Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1927 success or failure

This is absolutely impossible!

It is absolutely impossible for this spiral pill to appear from the hands of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina!

Even if all the nine-tailed chakras are condensed, it is impossible!

The black flame-like Chakra of Susanoo attached to the body surface peeled off piece by piece, scattered in the air, and turned into light spots one by one. The heart-piercing pain started from the lower back, constantly tearing and spreading Then, the things in front of him also quickly flipped to the side and rear, and even bursts of darkness began to invade Uchiha Nobuhiko's consciousness.

However, he didn't seem to care about the heart-piercing, tearing and spreading pain, the sound of bones breaking that he could hear, and the things that were flipping and rushing backwards, he didn't care about that little bit. The darkness in consciousness that came with the pain, let alone the pit wall that was about to hit, now he is full of such "impossible" thoughts.


And in the next second, he slammed into the wall of the pit with a spinning momentum, and with a bang, smoke and dust shot up into the sky.



At this moment, while watching the smoke and dust rising into the sky in the distance ahead, and the hair blown by the strong wind flying, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, who were pushing hands side by side, both fell to the ground, panting slightly.

Did you make it?

And after landing, their eyes reflected the slowly dissipating dark purple spiral flame tail and the blood sprinkled with the flame tail, but their eyes did not leave the column of smoke rising into the sky at all, and they did not pay attention to the rising smoke at all. Wave after wave of exhaustion.

Now, they have tried their best. If it still doesn't work, then they can only wait for death.

At this time, Namikaze Minato didn't even have the chakra to activate the Flying Thunder God.

The blow just now had already bet everything on them, all their strength.

Whether it's their own chakra or Nine-Tails' chakra, they don't have any energy left.

And everything just now was within their plan. From the very beginning, they didn't intend to give Uchiha Nobuhiko any chance to familiarize himself with the power.

That's right, they know that Nobuhiko Uchiha needs a certain period of adaptation.

From the very first punch that hit them, they realized that this Uchiha Nobuhiko was not yet able to fully control his newly demonstrated power.

For that punch, if Nobuhiko Uchiha fully controlled his new power, or understood his own power increase, there would be no subsequent battle at all. Nobuhiko Uchiha's second back punch, that strength Well, they felt it solidly. If he had used that force from the beginning, there would probably be no further battles, and they would have been stunned long ago.

It was also from that moment that the two of them planned to make a quick decision without giving Uchiha Nobuhiko any time to adapt.

At the same time, he also took advantage of Uchiha Nobuhiko's inability to fully control his own power to gain an advantage and kill him with one blow.

They knew that the longer it dragged on, the more unfavorable they would be. Nine-Tails Chakra was limited after all, and the only thing that could hurt Uchiha Nobuhiko was the lavender spiral pill mixed with Nine-Tails Chakra.

And their attacks are also very simple, and there are only two fatal points. The first is the spiral pill behind Namikaze Minato, and the other is the rear attack that knocked Uchiha Nobuhiko away.

From the very beginning, when they withdrew, they had already laid out the layout. Before Uchiha Nobuhiko was shot into the air, Namikaze Minato had already thrown Flying Thunder God Kunai, and he was sure of the landing point, and Uchiha Nobuhiko was hit After flying out, Kushina was in charge of fixing Nobuhiko Uchiha in front of Kunai's landing point, so that he could attack the spiral pill twice behind.

Of course, these two spiral pill attacks are also prioritized. The first behind-the-scenes spiral pill attack is a kind of temptation.

The main thing was the second Helix pill attack, and this time, they bet everything on them.

And the reason why Kushina was able to dodge Uchiha Nobuhiko's attack in an instant, and dodge the unexpected and almost guaranteed attack, was also because of this second spiral pill attack.

According to their plan, the second spiral pill was to use Flying Thunder God, and it was launched by the two of them together. After all, all the chakras were to be spared, so the spiral pill must be launched together. Therefore, a At the beginning, when attacking, Kushina had a tail that went with Namikaze Minato from the ground, but Namikaze Minato flew at a fast speed, and the tail was a little slower under the ground.

When launching the last spiral pill, the tail is to be connected with Namikaze Minato's Chakra or Tailed Beast Coat, and then use Flying Thunder God to transfer to Flying Raijin Kunai, who is behind Nobuhiko Uchiha, to carry out The ultimate attack.

This is why at that moment, neither Namikaze Minato nor Kushina had much reaction or performance.

Because, there is no need to worry at all, the connection between the two spiral pill attacks is perfect!

No matter what attack Uchiha Nobuhiko made during this period, it was futile!

This is also the horror of Flying Thunder God, the horror of time and space ninjutsu, no matter how fast the body is, it always takes an instant, even if it is 0.5 seconds, even 0.1 second, but Flying Thunder God does not need it, it is time and space. Ninjutsu doesn't use a single tenth of a second. When moving, time stops!

But now, it is only necessary to confirm that Uchiha Nobuhiko has no combat power. As for killing this Uchiha Nobuhiko, Namikaze Minato and Kushina have no hope, even if the last spiral pill smashes the defensive pupil technique, and Nobuhiko Uchiha was seriously injured, and Nobuhiko Uchiha would not die. They could feel that the defensive pupil technique still blocked most of the power of the spiral pill. If it breaks, it will not cause death!

Besides, if Nobuhiko Uchiha died, Chiba is probably burned to ashes by now, and Chiba is safe and sound, so Nobuhiko Uchiha is definitely not dead.

Moreover, they are more or less measured. After several trials, Namikaze Minato, who is the main attacker, has a Hokage-level vision. It is impossible to make too big a moth.

"Success! Minato-sensei, Kushina-sensei, success!"

And at this moment, before the smoke and dust dispersed, when Kushina and Namikaze Minato were still staring at the smoke and dust without reacting, Yukina over there suddenly shouted.

With the meaning of joy, shouted up!

It worked!

They succeeded!

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