Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1940 Could it be possible!


Has my pupil power improved?

The pitch-black flame covering the entire broken section of the masked man's right arm slowly spiraled and gathered at one point, as if being sucked into some kind of hollow, and completely dissipated in the air, only on the masked man's pale body The broken section of the right arm left some scorching marks, as if it had never appeared before.

And at this time, after confirming that the masked man really lost consciousness, such a thought flashed through Hirohiko's mind.

Is it because of some residual buff from the healing that Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei gave me?

Following this thought, Hirohiko frowned slightly.

At the same time, his eyes wandered over the masked man.

However, how do you feel, there is a sense of disobedience?

Just now I remembered that the Amaterasu Fire I adjusted should be the size of a fist, but when it was eliminated just now, the Amaterasu Fire was already the size of several fists, and it had a tendency to spread to the masked man's body.

Could it be that the power of my Amaterasu Fire has been strengthened?

Burn faster?

While looking around, this series of thoughts flashed through Hongyan's mind.

He saw clearly just now that his Amaterasu was only the size of a fist, and his adjusted pupil power could only release such a large Amaterasu, and just after releasing Amaterasu, he noticed the pigs rushing from the forest The three of Ludie turned their eyes away, and after confirming the identities of Zhuludie and the other three, he turned his gaze back and found that the fire was getting bigger. During these times, according to his original intensity of sunshine, it is impossible to have such a fire .

Now, the only possibility is that his Amaterasu has been strengthened due to an unknown treatment.

Or, it may be the harbinger of the awakening of a new ability.

However, although this matter is a bit strange, it is not impossible. It's just that Hong Yan always feels a sense of disobedience.

However, looking at this circle, there is indeed nothing wrong with it.

He even took a careful look at Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was twisted into a shocking posture, as before, without any change.

I must be a little sensitive...

These feelings of disobedience should be the sequelae of further awakening of my eyes. The awakening of Susano just now is obviously because I received the miraculous treatment by Minato-sensei and Kushina-sensei, and then this treatment and eyes Some kind of change has occurred, so Susano can be further awakened.

In Nao's eyes, there is indeed a technique called Tsukiyomi, and there is also a technique such as Amaterasu, which just meets Susano's requirements.

It's just that, for some reason, I haven't fully awakened Susanoo.

And this treatment touched that condition, like a key, it opened the Susanoo in my eyes.

Then, because of this change in the eyes, I felt a bit of a sense of disobedience, just like the moment after Nao's eyes were transplanted, when I looked at everything, I felt that I was not looking at it.

Finally, after confirming it several times, Hirohiko thought so in his heart.

After transplanting Nao's eyes before, of course, he didn't know that he had transplanted Nao's eyes at the time. It looks the same from my perspective, even though my perspective is entirely my own.

It's a very strange feeling.

However, after learning that he had transplanted Nao's eyes, he felt somewhat relieved because of this sense of disobedience.

The feeling of seeing through someone else's eyes, someone else's perspective, as if Nao was with him.

It was almost one of the few consolations he got through that most difficult time.

This sense of disobedience made him feel as if Nao was by his side and never left.

However, as the eyes got used to it, this sense of disobedience gradually disappeared.

Now, I am afraid that it is because of the new changes in the eyes that there is such a sense of disobedience. After all, these eyes are not his eyes. No matter how you adapt, they are Nao's eyes after all. .

"Hirohiko, how are you doing?"

And at this time, the supplies were obtained there, and under the vigilance of Yamanaka Kaiichi and Akido Dingza, they could finally restore Chakra's Namikaze Minato with peace of mind. Seeing that Hirohiko squatted on the ground without any reaction, he seemed to have discovered Hirohiko, who looked like something, asked.

"This masked man has completely lost his combat effectiveness, but just to be on the safe side, I'd better tie him up."

To this, Hirohiko didn't hesitate, turned his head and responded, then took out the rope dart in the ninja bag, removed the dart, and began to tie up the unconscious masked man.

"Well, be careful."

In response, Namikaze Minato nodded and said to Hirohiko.

Why... feels a little strange?

Lu Jiu, Hai Yi, and Ding Zuo are definitely real deities, and there is nothing that can be questioned, but why do I feel that this matter always feels a bit inconsistent?

Is there something I'm missing?

But both the masked man and Uchiha Nobuhiko have lost their combat effectiveness... The situation should stabilize.

This kind of sense of disobedience makes people feel a little uneasy...

However, although there was no change on his face and everything seemed normal, a series of uneasy thoughts flashed through Namikaze Minato's heart.

Although the person in front of him is a person, the pit is a pit, and the seriously injured enemy is a seriously injured enemy, he always feels a sense of disobedience that something is missing.


However, this sense of disobedience is not too strong after all, and Minato Namikaze thinks about it, and it can only be regarded as an illusion.

"Miss Xue Nai, you mean, it is set inside the body, and it is a technique like the seal of fire, right?"

At this time, Shikahisa Nara and Yukina started discussing beside Chiba.

"Yes, it is precisely because of this that Chiba's life is held in the hands of that Uchiha Nobuhiko."

Hearing the words Nara Shikahisa frowned and muttered, Yukina nodded and said with a bit of a sigh.

Indeed, in this case, there is really no way.

However, how to set the sealing technique in the body? If it is the Seal of Curse, because the characteristic of Seal of Curse is to act on the body and mainly restrict the body, it is normal to set it in the body.

But sealing technique?

How could the sealing technique be installed in the body?

Chiba was not disemboweled either.

After hearing Yukina's affirmative answer, Nara Shikahisa frowned slightly. This is not in line with common sense. It is absolutely impossible for the sealing technique to be installed in the body, unless it is disembowelled, touching internal parts, or some unique Sealing technique, such as Tsunade-sama's yin seal.

Something like the Fire Sealing Seal is absolutely impossible.

"What's wrong? Mr. Lu Jiu?"

And at this time, seeing Nara Shikahisa's appearance, Yukina noticed something keenly, and hurriedly asked.

"Miss Xue Nai, can the seal of fire be sealed inside the body? Have you... seen such a seal of fire?"

Hearing Yukina's question, Nara Shikoku groaned for a while, but asked a question back.

The fire seal sealed in the body?

Such a seal of fire...

But hearing this sound, Xue Nai was startled suddenly, as if suddenly realized something.


Is there such a fire seal?


Could it be that this is a...

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