Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1915 Dispersed


It should be fine.

The column of smoke and dust rose up into the sky in front of him, and the strong wind swept in, his eyes swept away slightly, Xue Nai just raised his hand lightly, slightly blocking the wind and dust.

But this time, the soaring smoke and dust did not turn into a sky full of smoke and dust like the previous two waves. Although the strong wind was strong, it passed after it was swept away. Apart from being stretched straight, it didn't have any lethality. In the end, it just whizzed past without any effect.

Minato-sensei's body reached its limit faster than I thought.

The previous battle, Mr. Minato, shouldn't have been easy.

As the strong wind whizzed by, Xue Nai also gently put down her hand, and with her 360-degree vision, she confirmed that there was nothing unusual about Hirohiko and Chiba behind her, neither being hurt by the strong wind nor waking up After the traces, Xue Nai's eyes turned to the center of the water waterfall outside the masked man's fire wall.

However, after all, I still underestimate the judgment of Minato-sensei who is Hokage!

The decisive use of the shadow clone just now as an attack not only did not drag down Mr. Kushina, but also had a miraculous effect.

This Nobuhiko Uchiha probably didn't expect that the current Minato-sensei would not hesitate to spend half of the chakra to use the clone attack.

And at this moment, when her eyes fell on the central position over there, such a thought flashed through Xue Nai's heart.

Moreover, Nobuhiko Uchiha never thought that a small accident would cause such a big change!

The current situation has changed!

At the same time, from a 360-degree viewing angle, Xue Nai's gaze also fell on Uchiha Nobuhiko who was half buried in the ground in the center of the smoke.

But this time, there was a relieved expression on the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, judging from Uchiha Nobuhiko's expression, it was by no means a show or a mystery. Uchiha Nobuhiko really suffered a big loss this time!



But at this time, when Xue Nai smiled, the water in front of her eyes scattered, and Namikaze Minato, who was originally standing, slowly knelt down and panted slowly.

Still too reluctant!

At this time, the shadow clone is also used.

At the same time, he thought in his heart.

The previous battle, and the trembling with Uchiha Nobuhiko now, although according to the battle time, only a few minutes have passed, or even less, but the Chakra consumption and physical burden are the most serious among the countless battles he has experienced. once.

In a short period of time, 70% of his original Chakra has been consumed, and now he only has 10-20% of his Chakra left. At least on the Kage-level line, with 10 to 20% of the chakra remaining, he still has considerable combat power, but the consumption is too severe.

Coupled with muscle soreness and some internal injuries that are not visible on the surface, he is now a little tired.

Quite tired.

Moreover, in the battle just now, he was also exercising quite violently. Even the physique of a ninja is a bit too much for him now. Just now, he was thinking about holding this Nobuhiko Uchiha and didn't notice. After he stopped at this time, his fatigue surged up. up.

Coupled with the physical energy consumed by Chakra, he must take a break now.


And at this moment, Namikaze Minato half-kneeled down, and at the opening of the gasp for rest, a hole was suddenly opened in the smoke column, and a deep red light flashed suddenly, drawing a long dark red flame tail, Stopped at Namikaze Minato's side.

"Is it okay? Minato."

With the fox-shaped chakra jacket swaying gently, Kushina hurriedly walked towards her husband, knelt down and said worriedly.

"Jiushina, don't worry about me, it's better to pay attention to the enemy!"

At this moment, feeling his wife's warm palm on his arm, Minato Namikaze took a small breath, suppressed his panting, smiled slightly, turned his head and said.

"The current enemy probably hasn't recovered yet."

In this regard, Jiu Xinnai had a smile on his face, and said.

"However, it's better to pay attention to it. The current him can't be calculated with the him just now."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato shook his head and spoke cautiously.

At the same time, during these words, he also slowly stood up with the support of his wife.

"Well, don't worry, I seem to have a certain perception ability now. Although I can't see him with the naked eye, I still know his position through perception. I even seem to be able to feel his boiling emotions now."

Helping her husband up, Kushina looked at him and said softly.

Ever since she put on the nine-tailed coat with seven tails, she has felt that her five senses have become much more sensitive, and even the super speed under the power of the seven-tailed nine-tails can be adapted in an instant, and even, faintly, she Can also feel people's emotions.

For example, she now feels that her husband has relaxed a lot, but he still maintains a certain sense of tension, which should be a secret vigilance.

For another example, Xue Nai over there was tense and relaxed, and she was full of hopeful emotions.

For example, at this very moment, in the center of the smoke and dust, there was tension and other complicated emotions that she could not distinguish.

And the breadth of perception should be exactly the defense of this open space, and it is obviously much slower to go outside.

The current perception tells her that there is actually no need to pay too much attention to that Uchiha Nobuhiko. Judging by his emotions, it is impossible for him to react for a while.


Regarding this, although he was still vigilant and thought that his wife should also be more nervous, Namikaze Minato still nodded and agreed.

Just let her relax.

Here, I just look at it.

And in his heart, he thought so.

"Just now, what happened?"

Hearing her husband's slightly gentle words, Jiu Xinnai's face became slightly hot, and then she pursed her lips. After all, she concealed the little girl's attitude on her face, and frowned, rather asked seriously.

"I don't know, but that spiral pill is impossible to achieve this level."

And hearing this sound, Namikaze Minato also frowned tightly and shook his head.

At the same time, during the conversation, the eyes of the two couldn't help looking forward, that is, the center of the deep pit, the center of the smoke and dust.

At this time, the smoke and dust have slowly faded away, revealing the situation inside.

I saw Nobuhiko Uchiha buried half of his body in the soil, the jet-black chakra ball around his body was swaying, and his face changed obviously, with puzzlement, doubt and disbelief intertwined. , the whole person seemed to stay on the spot.

And the jet-black chakra group on his left shoulder is impressively concaved into a spherical shape!

Although the body was not injured, the skeleton-like entity Chakra was completely shattered!


Was crushed!

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