Indeed, with that said, everything can be clarified.

This Nobuhiko Uchiha, the reason why he worked for this masked man was because he was coerced by this masked man at a certain period, maybe when the tiger fell into Pingyang. Only then was forced to cooperate with the masked man.

After all, the two parties could not trust each other, so they both set the curse seal.

The mask boy was afraid that Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was stronger than himself, would cut corners and slow down, so he set conditions that he could not follow his orders, and also tied his own Nobuhiko Uchiha's curse seal activation into his heartbeat, and the heartbeat stopped , this Uchiha Nobuhiko will also die, almost forcibly tying Uchiha Nobuhiko to his warship.

And Nobuhiko Uchiha also doesn't trust the masked man, that's why he asked the masked man to set a conditional seal for himself, so that he can't be sent to death on purpose. Use this to build mandatory trust.

Now, for some consideration, Uchiha Nobuhiko may really not want to provoke Konoha, or he may have other ideas, so he must get rid of the masked man as soon as possible. At the same time, he may not want the masked man to get Kyuubi to enhance his strength, so chose to do this transaction.

Moreover, because of the conditions of the seal, he had to come to the real battle. The various conditions he set were well-intentioned, and he could implement his plan without violating the conditions on his seal.

From here, everything is logical!

It's all reasonable!

As for those who can't prove it, it's normal!

If he can prove this kind of thing that can only be proved when the masked man is there and confronted, sometimes it will be unreliable!

Hearing Uchiha Nobuhiko's words, Yukina, Kushina, and Namikaze Minato subconsciously sorted out the fragmentary information just said, and found that it was indeed reasonable.

And, it should be true.

In other words, it works!

Stay and fight!

"Xue Nai, Minato, what do you think?"

Thinking of this, Kushina glanced at her husband beside her, and Xue Nai at the back beside her husband, and asked.

"Can you make sure? Can you guarantee that Hirohiko can wake up in time and be able to use the kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

And hearing Kushina's voice, Namikaze Minato and Yukina spoke almost at the same time.

"it should be OK."

In this regard, Kushina nodded, but the words were not very absolute, and said.

Should it work?

And hearing this sound, Xue Nai and Namikaze Minato frowned at the same time.

To be honest, they really hope to hear from Kushina that it is absolutely possible. After all, if they choose to stay, Hirohiko will become the most critical point. If they can wake up as soon as possible, then for them It is said that there is no doubt that we can get through this crisis without any risk.

The sooner they wake up, the sooner they can end the fight.

After all, the opponent will not show mercy, and the opponent is also extremely strong. If it takes too long, the three of them may not be able to persist.

"Well, then, how to fight!"

However, although they were a little disappointed in their hearts, Namikaze Minato and Xue Nai understood after all that none of them could be sure of this kind of thing.

Even if they were replaced by them, even if they were very sure in their hearts, they might not be able to say absolutely acceptable words in this situation.

However, since Kushina intends to do so, and has shown a calmness and calmness that has not been shown before, she must be sure.

They, believe in Kushina!

Moreover, if you can save Qianye, so what if you take some risks!

"Minato... Yukina..."

But hearing this, Jiu Xinnai was slightly taken aback. To be honest, she never thought that her husband and disciple would answer so simply. She guessed that at this point, Xue Nai and her husband would not object, but she did not expect that her husband and Xue Nai would agree so simply.

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.


what happened?

Didn't Kushina convince them?

Did Namikaze Minato and Hyuga Yukina not agree?

How come I feel a little frozen on the spot.

At this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha frowned suddenly after capturing this moment of movement. From the vision of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, he clearly noticed that Kushina's expression was unnatural, as if he was in a daze.

It's like, things that are expected, are not expected.

And according to the expressions on the faces of the three people just now, they should have believed what they said, and they should agree to it next. Although Hyuga Yukina objected just now, which surprised him, but what he said just now, The effect should be excellent.

Just now, these three people have already shown affirmative expressions, already agreeing.

Could it be that the agreement I understand is not the agreement to stay, but the agreement that they don't believe me and they plan to leave.

At this moment, seeing this, Nobuhiko Uchiha's heart tightened.

Seeing that the matter is about to come to fruition, the other party is about to fall into his own trap, but at this critical moment, another moth comes out, and there seems to be some problem with the other party's opinion, and now it's just this once again, don't There is no other way.

In fact, there is no way for the other party to stay or not.

Right now, he has no choice.

The other side is cautious, and he is equally cautious.


It seems that there is no way but to do this!

But thinking of this, Uchiha Nobuhiko's face turned slightly cold, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Now, it's no longer the time to look left and right, and look around.


After the determination flashed in his eyes, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face suddenly turned into a sigh, and a sigh was spit out from his mouth.

It seems that there is something, he finally confirmed the general.

At the same time, the raised hand was slowly lowered.

"Really... It seems that you have already made your decision, then..."

And as he put down his hand, Uchiha Nobuhiko also slowly took a step back, and then took a step back. After a few steps in succession, he exited the Flying Thunder God Kunai Zone.

Leaving the flying thunder god area?

This Uchiha Nobuhiko...

But at this time, hearing Uchiha Nobuhiko's sudden sigh, the three of Kushina's hearts tightened together, as if they felt it, they looked up suddenly, and their expressions changed slightly.

What does he want to do!

"You don't have to worry about it anymore, let's end this transaction like this! I will accept Taki Chiba's life!"

At this time, Uchiha Nobuhiko's last words came one after another, and two fingers had already been erected in his hand. It seemed that he was about to activate the sealing technique set on Chiba's body immediately.


It's been too long, he has no patience!

Almost instantly, seeing this action that almost emptied their minds, the three of them took a step forward almost subconsciously, and raised their hands.

"Wait! We accept!"

At the same time, a scream came out.

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