Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1929 Final Confirmation

"Are you okay, Teacher Kushina?"

Taking over the limp Kushina from Namikaze Minato, Yukina asked with concern while helping her teacher to sit down with a little worry on her face.

"It's okay, it's just that the chakra is a little too much."

In this regard, Kushina, who sat down, smiled, sweat rolled down, and said.

At the same time, her eyes fell on the two unconscious disciples in front of her.



Are you still awake?

As his gaze settled, Kushina's obviously pale face slowly showed a bit of worry.

Muscle tissue, no problem.

Internal organs, no problem.

The cell activity has dropped significantly, which is indeed the case of excessive use of Chakra.

There are no obvious scars on the bones and skin. Apart from being weak, there are no injuries.

Teacher Jiuxinna, it should really be just excessive exhaustion, and there is no major problem.

But at this time, Xue Nai carefully looked up and down at her teacher, and a series of thoughts flashed through her mind.


Then, after flashing these thoughts, Xue Nai looked at Namikaze Minato who had been looking at her teacher with concern, and said.


And hearing Xue Nai's affirmative answer, Namikaze Minato nodded lightly, a huge stone fell in his heart, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

There are only two things he cares about most now.

One is the current situation of Jiu Xinnai, and now she can rest assured.

There is another one, and that is of course Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Therefore, at this time, after confirming that Kushina was safe, Namikaze Minato also stood up. Although he was exhausted, he still wanted to confirm the situation of Uchiha Nobuhiko. Even if he lost, this Uchiha Nobuhiko was still very important.

"Wait a minute, Minato-sensei, let me go."

But at this moment, when Namikaze Minato was about to walk towards the wall of the pit where Uchiha Nobuhiko was embedded, Yukina suddenly stopped him.

"Xue Nai..."

Hearing Xue Nai's words, Namikaze Minato was slightly taken aback, turned around, and frowned slightly.

"Teacher Minato, I know that you want to protect us, but now you are still the core character among us. Whether this team can finally escape from the current situation and Chiba can be rescued depends on Minato. Teacher, if you drag your current body to the past, if Uchiha Nobuhiko has any traps, you will not be able to deal with them, you will only die in vain, and then ruin all our hopes, so I should go here."

Seeing Namikaze Minato's expression, Xue Nai had a serious face, and almost didn't give Namikaze Minato any chance to refute, so she opened her mouth and said.

The current situation is indeed not suitable for Namikaze Minato to investigate the reality of Uchiha Nobuhiko. Although the white eyes have been confirmed, and Uchiha Nobuhiko has twisted into that look, there is basically no accident, but everything still has to be done. Be careful not to overturn the boat in the gutter.

If Namikaze Minato is allowed to go, in Namikaze Minato's state, if there is any accident, I am afraid they will all have to explain it here.

After all, Namikaze Minato's Flying Raijin is the core of all their plans now, and even if Uchiha Nobuhiko really can't recover, to save Uchiha Nobuhiko's life, he must rely on Namikaze Minato's Flying Raijin.

It can be said that Namikaze Minato is really crucial, and no mistakes can be made.

Moreover, what Namikaze Minato should do most now is actually to restore Chakra, not to take risks.

"Here are some dry food and clean water. Let's eat with Teacher Kushina. It is also very important to restore physical strength now."

In the end, without waiting for Namakaze Minato's response, Xue Nai took off her ninja bag for storing dry food and water, and put it on the ground.

Then, he walked straight to Nobuhiko Uchiha.

"Rest, Minato, trust Yukina."

But at this time, after looking at the ninja bag on the ground and Xue Nai's firm back, Kushina spoke and persuaded her husband.

Kushina is very clear that now Xue Nai's judgment is very correct, her husband is very important, no matter whether Uchiha Nobuhiko has really been defeated or not, Fei Lei Shen will always be the best guarantee for their safety, as long as her husband can use Fei Lei Thor, then, they always have one last chance.

Letting my husband rest and restore chakra is the most important thing right now, none of them.

Even if one of them was seriously injured or was about to die, it didn't matter.

With Flying Thunder God here, at least they were able to send a few people back safely.


Hearing his wife's words, Namikaze Minato still hesitated, but he didn't say much after all. He sat down, opened the ninja bag left by Xue Nai, took out the dry food, and first handed it to his wife Some, and then I took some myself and started eating.

However, when eating, his gaze was fixed on Xue Nai.

In the end, he can only compromise. He knows that what Xue Nai said is right, and what his wife said is also right. This is the world of ninja world, and some are cruel. Although he doesn't want Xue Nai to take risks, but the current The situation, only Xue Nai is intact, and she can only face it.

The heart beats, no problem.

No facial expressions of any kind woke up.

Moreover, the limbs have been twisted like this, if he wakes up, the only attack method will be the pupil technique, and if there is something wrong, he will avoid his gaze.

And at this time, Xue Nai, who was walking all the way to Nobuhiko Uchiha, was not unprepared, and walked up stupidly. She was very careful with every step, and adjusted her position slightly to facilitate the approaching distance. When Nobuhiko Uchiha suddenly opened his eyes, he could leave his sight for the first time.

This way, Xue Nai walked very carefully, constantly thinking in her heart, and under the insight of her white eyes, as long as Nobuhiko Uchiha made any moves, she would definitely be able to avoid them immediately.

And until Uchiha Nobuhiko approached, Uchiha Nobuhiko didn't make any movements, and he was already unconscious.

At the same time, Xue Nai leaned down, carefully inspected Nobuhiko Uchiha's side, and confirmed that Nobuhiko Uchiha was indeed seriously injured.

"No problem, I will bandage him now."

Then, after confirming, Xue Nai turned around and informed Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

it is finally over!

And with this sound, Minakaze Minato, Kushina, and Yuki Nai who spoke, finally really relaxed in their hearts.

This battle, they won.

Chiba, saved!

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