at this time, and after coming all the way just now, he estimated that the number of people in this small camp is obviously small. a lot.

"Yuzawa and Zongmi were taken out, some were on patrol missions, some were looking for food, by the way, we opened up farmland in a hidden place, and some people were working on the farmland."

At this time, hearing Qianye's question, Hinata Xueying sat down and said.


In this regard, Chiba nodded, but did not ask any more questions.

He believed that since Hyuga Snow Eagle was here, since these people could live in, there would be no danger or threat. He was just asking about the situation, and he didn't intend to interfere.


But hearing Qianye's words, Hinata Xueying frowned, hesitated for a moment, and hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

Although the two are not on the right track, they are both people who have experienced many storms after all, and now they have a common protection target. Eagle hesitated to speak, Qianye asked subconsciously.

"Hirohiko, how is he now? How is Master Xue Nai's eyes?"

And hearing Qianye's question, Hyuga Snow Eagle took a breath, and asked the question that he had been wanting to ask since just now.

For Chiba, Hirohiko and Yukina are extremely important people.

For him Hyuga Xueying, Hirohiko and Xue Nai are also the two most important people. After leaving the village, this is what he is most concerned about. He seemed too impatient and inferior in imposing manner, he had already asked about it.

At this time, seeing no one around, he asked.

"Hirohiko is fine. I came out this time under the banner of tracking down his brother Nobuhiko Uchiha, who is the real murderer of Nao. He is in the village, everything is fine, and now he holds an important position in the engineering team camp. , If you turn your merits into crimes, sooner or later you will escape from the state of a sinner. As for Xue Nai, she still needs a long-term recuperation, although her eyes have not yet formed, her body has always been very good."

In this regard, Qianye did not make things difficult, and said straightforwardly.

"Is that so...that's good."

And after knowing the recent situation of the two important people, Hinata Snow Eagle also let out a long sigh of relief.

As for the excuse Qianye made when he came out, he knew it. Qianye had sent a message before, and briefly explained the cause and effect.

He also knew that Qianye had found an excuse and came out under other banners.

There was nothing strange at the moment, just nodded and said.

"About Akatsuki, is there any latest information?"

And then, Chiba also cut to the chase and asked directly.

"You asked me to keep an eye on this Xiao before, is there any connection?"

However, this time, Hinata Snow Eagle did not answer Chiba very simply, but asked.

As early as when they first contacted, Chiba told Xiao to pay special attention to this organization.

"Yes, but I can't say."

To this, Chiba replied simply, saying so.

"Is it related to Hirohiko's matter?"

Hearing this, Hyuga Xueying frowned, but she was not dissatisfied, she just asked.

"Xiao's organization is related to many things. I even doubt that there are people in the village who are related to them and are involved in many things."

And hearing this question, Chiba spoke like this.

Involve a lot?

Well, it probably has something to do with Nobuhiko Uchiha's matter. This guy said he was under the guise of being wanted by Nobuhiko Uchiha, but, based on his character, this Akatsuki probably has something to do with Nobuhiko Uchiha, so he would do this Pay attention to.

However, Chiba's words were vague, but Hyuga Snow Eagle already had a guess in his heart.

"Since this is the case, I won't ask any more questions. Now, let me tell you about this information in detail."

Therefore, Hyuga Snow Eagle didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the map drawn by himself, and placed it in front of Chiba.

Then, he began to tell the ins and outs of his encounter with this organization that likes to wear cloaks with red auspicious clouds on a black background.

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