Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1916 Change

Just now, what happened?

What are you kidding?

This is absolutely impossible!

The pupils of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan looked towards his left shoulder bit by bit. Nobuhiko Uchiha's face had a palpitating yet unbelievable expression. Every muscle in his face was There seemed to be a slight stiffness, putting together an ugly face, and that handsome face seemed to be slightly distorted.

He couldn't believe it, what he saw in his eyes at this moment, the obvious sunken Susanoo Chakra that was about to touch his shoulder, and his posture leaning to the right and nearly half buried in the ground , is simply ridiculous.

This is a completely impossible situation!

Even if the opposite is the famous Fourth Hokage, and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina wearing the seven-tailed Nine-Tails coat, it is impossible for the current situation to occur.

Even if Namikaze Minato's spiral pill just now has more concentrated chakra than before, and the rotation is more violent, the damage caused will inevitably be strengthened.

However, this is just more chakra mixed in, and because these chakras need to be stabilized, more centripetal force is required, and the rotation will inevitably accelerate. Of course, the increase in the speed will definitely increase the power, but the increased chakras and the increased speed are absolutely impossible to produce a qualitative change like the current one, smashing his Susanoo's defense.

Even, even if it is a qualitative change, it is unlikely to cause so much damage to his Susanoo.

In the current situation, this pit completely defeated Susano's first-stage defense, and Susano's first-stage defense, he was able to block Taki Chiba's lightning escape technique with at least S-level power , if we talk about the S-level power of Thunder Dunjutsu and Namikaze Minato's Revolving Maru, in terms of direct power, the S-level power of Thunder Dunninjutsu is probably much higher.

Thunder Dunninjutsu can block it, so this spiral pill can naturally block it. Even if the spiral pill changes qualitatively, with his Susanoo, there is actually no need to worry.

However, now the fact is in front of him that the Helix Pill has shown an unusual power, no, it should be said that it is a power that is completely impossible to achieve, and this is no longer the power of a qualitative change.

The power of the current spiral pill is almost ten times higher than the previous ones, and the power is quite concentrated, causing a little attack, which shattered his Susanoo .

And, just barely, his left shoulder might be gone by now.

This is the first time he has seen such a situation, rebirth in so many lifetimes!

It is impossible to increase the power of ninjutsu by ten times for no reason, even if it is the extreme change of chakra form!

At this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha was really a little confused.

In other words, I was stunned by this unbelievable!

At this moment, he was still puzzled, why there was such a change, so much so that he forgot to use his pupil power to repair the shattered place of Susanoo.


"Attack now?"

At the same time, on the other side, outside the deep pit, seeing Uchiha Nobuhiko's crooked figure and his obviously out-of-state expression, Kushina, who was holding Namikaze Minato with his hand, frowned and asked.


Hearing this, Namikaze Minato looked at his wife and the three remaining tails on his wife's nine-tailed coat, frowned, and said in denial.

Of course, Namikaze Minato noticed this abnormality of Uchiha Nobuhiko, and even judging from the defensive pupil technique that has not been repaired for a long time, now is indeed the best time to attack, and even, it is easy to hold Uchiha Hirohiko again.

However, the current situation is different from just now. Before, they had no choice but to do it because they didn't have enough means to hurt Nobuhiko Uchiha, and they couldn't break his defense.

So they can only choose their own advantages and use speed to restrain them. Since Uchiha Nobuhiko cannot be hurt, they can use speed to prevent him from hurting themselves, so that a certain balance can be maintained.

If according to the situation just now, Uchiha Nobuhiko is now in this state of being attacked by others, they must launch an attack, restore the balance of speed, and entangle Uchiha Nobuhiko in place.

But now, it is different.

It's not that they don't have the means to hurt Uchiha Nobuhiko, but they don't know what has changed now that they have the means to endanger Uchiha Nobuhiko.

But after having the means, this battle will be divided into two completely different types.

Before there was no means, they could only use stupid methods, using physical strength, speed, and chakra to consume. If they can fight for a moment, they can fight for a moment, and they can fight for a second. Now, with the means, they can hurt their opponents, so It's an equal battle, and the tactics are meaningful.

Even, it is already possible to decide the outcome!

Namikaze Minato was not kind enough to really abide by the deal, and threatened Uchiha Nobuhiko with a masked man, and lifted the seal of fire in Chiba's body.

In this battle, if this Uchiha Nobuhiko can be caught, it is also possible.

Of course, the masked man will still be used in the end, but at that time the initiative is completely in his own hands, and Chiba will definitely be able to save him.

There is no need to bet on Hong Yan.

What's more, if the original delaying tactics are adopted, it will be quite unfavorable to them. His chakra, physical strength, and even his body are almost exhausted, and it won't take long if he continues to consume.

It is absolutely impossible for Kushina alone to deal with this Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Moreover, letting Kushina deal with Nobuhiko Uchiha alone may endanger Kyuubi, and Namikaze Minato is not so simple as to think that Nobuhiko Uchiha really gave up the chance to capture Kyuubi just because he didn't want to mess with Konoha.

Namikaze Minato is convinced that if Nobuhiko Uchiha really has the chance to capture Kyuubi, then this guy will seize it without hesitation, and will not care about any deal at all.

Although Nobuhiko Uchiha said that he was forced, but who knows that he doesn't covet Kyuubi, he also has sharingan, and even Nobuhiko Uchiha's sharingan is better than that of the masked man, who knows, he Does it have the pupil power that can control the nine tails?

And with Kyuubi in hand, with the strength shown by Uchiha Nobuhiko, why fear Konoha?

At that time, if he throws an olive branch at Konoha, Konoha may have to accept it passively to avoid such a big enemy.

"The plan is about to change, Kushina, tell me about your current situation."

And thinking of this, Namikaze Minato took a breath, looked at his wife solemnly, and asked.

"my situation?"

Hearing this, Jiu Xinnai was slightly taken aback.

Could it be that Minato has discovered something?

And in her mind, such a thought flashed through.

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