Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1928 Success!


Hearing Xue Nai's sudden shout over there, both Kushina and Namikaze Minato were taken aback, and subconsciously looked at the girl who was doing the protection work dutifully, and such a questioning girl flashed in their hearts. thought.

"Success? Xue Nai? You said, success?"

Then, they suddenly came to their senses and hurriedly asked loudly.


Xue Nai has white eyes, although the smoke and dust cover our eyes now, but for Xue Nai, this is not the case!

Now Xue Nai can see clearly.

Since she said it worked, they probably did!

Nobuhiko Uchiha, defeated!

At this moment, such a suddenly enlightened thought flashed through the minds of the two of them.

"Yes! It worked!"

Hearing the inquiry from the two teachers, Xue Nai nodded heavily, looked carefully at the smoke and dust rising into the sky, and shouted loudly.

These smoke and dust are not an obstacle to her white eyes at all. She can clearly see that the limbs are almost twisted together because of the rotation and impact just now, blood is flowing, and the whole person is embedded in a twisted posture. On the wall of the pit, at the same time, the muscles of the limbs, especially the waist, have been completely torn. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to have fighting power anymore.

Even after this glance, Xue Nai couldn't help being a little amazed, the last blow just now, it can be said that the power was controlled just right, just to break the spine of Nobuhiko Uchiha, if the power was stronger, it might tear the internal organs, At that time, whether this Uchiha Nobuhiko can live is a question.

Now, at least the spine is broken, and life is definitely in danger, but judging by the physical strength of Uchiha Nobuhiko, he will not be killed all at once, and it can be supported until Minato teacher Chakra recovers to be able to use Flying Thunder God As long as Fei Leishen can use it, then they will have enough resources to treat Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Of course, life can be saved, but hemiplegia is certain.

Although Xue Nai is not a medical ninja, she has also studied medical treatment, and without anyone knowing, she used her white eyes to work in a hospital, and she also knows the human body very well. With a diagnosis of this level, she can still be judged accurately.

In short, Nobuhiko Uchiha has lost his fighting power now.

They succeeded!

It was indeed a success!

"Is it... is it, it worked, did it work?"

And hearing his disciple's affirmative response, Kushina smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and murmured to himself.

To be honest, if it doesn't work, she can't think of any other way. They have already bet everything. If they can't hurt each other, then she can only choose to kill herself, and everyone present may be affected.

And as she talked to herself, Kushina also quietly put away the kunai in her hand. This kunai was intended to be used by herself when the situation was not right. At the same time, the body also slightly fell on the husband next to him, a feeling of chakra emptiness, weakness and exhaustion completely surged up.


Sensing his wife's approaching body, Namikaze Minato hurriedly embraced the red-haired beauty with a tired face, and said with concern.

"It's okay, I just relaxed all of a sudden, and I can't stand still."

Hearing her husband's obviously worried words, Kushina shook her head, leaned on her husband's chest, and said with a tired trill.


To this, Namakaze Minato nodded, he understood his wife's feelings very well, and to be honest, he was also a little weak now.

It was already a desperate game just now, either you die or I die, bet everything he has, everything he values, and now that he has received a signal of success, he will inevitably feel a little soft when he relaxes.

Although he didn't show it, Namikaze Minato was actually sweating just now. This kind of desperate battle was only this time.

That is to say, this is the first time he has experienced such a battle. The opponent is an existence that even he feels invincible. It takes everything to win this battle.

"how is he?"

However, although some of his hands were weak, and his mood was suddenly relaxed, Namikaze Minato was not distracted.

Now, it is also very important to confirm the other party's situation. After all, if the other party dies, then Chiba will die too. It is one thing for them to defeat this Uchiha Nobuhiko, but it is another thing to kill this Uchiha Nobuhiko up.

Defeating and killing, for them now, are two completely different results.

If they just beat, then they win.

If it is a kill, then they have failed.

Although it is impossible for Nobuhiko Uchiha to die now, there is no guarantee that he can hold on now, or in the future.

What should be asked is still to be asked, if Uchiha Nobuhiko fails, then his heart must not stop beating.

"Fighting is impossible, but it should be able to hold on for a while. Even if it is an internal injury, it is a muscle injury. No internal organs are injured, and the heart beats very strongly. Just be careful not to bleed too much."

Regarding this, Xue Nai quickly understood, and after looking at Nobuhiko Uchiha again, she opened her mouth and said.


Hearing this, Namikaze Minato breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Kushina, let's go."

Then, he lowered his head and said softly to his wife.


Hearing her husband's whispers, Kushina leaned almost her entire body on Namikaze Minato's body, and nodded slightly.


Namikaze Minato, who felt his wife almost limp on him, showed a little worry on his face at this moment.

The second time to draw Nine-Tails Chakra, Kushina, she must have lied.

In fact, it should have been very reluctant.

Now she is completely useless.

But such a worrying thought flashed through his mind.

Thanks for your hard work!


Afterwards, taking a slight breath, Namikaze Minato murmured softly in his heart.

With a wife as powerful as you, I really am...

So happy!


And at this moment, just as the two of them were snuggling together, the evening wind blew past quietly, rolling over the column of smoke that had already begun to fade, and the smoke drifted past.

As the night wind blew past, the smoke and dust immediately became lighter and thinner.

On the wall of the pit, the figure of Nobuhiko Uchiha twisted into an unnatural shape gradually emerged.


Impossible... This is absolutely impossible!

The balance is not broken, not broken!

This kind of thing can't happen!

And at this time, Uchiha Nobuhiko let out an unbelievable murmur that no one could hear except himself.

Then, slowly closed his eyes.

His consciousness completely sank into darkness.

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