Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1863 wait a while

"It's okay, Kushina."

Gently and carefully putting the beauty with the baby in her arms into the soft bed specially prepared for the mother to rest after giving birth, Namikaze Minato said with a slightly nervous expression.

"I'm fine, don't worry, the Junliang Pill prepared by Chiba seems to be very effective. I feel strong now, and I can hug Naruto."

At this time, the beauty who is a parturient, that is, Jiu Xinnai, her complexion has obviously improved a lot, and she already feels a little flushed, not as pale as before.

Obviously, it was the effect of the special army ration pill prepared by Chiba. Even, it seemed that the effect of the army ration pill on Kushina was much better than that on Chiba.

"Master Hokage!"

But at this time, after suddenly noticing that there were a few more people in the room, several voices spoke with a little panic and tension.

Obviously, they were taken aback by the sudden arrival of Namikaze Minato and others.

"There are wounded, Yamashita."

Hearing these voices in unison, Namakaze Minato raised his head, glanced at the room guarded by eight outstanding ninjas, and moved away, revealing Hirohiko who was supported by Yukina behind him .


Seeing Hirohiko, one of the eight ninjas who were guarding overtly and secretly, one of the male ninjas immediately turned his face aside, and immediately ran out of the hiding place, passing by Minato Namikaze.

"The treatment is quite good, but it's better to treat it again!"

After taking Hirohiko from Yukina, the medical ninja named Yamashita immediately inspected the wound, couldn't help admiring Yukina's bandaging technique, then led Hirohiko aside, squatted down, and used the medical chakra Heal Hirohiko's wounds.

"Mr. Yamashita, will this treatment cause the severed hand to be unconnected?"

But at this time, looking at Shanshita's movements, Xue Nai frowned slightly, as if realizing something, and asked immediately.

"Break the hand?"

Hearing this, Yamashita, who was concentrating on the treatment, was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that the incision that Hirohiko was holding on to the other hand was neat, and the veins and muscles of the wound were severed, and there was a subconscious sound in his mouth.

"How is it possible, this broken hand, how can it be connected?"

Then, the next second, he shook his head and said with regret on his face.

The child in front of him was only twelve or thirteen years old, and he was already missing an arm. Yamashita, who had been a medical ninja for many years, still couldn't help but regret it.

Another child, suffering more than he deserved.

"When tonight is over, we plan to let Chiba see if we can continue."

At this time, Xue Nai's words came.


Hearing this sound, Yamashita was taken aback again, and blurted out.

"If it's Chiba, maybe it's possible."

However, this time, the look of regret on his face subsided, and the light green light in his hand also dissipated, and then he said: "Then, this bandage is enough, if you use medical chakra to heal the wound Jiepi, there may be a big problem with the connection. There is also this severed hand, which needs to be dealt with.”


After hearing what Yamashita said, Hirohiko didn't hesitate, and directly handed the severed hand to Yamashita.

"Please, Mr. Yamashita."

At the same time, Xue Nai's words came one after another.

In this regard, Yamashita nodded, and after taking over the severed hand, he wrapped the entire severed hand with a bandage, and seemed to take out some liquid medicine, and performed some treatments on the wound of the severed hand. I don't understand how to deal with it.

"Do not worry."

At this moment, looking at the two of them, Minato Namikaze opened his mouth and said.

This Yamashita is a very powerful medical ninja in the medical ninja department. The reason why he was arranged here was originally reserved for Kushina to give birth, to prevent all kinds of medical ninjas from falling into critical situations. Of course , including Namikaze Minato, Chiba and Naruto.

Definitely the best among Konoha medical ninjas.


As for Namikaze Minato's words, Hirohiko and Yukina nodded, expressing that they understood.

"So, next, how to support Chiba?"

Afterwards, without waiting for Namikaze Minato to say anything, Hirohiko asked.

Now that Mr. Kushina has been rescued, and he has found the secret place that was supposed to protect Mr. Kushina and Naruto, it is time to consider how to support Chiba.

After all, what Chiba is facing now may be a space-time ninja who can't even deal with the fourth generation of Hokage in front of him.

"Regarding this point, I plan to send multiple support teams. As long as I find Chiba, I will immediately support the battle and send a message back. After receiving the message, I will immediately go to where Chiba is..."

To this, Namikaze Minato nodded, without the slightest hesitation, he opened his mouth and said.

For him, Qianye is also a very important person, for the sake of his family, he is almost desperate, and he has to save him personally.

Before, he had lost his beloved disciple, Obito, and Lin, and now, he didn't want to lose it again. He no longer wanted to experience that feeling of deep regret.

As long as he gets news from Qianye, he will rush to where Qianye is at the first time, and he will even join the support team to search for Qianye.

"No! No way!"

However, before he could speak, he was interrupted by Xue Nai.

"Xue Nai?"

Hearing this, Hirohiko and Namikaze Minato were stunned at the same time, and looked at Xue Nai in astonishment.

"Ms. Kushina and Naruto are not completely safe yet. The other party is a space-time ninja. The secret of space does not necessarily mean absolute security. Now, there is only one thing we have to do, and that is to protect Jiu here." Teacher Xinnai, wait for Chiba's signal, now, Teacher Minato, you are the only one who can deal with these space-time ninjas, and you cannot leave without permission."

At this time, Xue Nai frowned slightly, her face was tense, and she spoke firmly.

"But, could it be that Qianye..."

After hearing this, Hongyan's complexion changed, and he immediately spoke anxiously.

"Chiba will be glad we did this!"

However, before Hirohiko finished speaking, Xue Nai interrupted him.


Indeed, she would be happy to have us by Mrs. Kushina's side, but...

Could it be that Chiba is going to fight alone?

Chiba is also mortal!

He is also flesh and blood!

The first intruder also had a kaleidoscope Sharingan!

Hearing Xue Nai's words, Hirohiko opened his mouth, but he couldn't refute anything, but his heart became more and more anxious.

"No, wait a minute, just wait for a while. Qianye's military food pills are very effective. I think, wait a little longer, and I will be able to recover some combat power. At that time, I can go to support Chiba."

But at this time, Jiu Xinnai's voice came.

At this time, Kushina had already put down Naruto and let him sleep sweetly next to him, while she sat up from the bed and shook her hands slightly, as if feeling the recovery of her body.

Teacher Kushina...

Hearing this, Hirohiko and Xue Nai looked at their teacher in astonishment, with astonishment on their faces.


And at this moment, Namikaze Minato, who was about to say something to his wife, suddenly changed his expression, and stopped abruptly before he could speak.

This is!

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