Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1712 Information

"In the past few days, you haven't seen the members of this Akatsuki again?"

After listening to Hinata Xueying finish speaking, Chiba frowned and remained silent for a while before opening her mouth to speak.

"Well, there is no trace. I have been watching for a while, but since the last time they showed up, they haven't shown up again."

Regarding this, Hyuga Snow Eagle who was sitting in front of him thought about it carefully, and said affirmatively.

"That's it..."

And hearing Hinata Snow Eagle's affirmative answer, Chiba nodded, pondered for a while, and then asked again: "This is the first time you met this organization, they were a member, wait The last time you showed up, it was with the two members, right?"

"That's right."

Hearing this question, Hyuga Xueying nodded and said affirmatively.

With such a clear question, it seems that Xiao's organization is really being targeted by this kid.

However, Akatsuki's organization doesn't seem to be a big organization. It seems to have some famous names in the country of rain, but after all, it is not a very powerful organization, and there is nothing eye-catching. What makes this kid so important.

Could it be that……

This organization is only now...

While speaking, Hyuga Xueying began to ponder in his heart.

During this period of time, he was not only helping Qianye inquire about news, his purpose of leaving the village was not only for Qianye, he also had plans for his own affairs. Some information about these two small countries has been inquired clearly.

After all, the Country of Grass and the Country of Rain are two small countries, and their respective ninja villages are not too big ninja villages after all. They were born as Konoha, and they may have some talents in intelligence and a white eye. Although Hyuga Snow Eagle basically has no mission experience, the experience of the Hyuga clan's rebellion also made him understand a lot of things. A lot of things.

It's just that, after all, he was careful and didn't enter any ninja village, and the core information was naturally impossible to find out.

Basically, they are relatively secret, but not too important information.

This Akatsuki is not too secretive or too important information. This organization was also well-known in the Land of Rain before, but then it disappeared for some reason. All the older ninjas in Yuyin Village know about this.

Although there were no rumors, for Hinata Snow Eagle, this effort must have been exhausting, but it was not news that would never be found.

But at this time, seeing Qianye's valued appearance, he couldn't help but have some thoughts in his heart.

He knew very well that this kid in front of him would never waste even a little bit of effort on irrelevant things. This kid attaches so much importance to this matter, I am afraid that this is much more important than he imagined.

Or, more threatening.

"Is it is it……"

But upon hearing Hinata Xueying's affirmative words, Qianye nodded absent-mindedly, and said perfunctorily.

It seems that they are looking for new members.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to track down.

Such a thought flashed through his mind.

According to Hyuga Snow Eagle, this member of Akatsuki should not be performing any employment mission, but looking for members. Moreover, when he first appeared, there was one person, and when he returned, there were two people.

Most likely, they found members and achieved their goals, and I'm afraid they will never appear in this country of grass again.

But now Akatsuki should be in the latent stage, acting secretly, and it is extremely difficult to find traces.

Although Chiba now knows where Akatsuki's base camp is, and has friendship with Nagato, and they have fought together. The last time they met Xiaonan, the two sides were considered friendly, but after all, they are enemies and not friends, and Nagato Heihua, at this time, it is estimated that Obito of Heihua is already by Nagato's side. This Yuyin Village has Nagato's Rain Tiger Freedom Art. If he breaks in, he may not be able to leave safely.

During this period of time, Chiba can also be regarded as advancing by leaps and bounds, but he has not swollen enough to think that he can deal with Payne Liudao and the blackened Obito alone.

Rushing into Yuyin Village is the next best thing to do.

Instead of going to the base camp, it would not be that easy to find Akatsuki, who is intent on keeping secrets, in this ninja world. At present, Akatsuki is still keeping a low profile, and she acts as a mercenary outside, and there is no gathering of S-rank wanted ninjas in the future. The land is so domineering, and the ninja villages are treated as mercenaries, and they don't pay much attention to it. Even if he asks the village for help, he can't find a good reason. Although he is now an S-level ninja and has mission autonomy, he still has He came out under the guise of tracking down Nobuhiko Uchiha, and he had to act in accordance with this guise. In Konoha Village, there are not only people who like him, but there are also people who want to get rid of him.

Can't be caught.

The world of ninjas is treacherous and changeable. One second, they may be admired by thousands of people. In the next second, they may be labeled as a traitor or suspected of being a traitor because of some inappropriate words and deeds. There are often people in the ninja world who would rather kill by mistake than not Things to let go.

He, too, can't do whatever he wants.

It seems that this matter still needs a long-term plan!

And thinking of this, Qianye pursed her lips, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

"About the guise of Uchiha Nobuhiko, how do you plan to maintain it?"

At this time, seeing Qianye showing deep thought, Hyuga Xueying frowned, but spoke.

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

In this regard, Qianye glanced at Hyuga Snow Eagle, and was not dissatisfied because Hyuga Snow Eagle interrupted his thinking, but just said.

Today, Hinata Xueying and Hirohiko also have a deep friendship.

While speaking, such a thought flashed through his mind.

Hinata Yukaka asked this suddenly, obviously not for him, or for Hinata Yukaka himself, but because he was worried about Hirohiko, afraid that he would disappoint or make Hirohiko sad by using this pretense.

And when Chiba came out this time, he didn't really just use Nobuhiko Uchiha as a cover, and he could investigate on the way, he definitely wanted to investigate.

If there are no clues, then he also has excuses and reasons.

It's not that he doesn't really work.

It's just that Xiao is the most important thing.

"Okay, then tell me something about the situation in the village."

However, for Chiba's answer, Hinata Yukitaka did not delve into it, but raised his own question.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

In this regard, Qianye was not surprised, he came here today to exchange information with Hyuga Snow Eagle, what Hyuga Snow Eagle wanted to know, and what he knew, he had to spit it out.

"First of all, I still want to know the current situation of the Hyuga clan."

Hearing Chiba's affirmative reply, Hinata Snow Eagle also unceremoniously and evasively put forward his own request.

"About the Hyuga Clan, during this time..."

And Chiba didn't talk nonsense, and directly started to explain the trend of the Hyuga clan.

Next, Hyuga Snow Eagle asked questions one by one, and Chiba answered one by one, knowing everything and talking endlessly.

Time, in this dialogue, slowly passed away.

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