"Minato, what's wrong?"

Slightly glanced at Hirohiko who was squatting down, Kushina, who had regained some strength due to dry food and special military ration pills, slowly stood up, originally wanted to ask Hirohiko something, but his eyes were attracted by her husband .

"No, nothing."

Regarding this, Minakame, who had squatted down and looked at the mask on the face of the masked man who fell face down on the ground, shook his head, and replied quite absent-mindedly.

Obviously, at this moment, his thoughts were completely attracted by the mask of the masked man.

"Is there anything suspicious about this masked man? Isn't he the deity?"

Hearing this, it was impossible for Jiu Xinnai, who had always known her husband well, not to be able to see her husband's state at this time, so she also asked straightforwardly.

Now, although it is said that it is safe, there are already three strong new forces, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Akimichi Choza, but when the dust has not settled, they still cannot relax for a moment.

Even if you are quite tired.

But now her husband's reaction is obviously a bit strange, Jiu Xinnai must ask clearly.

It's just a matter of time. She must not make any mistakes, and she must ask clearly about any small abnormalities.

Especially now that Xue Nai's attention is on the stalls on Chiba.


Mask man?

What's suspicious?

But at this time, upon hearing Kushina's question, Shikahisa Nara, who was originally focused on Chiba, frowned slightly, but turned around, and his eyes fell on Minato Namikaze.

"Jiushinna, there is one thing I didn't explain to you. It just so happens that Lu Jiu is here now. Although it is a bit out of date, I want to tell you about this matter."

At the same time, he seemed to have noticed Nara Shikahisa's gaze, and Nara Shikahisa was also brought with him when Namikaze Minato answered his wife's question.

"What's up?"

In this regard, Kushina asked immediately.

"Please tell me, fourth generation."

At the same time, Nara Shikahisa stood up, walked to the side of Namikaze Minato, and watched Kaiichi Yamanaka walk towards Nobuhiko Uchiha who was embedded in the wall and was ready to shoot at any time. , opened the mouth.

"When I was fighting this masked man, this masked man once claimed to be Madara, or in other words, the possibility of him being Madara was leaked from the conversation. Now, I want to confirm his identity, if, really It's me, please don't be too surprised. Be sure to stay calm."

And hearing this sound, Namikaze Minato took a slight breath, pursed his dry lips, and said.

There was an uncontrollable tension in his tone.

Uchiha Madara, this name is an extremely sensitive name, whether it is to Namikaze Minato, to everyone present, or to Konoha, or even to the ninja world.

For Namikaze Minato, he is the creator of Konoha and one of the terminators of troubled times. Even as a traitor, he eventually betrayed Konoha, but Konoha never admitted his identity as a traitor, but Uchiha Madara of the Uchiha clan who regards him as Konoha.

Behind this is the absolute influence of Uchiha Madara.

On the other hand, it is the absolute strength of this troubled hero.

He is the only existence that Konoha dare not call rebellious ninja, but will always be regarded as a member of Konoha.

Because, his prestige is the same as that ninja god, representing the absolute strength of Konoha, the brilliance of Konoha, and the deterrent power of Konoha.

And Uchiha Madara is also an indelible existence to the Ninja world. No matter how many generations or dozens of generations in the future, how the times change, this big man who created the era of Ninja Village will always be the same as another big man. People pass on from generation to generation in the form of history, stories, and fears.

Uchiha Madara, this name represents an era!

Together with the ninja god named Senjujuma, it represents an era!

At the same time, his evaluation is complex.

Some worship him, some fear him, some hate him...

Even as a member of Konoha, Uchiha Madara is sometimes a nightmare-like existence, like the incarnation of darkness.

However, no matter who worships him, fears him, or hates him, without exception, this name will be compared with the ninja god who leads the entire ninja world like light.

Only this name, only the name Uchiha Madara, can be compared with that ninja god, and only when this name is mentioned, when that name is mentioned, can the strength and status of that ninja god not be insulted.

Now, if this masked man is really Uchiha Madara, then there will be a wave unimaginable by Namikaze Minato.

If a god-like figure who can be compared with the god of ninjas and revered by thousands of people is also the embodiment of darkness, if he crosses the shackles of time and reappears in this world, what kind of chain reaction will it cause? Darkness flooded back into the world, something Minakaze could not have imagined.

As for blocking this news, Minato Namikaze can't guarantee it, and Konoha's intelligence network is definitely not an impenetrable wall, there will always be times when the horse stumbles.

However, now that the masked man is right in front of him, and he has obvious evil intentions towards Konoha, it is absolutely unreasonable not to confirm the identity of the enemy at this time.

Identity itself is a kind of intelligence.

In the ninja world, intelligence always comes first!

So, he was nervous and hesitant.

Even, a little afraid to reach out.

Uchiha Madara, these four words are definitely an existence that no one wants to face!

Even if he is the fourth Hokage, or the third Hokage, or even the attitude of the second Hokage towards the Uchiha clan in his life, we can see that these four words are also the nightmare of the great Hokage's life .


Hearing this, Shikahisa Nara, who has always been calm and wise, was almost suffocated, and didn't say anything for a long time.


At the same time, Jiu Xinnai frowned when he heard this, but he didn't know what to say.

Although she didn't live in Konoha all the time, the name Uchiha Madara, the entire ninja world, I am afraid that no one would not know it.

She also understood what this name represented.

The atmosphere fell into a tense silence for an instant.

"Hirohiko, what do you see?"

And at this moment, Xue Nai's slightly nervous voice rang out abruptly.

It's a transfer seal, the transfer seal of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but Uchiha Nobuhiko doesn't know what method to use, or what kind of ability he has awakened related to Amaterasu or the transfer seal, so that this similar transfer seal The technique was projected into Chiba's body.

Or, just...

At this time, Hirohiko, who was squatting next to Chiba, was already sweating profusely, his eyes were slightly staring, and his face had already stiffened into an extremely ugly expression.


At this moment, he couldn't help it...

He swallowed.

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