Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1922 Embodying Strength



The sound of flesh and flesh colliding suddenly resounded at the place where the black flames were burning. On the side of the deep pit, with a flash of black light, two figures slammed into the center of the deep pit heavily following the sound of flesh colliding. Two clusters of smoke rose in an instant.

And where the two figures were originally, there was already a young man whose whole body seemed to be outlined by a jet-black flame chakra.

"So that's it. The speed has been greatly improved, and it should be able to catch up with Namikaze Minato's instantaneous speed."

Seeing the two clouds of dust caused by the two flying figures crashing into the ground, the young man did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but clenched his fists, as if feeling his current body.

Moreover, in terms of strength, it should have reached a certain level. The punch just now only cared about speed, and did not deliberately increase strength.

Next time, try your strength with all your might.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

Just now, after all, he was still somewhat uncomfortable with the current power. This is also a process that must be experienced every time he uses the trump card, because the power of each outsider is different, and the power reflected in him in the end is also different. of.

For example, using Taki Chiba's outsider power is the current form similar to his taming the eight-door dunjia's violent chakra, and because he doesn't have the eight-door dunjia, he should have absorbed other powers to achieve this form.

And precisely because this is the power of Taki Chiba, the power produced by Taki Chiba's power on his body is not strictly speaking his power, so it needs an adaptation period, just like everyone has their own battle The method, the power of the individual serves the individual's fighting style. It can be said that the fighting style that is most suitable for Taki Chiba's power now is Taki Chiba's fighting style, not his fighting style.

Therefore, there must be a process of adaptation here.

And everyone's power is different, and the power of a ninja, basically everyone can not disclose it, even if it is a close relative or friend, it needs to be concealed, let alone an outsider like Taki Chiba, who was investigated by Nobuhiko Uchiha again Be careful, after all, it is impossible to fully understand the power of Taki Chiba.

Besides, his current strength may be much higher than that of Taki Chiba himself, so it is even more necessary to adapt and find out.

After all, what he is best at is fighting with eyes and pupils. After all, he is not good at this kind of high-speed physical combat.

However, if you are not good at it, you are not good at it, as long as you are proficient, it is actually the same.

He is just the best at fighting with eyes and pupils. It doesn't mean that his physical skills are really bad. With the accumulation of so many lifetimes, no matter how bad his physical skills are, they are still of a first-class level. It is no better than training crazily How much worse is Taki Chiba.

Even, probably not bad.

Moreover, this Taki Chiba's power seems to include some ability to observe words and emotions, and with the insight ability of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, it seems that they can guess some of the psychological activities of Minakaze Minato and Kushina just now.

Just now they still had a moment, because of the hesitation or surprise that their inner thoughts were exposed, so they reacted a little slower, otherwise my two punches may not be able to achieve full power.

How much, or will be dodged some.

And as the thought flashed in his mind, Uchiha Nobuhiko was not only a little surprised because his speed caught up with Namikaze Minato, but also very happy about another gain in his heart.

That is, the ability to observe words and expressions.

With the ability of Taki Chiba mixed in the power, he can even vaguely guess the other party's psychological activities. This time, because he noticed the other party's psychological activities, he deliberately exposed the opponent's thoughts, and really created a There was a moment of hesitation, and it was also because of this moment that these two punches could hit the target. Otherwise, with the reflexes of these two people, although the two punches would not be dodged, it would not be possible to hit them so thoroughly.

This is quite a useful technique.

No wonder Taki Chiba feels so scary, this kind of ability to observe words and expressions directly hits the heart, I am afraid that in the whole world, from ancient times to the present, he is the only one.

Then, after the joy, there is an exclamation.

At this time, he somewhat understood why he always felt that this Taki Chiba would threaten him, and even had a life-threatening feeling. Sometimes, when Taki Chiba was involved, he almost overreacted.

This kind of skill that hits the soul directly, I am afraid that no one can calm down.

"Cough! Cough!"

And just as Uchiha Nobuhiko was thinking about it, the two smoke and dust at the bottom of the pit also slowly dissipated. With a slight cough, the two figures slowly stood up in the fading smoke and dust.

"Minato, are you alright?"

Then, in the fading smoke and dust, a crimson color suddenly appeared. Behind the fox-shaped chakra coat, it looked like a seven-petal lotus blooming, and the seven crimson chakra tails slowly stretched out, placed on Kushina's body. Behind him, he swayed slightly, but at this time, Jiu Xinnai's eyes fell on the fading smoke and dust beside him, which was also the source of the cough.

Among them, there was a figure who also stood up slowly.

"I'm fine. Although he's fast, he's not too strong."

In response, Namikaze Minato, who was covering his left cheek, stood up slowly in the smoke, and responded to his wife.

The speed of Uchiha Nobuhiko just now was indeed unexpected. With their reaction power, they could only look at the fist that was enlarged little by little, but they were helpless. They could only watch helplessly at the fist and body, being hit fly out.

However, judging from the pain, although the blow looked extremely heavy, its strength was limited. The left cheek was painful, but it was not seriously injured.


Hearing her husband's response, Kushina breathed a sigh of relief.


At this speed, our speed advantage is gone. Next, there is only a tough battle.

However, my state is obviously not keeping up with Kushina.

Moreover, judging from the tactile sensation when he was punched, the jet-black chakra on Nobuhiko Uchiha's body may also have considerable defensive power.

what to do……

what to do?

In the current situation, I may be the one who is holding back.

However, it is absolutely impossible to let Kushina fight against the enemy alone...

But hearing his wife's relieved words, Namikaze Minato's brows became tighter and tighter. After seeing Uchiha Nobuhiko's speed almost comparable to his own, he knew that after losing his speed advantage, he was just holding back that's it.

Maybe, it can last for a while, but it can't last long.

Judging from the punch just now, it was just a punch, but it had already given Namikaze Minato enough information.

The current Nobuhiko Uchiha will only be stronger and more difficult to deal with than before, and under the ebb and flow, especially after losing the advantage of speed, it is now an absolute disadvantage for them.

Could it be...

Is that all there?

And at this moment, thinking of this, Namikaze Minato suddenly felt powerless, and his face darkened slightly.

As a Hokage, am I... can't even save the next Hokage?

To implicate so many people...

In the village, in the wife, I can't do anything?

"It doesn't matter."

However, at this moment, a hand, with a soft and warm touch, gently grabbed his hand.

A wisp of crimson liquid-like chakra quietly climbed onto his arm.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what happens, we will face it together."

But when he turned his head subconsciously, what was in front of him was his wife's gentle smile and these words full of warmth and tenderness.

No matter what happens, we will face it together!

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