Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1923 It's okay


Looking at Kushina with a gentle smile in front of him, Minato Namikaze was slightly startled, and murmured.

And hearing the murmured words, Jiu Xinnai didn't speak, just looked at her husband who was a little dazed at this moment, and smiled gently.

Suddenly, even if the enemy is now, that Uchiha Nobuhiko will attack them at an extremely fast speed at any time and catch them by surprise, but for some reason, at this moment, it seems that she has returned to the past, she is still the outsider who is not going well, and He was already the most popular boy in the village.

As if, it was that night when he hugged himself.

It was also as if, that day, when they entered the palace of marriage, his nervous hands were shaking.

All kinds of memories about him came to her mind, his forbearance, tolerance, and care for her, passing by her mind one after another.

However, in these memories, she has never seen this man with a depressed appearance. The man she has made up her mind to marry since she was a child has never shown any negative appearance in front of her. Some only have a gentle and secure smile, or a cute look with a sullen and tense face, and there has never been the slightest negative emotion.

It was as if he could hold up everything for her and take good care of her no matter what the situation was.

But just now, she saw a trace of loneliness and powerlessness from this man's face and her husband's face.

For some reason, seeing this trace of loneliness and powerlessness, her first feeling was not distress or fear, but warmth and joy.

It was as if she finally saw the fragility of this man, and finally saw the opportunity for her to help her husband.

At that moment, she seemed to suddenly understand that what she fell in love with was not a Hokage, not a hero, but an ordinary man, a man who could give everything for herself, and an ordinary man who needed to be taken care of by herself.

So, without thinking, she stood by his side and took his hand.

It doesn't matter, no matter what, we will face it together.

Because we are already husband and wife.

She didn't say the second half of the sentence, she knew it, and needless to say, her husband also understood it.


Are we already husband and wife?

And at this time, as if confirming Kushina's own understanding, looking at the gently smiling wife in front of him, such a thought quietly floated in Namikaze Minato's heart.


At this moment, at the stupefied opening of Namikaze Minato, his left cheek, hands, stepping back, and even his chest and back suddenly burst into white air. The redness and swelling caused by one punch had already started to fade away slowly in the steaming white air.

At this moment, the fox-shaped chakra coat had already covered Namikaze Minato's body.

"This...is this?"

Then, Namikaze Minato, who had a thought quietly drifting through his mind, suddenly woke up and said.


At this time, Kushina, who seemed to have reacted, was also slightly taken aback, looking at Namikaze Minato in front of him wearing a nine-tailed coat, with a surprised expression on his face.

what happened?

I didn't... I didn't take the initiative to pass on the Nine-Tails Chakra!

At the same time, such a thought flashed through her mind.

Just now, she just wanted to help her husband and face the absolute disadvantage with him, and she didn't take the initiative to pass on the chakra at all. The current situation should not happen.

Is this... Nine Tails' Chakra?

Is this warmth the feeling of Nine Tails Chakra?

At this time, Minato Namakaze looked at the strange tailed beast chakra coat around him, felt the feeling that his body was soaked in warm water with the right temperature, and the pain all over his body was constantly melting away in this warm feeling. Such a thought flashed through.


Not just Nine Tails Chakra!

Then, in the next second, his eyes swept to his wife's left hand tightly holding his right hand, which was also the medium for the continuous flow of Nine-Tails Chakra, and instantly denied his previous thoughts.

"Well, thank you, Kushina."

Afterwards, he suddenly smiled, and when the pain subsided, waves of chakra power from the Nine-Tails continuously replenished his exhausted chakra, and his energy and physical strength began to recover slowly at this moment.

At this moment, he knew that this was the strength his wife gave him.

Now, he is not alone, and he doesn't need to bear everything alone, they are already husband and wife, no matter what, they can face it together.


And seeing her husband smile again, the trace of loneliness and negativity in his eyes is of course gone, and even a faint but firm fighting spirit burst out, the smile on the corner of Jiushina's mouth can't help but rise a little.

At this moment, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the two of them held their hands sideways, without saying anything, and without saying anything, they silently looked at the young man outlined in pitch-black Chakra above.

There is no more confusion.

"Huh? This is it!"

At the same time, Nobuhiko Uchiha frowned slightly after seeing the dark red and light red figures revealed after the smoke and dust dispersed.

Did you put a tailed beast coat on Namikaze Minato?

And Nine-Tails Chakra is quickly recovering Namikaze Minato's injury, and according to the recovery power possessed by Nine-Tails Chakra, Namikaze Minato's Chakra is also recovering.

five tails...

It seems that the punch I just did not have enough deterrence!

However, it doesn't matter, it's just an adaptation stage now.

Just now, they only felt the speed. If they increase their strength this time, they should be able to take a certain advantage.

Coupled with Taki Chiba's ability to perceive words and emotions, it requires a certain amount of experience to use it skillfully.

What they are doing now will only speed up my understanding of Taki Chiba's power and the speed at which I can use it proficiently!

However, Nobuhiko Uchiha just frowned slightly, and there were not many disturbances in his heart, whether it was the fighting spirit of the two of them, or the wonderful use of Kyuubi Chakra, he didn't care.

Now, using the power of outsiders, Nine Tails is determined to win!

Then, with a faster speed and stronger power than before...

Try it once!

Then, during the flash of his thoughts, Nobuhiko Uchiha's eyes froze suddenly.


And at this moment, the sharp light in the eyes of Namikaze Minato and Kushina flashed almost at the same time, and almost at the same time as the sharp light flashed, they suddenly turned sideways and looked back suddenly.

In an instant, the same fist wrapped in black chakra was reflected in the eyes of the two of them at the same time.

Nobuhiko Uchiha, attacking from behind again, from the same angle, but faster, stronger, and stronger!



The next instant, there was a crisp sound!

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