Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1974 Puzzled


This is impossible... this is impossible!

How could he wake up.

With the power of an outsider taken away, it is impossible for him...impossible!

Moreover, not only did he wake up, but his strength became even stronger!

Having been deprived of the power of an outsider, he can still have stronger power than before. I didn't even realize just now that he has penetrated me into the ground.


Not to mention other things, his improved eight-door Dunjia technique should largely rely on the ultra-fine control ability of Chakra in his outsider power. It has to be said that some things that were impossible to happen originally Everything can be achieved under the power of outsiders, but now, without this power, Taki Chiba can still use the improved technique, and even raised the level of this technique.

Just now, what I saw should be that the sixth gate of the eight-door dunjia opened, and he already has the chakra that is close to the tailed beast.

The speed and strength have all reached unimaginable levels.

Compared with before, they are like two different people.

Impossible... Impossible... In the end, what happened?

The dust in the center of the mushroom-shaped upward steaming smoke and dust was filled in front of his eyes. Nobuhiko Uchiha maintained the posture of a large font embedded in the ground, staring blankly at the smoke and dust above. Although there was no expression on his face, it seemed to be Full of incredible and unbelievable.

He couldn't figure out why Taki Chiba was still able to wake up, and was able to further improve his own strength after losing his greatest reliance, the power of outsiders.

This is completely impossible.

He has encountered many outsiders, but since he took away the alien power of the first outsider, none of the outsiders have been able to wake up until they die of old age, disease, or various deaths. To wake up again.

This situation in Taki Chiba is absolutely impossible.

He just couldn't figure out why this happened, and even the fury that should have been caused by the Nine-Tails flying away in his hand was overwhelmed by this doubt, making him unable to get angry.

The whole head is full of this problem.

A question that I can't even figure out to the death.

Even his eyes were a little dull.


And at this moment, a cracking sound came from his face.


Then, there were two more cracking sounds, which seemed to spread softly.

At this moment, on his cheeks, the jet-black flame-like chakra wrapped around him has already cracked open.

Even, on his left cheek, the pellicle of the jet-black and flame-shaped Chakra has been torn open with four finger-thick holes, and on his left cheek, there is also a thumb-thick hole. At this moment, cracks are forming. These five voids are the starting point, and they continue to spread, as if the glass is broken, and Uchiha Nobuhiko's face has already been covered with a layer of transparent cracks.

At the same time, from time to time, a trace of blood overflowed from these cavities.

And this situation is also something he can't figure out.

The grasping force, the grasping force directly on his face that he didn't realize when he was about to unscrew the Nine-Tails Jinzhuli seal and completely undo the four-element seal, brought him out. The force so far and penetrating into the ground was able to crush his Susanoo.

Although it is said that because of Taki Chiba's outsider power, Susano is stored inside, and the defense power has dropped significantly, but for Namikaze Minato and others, it is still an absolute defense, absolutely invincible Susano model. The defensive power was directly crushed in the hands of Taki Chiba!

This is simply unbelievable!

Not only did the strength not decline, but on the contrary, after being robbed of the power of outsiders, Taki Chiba became much stronger, which is impossible.

The reason why outsiders are difficult is because of their outsider power, they can do some miraculous things that they can't do at all.

Once the power of outsiders is lost, these outsiders are nothing more than ordinary people.

The situation of Taki Chiba is really unheard of and unseen.

Already, it has overturned his common sense of many lives and hundreds of years. At this moment, even though he has encountered countless strange things and experienced countless battles, he still has some troubles to react at this moment.

what is going on?

Could it be that this Taki Chiba is still hiding some power?

In the final analysis, several abilities of Taki Chiba are too ordinary, not at all the standard of outsider power.

The sum of these abilities is at best the standard talent of a genius.

It is also really different from the power of those outsiders who can easily change the world pattern...

Is it possible...

And with the stimulation of the pain on the face, Nobuhiko Uchiha's gaze also narrowed bit by bit, and the thoughts in his mind began to spread in another direction.

That's not possible, now is the real power of that Taki Chiba?

Taki Chiba's outsider power is hidden under the outsider power I used...

no no no!

After all, the possibility is ridiculous!

With the spread of thoughts, Uchiha Nobuhiko's mind naturally began to flood with various possibilities, but in the end, they were all rejected by him one by one.

He has been reincarnated for so many lives, and some things are still clear.

In a sense, outsiders are pests, and the world will not allow them to act recklessly. Otherwise, the average lifespan of outsiders would not be less than twenty-four years old.

Even, many outsiders died in their youth before their wings had grown.

It is also impossible for Taki Chiba to have double outsider power.

If there is such an exaggeration, how can he defeat those outsiders.

This is absolutely impossible!

Only this, he firmly believed, was impossible.

However, this is impossible, and it does not mean that there are no other special places in Taki Chiba, and Uchiha Nobuhiko is also very clear.

"It seems that this should be, that..."

Then, thinking of this, he took a breath, and slowly sat up from the human-shaped pit in the center of the dust-wrapped pit, and then, talking to himself, slowly stood up. up.

Not because of the power of outsiders, nor because Taki Chiba is special enough, but...



But when he stood up, his figure was slightly suffocated, a wisp of blood suddenly rolled down from his left eye, poured down along his cheek, splashed on the ground at his feet, and shattered into pieces. Several drops of blood soaked into the soil.


God of Heaven!

At this moment, his left eye has dimmed, as if he used Izanagi's right eye!

And before his eyes, already...

Total darkness!

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