Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1894 Confirmed!

there is none left?

Yes, illusion?


Under the dim light, Qianye's brows were frowned bit by bit, and his eyes were unconsciously squinted, and his half-squatting figure slowly bent down, and couldn't help getting closer, looking at the ground.


Just now, was it really an illusion?

Then, seeing only the surface of the water, the same as the water surface and the ground when Naruto entered the Nine-Tails sealed space in the original book, and nothing else, Chiba's frown seemed to tighten even more.

Just now, he touched the water-like ground, but it was as hard and smooth as a mirror, and vaguely, he seemed to see some outlines and patterns, as if there was something under the water-like ground.

Although it was only for a moment, he was sure that he did see something.

However, now he tried to touch it a few more times, even several times, but the thing that he glimpsed just now did not appear.

Even, even the ripples didn't make much.

"Strange, obviously what I saw just now..."

And looking at the mirror-like ground, Chiba's brows had been completely erected into an upside-down character, and she kept recalling the moment just now in her mind.

Not an illusion, definitely not an illusion!

What I saw just now is definitely not an illusion!

There must be something under this!

Soon, Qianye became firm in his thoughts, even if it was only for a moment, he still really saw that there was something under the surface of the water, or on the ground like the surface of the water, what he had just now have witnessed.

And from that outline, it should look like a gap, extending from the position of his hand to both sides.

As for where to extend, he doesn't know.

But what is certain is that this gap must represent something, and it is the only way for him to leave here.

This position should be above the position where my traversing welfare light sphere is located. Uchiha Nobuhiko was holding my traversing welfare light sphere at that time, looking towards me.

This is also the very center of this dimly lit area.

It should be here.

And directly below the light sphere, there is such a gap, it is obvious that this is the place I am looking for.

Although I don't know what it is, but it is here!

It is very possible that the back door is not necessarily here!

And the more she thought about it, the more certain Qianye became.

Here, this fleeting gap on the ground is what he is looking for, the key to his escape!

But...what happened just now that caused the gap to flash in the pan?

What happened to my actions just now?

Then, after affirming it, Qianye also started to think positively. After all, he has received a lot of ninja education in this life. When encountering such a situation, the ninja school also taught methods.

That is to try to think about what phenomenon one's own actions have caused to produce such a result.

But now, when I touched the ground just now, among all the phenomena produced, including ripples, touching the ground, etc., which one produced the action that made the gap appear.

Then, thinking of this, Qianye was not idle, and started to stand up, squat down, touch the ground, then stand up, squat down, touch the ground, over and over again, each time is constantly thinking, constantly adjusting himself to stand up , squatting, and stroking postures, and kept making my posture close to the squatting and stroking that caused the gap to appear just now.

However, Qianye didn't know how many times he stood up, squatted down, and stroked like this, but in the end, the gap that just appeared just now did not appear.

It was as if what he saw last time was just a mirror image, something unrealistic.

There's none?

Is it wrong?

Still haven't done it!

Or in other words, besides myself, what conditions are not met, so it didn't appear?

And after going up and down hundreds of times, Chiba, who squatted perfectly in the original squatting position, sighed softly, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

Now he is a spiritual body, tireless, plus he has suffered for more than a dozen hours in the dark, these hundreds of times of repetitive work, can't arouse his restlessness at all.

Of course, without even being irritable, it is naturally impossible to think of giving up.

"Tick tock..."

And that is, every once in a while, the sound of dripping water will be produced in this sealed space, gently ringing.

"Tick tock..."

Then, another sound came from a different direction.

And following two sounds, two ripples came from unknown sources, crossed Qianye's palm on the ground, bumped into each other lightly, aroused more ripples, scattered and bounced away.


At this moment, Qianye, who was still thinking about something, suddenly widened his eyes, and almost blurted out an exclamation.

This is……


And almost instantly, he suddenly looked towards both sides, following the ripples of the rebound, and followed the attention away.

is that so?


The collision of ripples is needed!

But... just now, it was obvious that there was no...


It's good to see it now, it needs the collision of ripples!

The collision of ripples is needed, but it may not be a man-made collision of ripples, but an unknown action such as the natural drop of water in this space, which will cause the collision of ripples, and then it will appear!


That's it!

But at this moment, his heart was already full of excitement.

At this moment, in his eyes, where the bright ripples collided, a narrow and bright gap formed as if some hard objects were joined together extended all the way with the ripples until it reached the dim yellow At the end of the brilliance, I fell into the darkness.

Even, as the bright color stretches away, it seems to be clearly visible in the darkness, as if cutting off the darkness.

And under his palm is a yin-yang fish gossip pattern that he is somewhat familiar with, as if he has seen it somewhere, somewhere in the original book or the original animation.

"Is that so... Is that so... Is that so? There is no limit to the road, as expected, there is no limit to the road, even in a desperate situation, there will always be a glimmer of life, and I have almost caught this line The tail of vitality! Moreover, the time should not be long now, even if Uchiha Nobuhiko has a trap, it is impossible to catch Namikaze Minato in such a short period of time, or to achieve his goal, there is still hope!"

And as the ripples went away, this gap that seemed to be bright in Qianye's eyes, as well as the yin and yang fish gossip pattern disappeared invisible with the calm of the water-like ground.

However, at this moment, Qianye's eyes were burning with fighting spirit, and there was already a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Really sure.

has hope!

He can get out of here!

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