Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1864 It's better...

"What's wrong? Minato?"

As a wife, as a childhood sweetheart, Kushina naturally noticed the change in the expression on her husband's face immediately, and asked about it immediately.

Almost the moment Namikaze Minato's face changed, Kushina's words arrived.

"Master Minato?"

And at this time, hearing what their teacher said, Yukina and Hirohiko looked at Minato Namikaze in unison, and said.

There was already a questioning look on his face.

"Qianye, unlock the seal."

Sensing the gazes from all around, Namikaze Minato frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, after all, he did not lie, but told the truth, and told everyone here what he sensed.

Just now, after my wife sat up, a mark quietly appeared in my induction.

The seal left by Fei Lei Shen Ku Wu Shang on Qianye's side was released.

In other words, Chiba sent a signal.

Call for help, or, a signal of victory!

Unlock the seal?

And hearing this sound, Kushina, Yukina, and Hirohiko were slightly taken aback for a moment.

"You mean, Qianye unlocked the seal of the Flying Thunder God?"

Then, after a second of silence, Kushina, whose face was gradually showing joy, asked impatiently.


To this, Namikaze Minato nodded, expressing his affirmation.

"Great, then let's go to Qianye's place as soon as possible. Every time he is seriously injured, let's go as soon as possible."

After receiving Namikaze Minato's affirmative answer, Hirohiko immediately said excitedly.

He even took a step forward, ready to fly Thunder God with Namikaze Minato.

"Well, it's not too late."

And Namikaze Minato also nodded, Chiba has seriously injured himself every time he fights, he is also quite worried, whether it is to ask for help, or to end the battle with victory, at this moment, it is estimated that Chiba is also scarred and must have Get medical treatment early.

"Kushinna, Yukina, Hirohiko, you just stay here, I can go alone, I will be responsible for bringing Chiba back."

However, although he agrees with Hirohiko's words, Namikaze Minato does not completely agree with what Hirohiko said.

When he heard Namikaze Minato's words, Hirohiko's face changed slightly. His Minato teacher said so, obviously he didn't want him to participate in Chiba's rescue operation.

"Yes, Hirohiko, you can stay here."

However, before he could speak and refute a few words, Kushina's words sounded at this moment. Obviously, Kushina had the same thoughts as her husband.

Hirohiko has already lost one hand, and Xue Nai is also scarred, no matter what, the two of them can no longer take risks.

"But... Teacher Kushina, I..."

Hearing the teacher he respected and feared, the corners of Hongyan's mouth were full of bitterness, and he lacked any confidence in his words.

"Okay, that's it, Yukina, Hirohiko, you stay and protect me, let Minato go alone this time."

Regarding this, Kushina did not give Hirohiko more opportunities to refute, and made a straightforward decision.

"Ms. Kushina..."

Seeing his teacher's serious expression, Hirohiko spoke shyly, but because of his usual fear of the teacher, he did not continue.

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, after hearing the news, Xue Nai, who had been silent all this time, opened her mouth. During her words, she frowned slightly, as if she was still thinking about something.

"Xue Nai, be obedient."

Regarding this, Jiu Xinnai's face softened slightly, but he still insisted.

As for Namikaze Minato, he didn't say anything, he knew that he couldn't convince these two children, the only one who could convince them now was his wife.

"No, I don't have to follow, but I have a few questions, and I want to ask Minato-sensei."

However, hearing her teacher's words, Xue Nai shook her head, smiled slightly, indicating that she was fine, and then asked Namikaze Minato.

"ask me?"

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously spoke.

"Yes, I want to know, what level of seal did Chiba set on the mark of Fei Lei Shen Kunai?"

Regarding Namikaze Minato's words, Xue Nai nodded, but spoke quite seriously.

Snow Nai...

Seeing Xue Nai's appearance, Kushina frowned, but paused to blurt out words of persuasion.

"If you look at the level of ninjutsu, it should be below C-level. For the convenience of disarming in battle, the more complicated the sealing technique and the higher-level sealing technique, it is not good."

To this, Namikaze Minato said.

To be honest, Chiba originally wanted to add a more advanced sealing technique, but Namakaze Minato considered that when he was in battle or in danger, the faster he could remove it, the more he could arrive in time.

This can greatly increase Chiba's survival rate.

"Really? The difficulty level is below C level, or even D level sealing technique. So, if Qianye is captured now, as long as the opponent has some basic sealing technique, he can break the seal?"

Regarding this, Xue Nai nodded, and then said more solemnly.

Chiba was captured?

With some foundation of sealing technique, can the seal be unlocked?

And hearing this sound, everyone present was stunned, and a trace of panic flashed in the eyes of Minakaze Minato and Kushina.


If so, this is a trap!

If this is a trap, if the enemy waits for work, and designs a trap specifically for space-time ninjutsu, or launches a sneak attack with lightning speed, then it may be a one-hit kill!

Now, if he rushed over, not only might he not be able to save Qianye, but he might even die in vain!

And in their hearts, such a trembling thought flashed through.

"So now it's not a question of who will go, but we have to consider whether the signal is from Chiba or the enemy. The safest way is to do well regardless of whether it is the signal from Chiba or the enemy. A plan to deal with possible traps. The problem now is not who goes and who doesn’t, but how many people need to go to be able to 100% deal with all the possible traps of the enemy.”

At this moment, Xue Nai, who awakened the two of them with a single word, took a slight breath, and spoke solemnly.

The point is... 100% to deal with all the traps of possible enemies...

Hearing this sentence, not only Namikaze Minato and Kushina, but also Hirohiko and the eight excellent ninjas guarding this secret place overtly and secretly were startled.

"In order to prevent possible enemy traps, I think it is quite unwise to go alone. At least two people should go together, so that the confidence will be greater."

Then, Xue Nai spoke again.

And hearing this sound, Namikaze Minato and Kushina glanced at each other subconsciously, and then, the stunned expression quickly subsided on their faces.

"Tell me, what are your plans!"

Then, they both looked at Xue Nai, and said solemnly.

What Xue Nai said makes sense, now, for Chiba's sake, it's best to listen to Xue Nai!

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