Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1941 There is a way?

"No, no, judging by Nobuhiko Uchiha's performance, he wouldn't have set up such a clumsy trick. The two seals on Chiba's body should be true. As for how he set them in Chiba's body , it should be true, and there is indeed that kind of black flame that cannot be extinguished that is sealed inside."

The suspicion that arose in her heart was quickly denied. In the end, Xue Nai shook her head and said no.

This Nobuhiko Uchiha owns the Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Although it is impossible to do such a thing under normal circumstances, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is different.

According to Hirohiko, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is an eye with various abilities, and there are some things that Sharingan cannot do.

There are even some special techniques that can only be used if the pupil power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan is reached.

What the village doesn't know is that in the private treasury of the Uchiha clan, there are actually many spells related to Sharingan and Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Now the sealing fire seal in Chiba's body may look like the sealing fire seal, but it is actually a pupil technique of kaleidoscope sharingan or a secret technique of the Uchiha clan that can only be used by kaleidoscope sharingan.

After all, no matter how you think about it, Nobuhiko Uchiha will definitely set up some kind of insurance for Chiba in his favor.

Uchiha Nobuhiko will not be so stupid that he doesn't set anything, he just uses the trick of bluffing people.

Perhaps, this set was good for ordinary people in the environment at that time, but she had white eyes and could clearly see everything in Qianye's body. If it was just some kind of blindfold, it would be impossible to have the kind of transaction just now up.

She can see through.

As for the two seals of sealing fire, they were actually illusions, and she had already fallen into the illusion, so she felt that what she saw was the real possibility.

Not impossible, but, impossible.

Because, from the beginning to the end, Xue Nai never glanced at Nobuhiko Uchiha, or in other words, they never looked at each other. The angle of view of the white eyes is 360 degrees, although she can see every move of Nobuhiko Uchiha , but they didn't make eye contact.

As for the pupil illusion, no matter how strong it is, it requires eye contact, even if it is only for a moment. It is impossible for people without eye contact like this to fall into the illusion.

At the same time, when she was observing the Fire Sealing Seal in Chiba's body, she deliberately controlled the flow of her chakra by using the soft fist method to acupoint the acupuncture points, and checked whether she had been hit by the pupil illusion.

For example, this method of acupuncture does not necessarily only close the acupuncture points, but also further open the acupuncture points, so that the flow of chakra through the acupuncture points can be enhanced. Before Xue Nai observed Chiba, she actually secretly used this method to enhance the flow of chakra. , Disturbed the flow of chakra in his whole body once to confirm whether he was under the illusion.

Here, it cannot be illusion.

In other words, what she saw was real.

This fire seal is naturally real.

It may be a secret technique similar to the seal of fire, but it is real, and Chiba's life is in the hands of Nobuhiko Uchiha, and it is also true.

"Really... are you sure?"

In this regard, Nara Shikahisa, who was doing some basic inspections for Chiba up and down, said.

He didn't have much doubt about Xue Nai's words. Since the eldest lady said so, there must be her reasons.

Besides, she has white eyes after all, and she can see much more clearly and intuitively than theirs.

"Yeah, but it's still possible that the Seal of Sealing Fire is not the Seal of Sealing Fire."

To this, Xue Nai said.

"Hmm... I don't know what this Uchiha Nobuhiko did to Chiba. If we can undo the seal of fire in Chiba's body now, then this matter will really be completely over. We are holding each other back." If it is contained, there are still considerable risks in real operation."

Hearing this, Shikahisa Nara nodded and said helplessly.

When he and Xue Nai mentioned Chiba's problem, they were naturally not chatting, and they were all considered. Although the situation is now under control, with Chiba's life in the hands of Nobuhiko Uchiha, and Nobuhiko Uchiha can't escape the control of the masked man, under this complicated triangle relationship, even the final control Without these two people, it is still quite troublesome and complicated to negotiate.

Especially when the other party also knows that they have a handle on their side.

I'm afraid, in the end result, both the masked man and Uchiha Nobuhiko must be let go because of the exchange, and letting go of these two is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Konoha's Kyuubi dares to fight. know what a headache for opponents.

To be honest, Nara Shikahisa is very disapproving of letting these two go, the way to avoid future troubles is to kill them immediately here, don't even ask for information, just kill them right here!

The two people almost turned the people of Konoha Village on their backs. The two Hokages were sitting in the town at the same time, and they even let them in and out whenever they wanted.

Moreover, it is also a big ninja village like Yan Yin and Sand Yin.

"It can only be carefully calculated."

Regarding this, Xue Nai can only sigh, this is a dead end, it can only be complicated, it can only be helpless, but, after all, the probability of success is 100%, with the masked man and Uchiha Nobuhiko in hand .


And at this moment, just as Xue Nai was sighing, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground suddenly entered their ears.

"Ms. Kushina, Mr. Minato, it has been confirmed that there is no threat, this masked man."

Then, came the voice of Hirohiko letting out a sigh of relief.

"Well, great."

Afterwards, it was Namikaze Minato and Kushina who spoke in unison.

At this moment, behind Yukina and Nara Shikuhisa, Hirohiko with bright red eyes flashing casually threw the bound masked man on the ground.


Then, in the next second, Hirohiko nodded to the two teachers, seeming to catch a glimpse of Chiba from the corner of his eye, and was slightly taken aback.

"What's wrong? Hirohiko?"

At this time, Xue Nai, who had been keeping her eyes open, immediately noticed his abnormality, frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking.

"Chiba... There is a pupil power reaction in Chiba's body, is it Uchiha Nobuhiko's pupil power reaction?"

At this moment, the original Fuma Shuriken pattern unscrewed and the Sangodama Sharingan rotated and merged almost instantly, forming a kaleidoscope pattern that looked like the Fuma Shuriken.

At the same time, Hirohiko frowned, and squatted down beside Chiba, and began to search with his eyes.


Seeing Hirohiko's sudden appearance, Xue Nai subconsciously wanted to ask.

However, before she could say the second word, Shikahisa Nara raised her hand to stop her.

Shikahisa Nara shook his head, signaling not to disturb Hirohiko.

Is it possible...

Hirohiko he...

able to solve this problem?

At this moment, Xue Nai also hurriedly kept silent.

At this moment, she also understood.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan pupil technique or secret technique, the same kaleidoscope Sharingan, there should be a way!

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