Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1901 An incomprehensible glimmer of life!

"Tick tock..."

"Tick tock..."

Drops of water dripped from time to time, creating ripples in front of him. When the ripples collided and collided, a gap of bright color slowly appeared. Following the turbulent and scattered ripples, they spread all the way until the faint yellow light At the end, in total darkness.

At the same time, the yin-yang fish and gossip-like pattern slowly lit up, and every line was extremely clear amidst the collision of ripples.

"The fifth thousand five hundred and seventy-second appearance, I didn't think of what method to use to open the seal for the fifth thousand five hundred and seventy second time."

Then, the bright yin and yang fish gossip reflected in the eyes, now trapped in this sealed space, who is worried by a group of Konoha search and rescue ninjas, who is suspected to be burned to death by Nobuhiko Uchiha's seal, let Kushina, Yukina and Namikaze Minato's heads were blank, and they could almost only shout out that Taki Chiba, the most concerned young man of the three parties, spoke a little blankly at the moment.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, and he was too lazy to count how long it had passed, and he was too lazy to record how long it would take for the inexplicable sound of water droplets to appear, and then let this analysis and the eight trigrams diagram of yin and yang fish in front of him appear.

Now, it's all meaningless.

During this period of time, during this long period of time, he has seen the gossip and gaps of the yin-yang fish more than 5,000 times, and when he saw it for the fiftieth time, he used all the available methods. .

Of course, there was nothing to be done.

And during this period of time, Qianye has already studied the yin-yang fish gossip and bright colors that seem to divide this space quite thoroughly.

First of all, the yin-yang fish gossip and the bright-color gap are not on the ground, but should be under the water-like ground, or in a space parallel to the ground, which he cannot directly touch.

When he touched it, he felt that there was only this water-like ground, without the concave-convex feeling of yin-yang fish gossip and gaps.

In other words, should he touch the floor or the floor.

And this is also the main reason why he has nothing to do. Now he is just a mental body. Apart from enhancing his memory and being tireless, the only thing he can do is to sit on the ground like he is now, almost giving up thinking.

Secondly, this yin-yang fish gossip is actually not the kind of gossip in Qianye's previous life. Strictly speaking, the yin-yang fish is the same as the previous life, but the shape, the shape of the yin-yang fish gossip, is an ellipse, and the yin-yang fish is an oval. In the center, there are three circles of patterns, each with three hooked jade, embellished in different directions.

It looks more like Sasuke's later reincarnation Sharingan, except that the pupil in the middle is a yin and yang fish pattern.

Of course, the size of this pattern is naturally much larger than Sasuke's eyes. This size is almost like his palm can only cover half of the yin-yang fish with the same pupils.

And this pattern, Chiba has seen it before.

In the original work, when explaining Yin Yang Dun and the Immortal of the Six Paths, such a pattern once appeared.

Also because of this, Qianye thought at first that this was a pattern about Yin-Yang Dun, and it was likely to hide the secret of Yin-Yang Dun.

The technique of yin and yang escape can be said to be the most fundamental type of escaping in the original work of Naruto, and the sage of the six paths divided the tailed beast through yin and yang escape.

Even, the current writing sharing eye pupil technique can actually be classified as Yin Dun, while the immortal body of Qianshou and Whirlpool can be classified as Yang Dun.

The power of yang escape can be created based on the physical force in charge of life, and the power of yin escape can be created based on the spiritual force in charge of creation.

And the Sage of the Six Paths splits the tailed beast, it should use the power of yin escape to create the shape, and then use the power of yang escape to infuse life.

That's why there are now nine tailed beasts.

Popular one-sided point of view is that the power of yin escape may be able to concretize imagination and turn it into a tangible and qualitative existence, while the power of yang escape is life force, which can be injected with life, so that tangible and tangible substances have life.

As for whether the power of yin escape and the power of yang escape are of the same nature or level as Naruto and Sasuke's yin and yang forces, Chiba's memory in this regard is already a little fuzzy.

However, he still vaguely remembers that the power of Yin and Yang seems to be different from the power of Yin Dun and Yang Dun.

The yin and yang forces given by the sages of the Six Paths are the ultimate sealing technique "Six Paths, Exploding Heavenly Stars". .

This is why Sasuke and Naruto can still retain the Samsara Sharingan and Six Paths mode after the Six Paths Earth Explosion Star is used, and the Six Paths Sage takes back the power of Yin and Yang.

As for why Sasuke has reincarnation writing sharing eyes, Naruto's Nine-Tails mode has evolved into Six Paths mode. It should be that after the two were rescued, each rescued in a different way. Sasuke may have accidentally obtained some key thing and awakened reincarnation. Indra's power, and Naruto should have got a little power from the Nine Tailed Beasts, and also awakened the power of the reincarnated Asura.

Of course, this is just Qianye's guess, and his memory in this regard is already very vague. It is not ruled out that the memory may be wrong.

However, in my impression, the Immortal of the Six Paths should have only given the sealing spells called the power of yin and the power of yang.

The power of yin escape and yang escape should be a way of using mental power and physical power that is different from the nature of chakra. Using this alternative way of using physical energy and mental energy can produce yin escape. The power of power and the power of yang escape.

In other words, there are chakras of two other attributes similar to fire attribute chakra, thunder attribute chakra, earth attribute chakra, water attribute chakra, and wind attribute chakra, yin attribute chakra and yang attribute chakra.

The method of producing yin attribute chakra and yang attribute chakra is called yin and yang escape.

The so-called yin-yang escape technique should be the same as fire escape ninjutsu, thunder escape ninjutsu, or the use of yin attribute chakra and yang attribute chakra. The effect is to create life forms invisibly. some type of.

For example, Naruto created eyeballs for Kakashi or something.

Of course, it may also be subdivided into the art of yang escape and the art of yin escape. For example, the secret arts of various families, such as the multiplication art of the Qiudao family, should be the art of yang escape, and the heart-changing art of the Shanzhong family and the art of yin escape. The shadow binding technique of the Nara clan should be the technique of Yin escape.

In short, Yin Dun Yang Dun or the combined Yin Yang Dun is to create Yin attribute chakra and Yang attribute chakra.

The yin attribute chakra and the yang attribute chakra are the so-called yin escape power and yang escape force.

The so-called yang escape technique, yin escape technique or yin-yang escape technique are the ways of using yin attribute chakra and yang attribute chakra to play their roles.

Now Qianye has mastered the five types of chakra properties. If he masters Yin-Yang escape and Yin-Yang escape, he may be able to create a Tao-seeking jade that mixes the seven attributes of Yin-Yang, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, and Earth.

And with the sharpness of Daoyu, it is not impossible for Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susano to fight.

Even, through the technique of yin and yang escape, or the technique of yin escape, he can leave here directly. After all, he is a spiritual body. The technique of yin escape related to mental power may be the switch to leave.

However, it is obvious that this is Qianye's wishful thinking, and the reality is always cruel.

Not to mention the Yin-Yang escape and Yin-Yang escape technique, he stared at the appearance of this pattern four thousand times, but he still didn't understand anything.

"I still...haven't grasped the correct way to interpret the glimmer of hope?"

At this time, the corner of Qianye's mouth twitched slightly, and finally he couldn't hold on any longer. He leaned back and lay down, staring blankly at the dark sky, with a bitter taste in the corner of his mouth.

The current situation is that he is in a desperate situation again!

He couldn't understand what the yin and yang gossip and gaps represented!

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