Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1895 Real evidence!


Hearing his wife's undeniable words, Minato Namikaze frowned slightly, and another drop of sweat slipped quietly from the corner of his forehead.

But at this time, as the beads of sweat rolled down, his face also slowly sank.

With his wife's tone, he knew very well what would happen next.

He also knew very well what would happen if he said to retreat, or really retreated.

Now, it is impossible to retreat!

Since my wife said so, it has already been explained that this matter has already been settled!

They do not retreat!

Because, my wife has already made up her mind.

And this determination is by no means reckless or self-willed, but my wife, who is sincere, thinks about herself, Xue Nai, Hirohiko, Chiba, and everything in the village, and weighs the present. After the situation, make up your mind.

Under such circumstances, this determination is almost impossible to change.

No matter how dangerous it is and how small the chance of success is, my wife will not change.

This is well thought out... stubborn!

And generally in this state, the three of them added up, it is impossible to make his wife change her mind.

After getting married, he has tried countless times, but the success rate has always been zero.

Even if I forcibly use the Flying Thunder God to take away my wife and all the people here, it won't work. Once my wife becomes stubborn, it really won't be able to pull back with a hundred cows.

Moreover, this is after careful consideration, that is to say, his wife may have some good solutions, and besides, he doesn't want to just abandon Chiba now.

Even if Xue Nai made such a big loophole, deep down in his heart, he still didn't want to keep Chiba.

In any case, if Qianye stayed here, he might be killed in anger.

"Teacher Jiuxinna, listen to me, now, it is very possible..."

But at this time, his complexion had changed drastically, he turned his head to look at Xue Nai and said hastily, he wanted to explain the reason why he couldn't stay.

"I know, but, I think, I have a way to ensure that Hirohiko will wake up in a short time, and after waking up, he can also use the Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

In this regard, Jiu Xinnai looked at the disciple who already had an anxious expression on his face, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and from the corner of his eyes, with a little tenderness, he glanced at the two disciples who had fainted on the ground, and said.

This time, let the teacher come to save you!

You guys just have a good rest!

Now, it's the teacher's turn to risk his life for you.

And in her heart, such a decisive thought flashed through. In his mind, it was completely the appearance of these two disciples desperately trying to save themselves, whether it was Chiba who was at Yeyuebi, or Hongyan who was fighting the enemy at the side of the delivery bed.

She no longer wanted to hide behind her disciple and husband. This time, if she just followed the past like this, she might not feel at ease for the rest of her life.

Use the lives of your own disciples in exchange for your own safety or something.

She will never sleep well for the rest of her life!

And she has already thought about it, if she loses and puts everyone in danger, then she will kill herself and let Kyuubi die with herself. At that time, without Kyuubi, Minato and Xue Nai can choose I left and chose to retreat.

She calculated that Minato's Flying Raijin would definitely be able to take away Xue Nai and Hirohiko safely.

Chiba, maybe I can't take it away.

However, no matter what the result was, at least she died in the process of protecting her disciples and the little saplings in the village.

Instead, hide behind the child.


However, upon hearing this sentence, Xue Nai still subconsciously wanted to refute.

There is a way?

Teacher Jiushina, is there a way?

But Teacher Kushina should not know medical ninjutsu, how can she do it?

If Teacher Jiuxinna has a way, he can give it a try.

However, her heart was still shaken.

After all, that was Chiba, that was her Chiba!

Moreover, in fact, Hongyan's situation, if he uses medical ninjutsu, he can recover quickly. It is not too serious. One injury can be alleviated.

It's just that she is not a professional medical ninja after all, and if Hirohiko has other injuries that need to be healed in order to quickly wake up, she can't find out.

However, since my teacher said that there is a way, maybe it is not necessarily true that my teacher has quietly learned medical ninjutsu during this period of time.

"If the other party really intends to use this language loophole, then, does it mean that he is sure that Hirohiko will not be able to wake up, and he may not be able to use the Kaleidoscope Sharingan when he wakes up, so he has unlimited time, no matter how difficult we are, He is also sure to eat it. And if, suddenly, in the middle of the battle, when he thought he was sure of winning, suddenly, Hirohiko woke up and was able to use the kaleidoscope to write sharing eyes, how would he react? At that time, the battle If he sees this scene, what kind of changes will he have? What kind of opportunities will he give us?"

But seeing her disciple's subconscious rebuttal expression, and hearing the two words she wanted to refute, Jiu Xinna interrupted her words and said.

During the battle, suddenly found Hirohiko awakened?

What kind of changes will be produced?

What kind of opportunity is given to us?

And hearing this sentence, not only Xue Nai, but also Namikaze Minato, both of them were startled.


Isn't this a great chance to win?

If, this Hirohiko, who Nobuhiko Uchiha thought was impossible to wake up, would not necessarily be able to use the Kaleidoscope Sharingan after waking up, suddenly wakes up and can use the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Nobuhiko Uchiha, who has an agreement first, will definitely feel a little bit of surprise, or hesitation, or shock.

At that time, for a moment, they may have a good chance of winning!

At this moment, their hearts seemed to be shining brightly, and they suddenly became enlightened!

Kushina (teacher), was he such a smart character before?

Then, in the next second, such a thought flashed through the minds of both of them at the same time.

"I see."

And then, without hesitation, the two nodded one after another and said, "What can you do? Jiuxinna (teacher)."

"No, let's not talk about this now, there is one thing, I want to ask this Uchiha Nobuhiko first."

However, upon hearing this, Kushina did not answer immediately, but stood up, passed his two unconscious disciples, walked to Namikaze Minato, and said.

Still have questions?

But hearing this sentence, Namikaze Minato and Xue Nai looked at each other and were slightly taken aback.

"Prove to me that this masked man has the ability to restrict your behavior! With enough binding force, I need real evidence!"

Just at the moment when they were stunned, Jiu Xinnai's words suddenly sounded.

But this time, the words were spoken to Uchiha Nobuhiko who was opposite!

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