"What's the matter... Hirohiko, what's the matter?"

Under the misty emerald green brilliance, Qianye's face became stiff little by little, feeling the suddenly turning cold atmosphere, watching the originally joyful expressions and emotions constantly appearing from the faces and eyes of the most important people in her. It dissipated little by little, and turned into a deeper sorrow and pain, and seeing his best friend's silent appearance, his heart sank, sank.

Couldn't help but asked out loud again.

It's just that, this time, the person who asked was a little lacking in confidence and a little trembling.


But at this time, seeing her disciple's discoloration, Kushina's joy, which was fading, was suddenly overwhelmed by a heavy grief. During this soft call, she, who had always been stubborn and wanted to be strong, had already There were tears.


If I'm not so naive, if I'm not so ignorant, if I can be stronger...

Hirohiko, Hirohiko will not die...

Chiba and Yukina won't be sad either...

Everything, everything is my fault, it is because I am too weak as a teacher, and I am too incompetent!

It's all... It's all my fault!

I... I can't even protect myself!

And at this moment, her heart was already filled with regret and self-blame. After uttering these two words, she opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything.

If her clenched hand could move at this moment, I'm afraid it would already be bleeding.

how... how to do...

What...how should I tell Chiba...

How should I tell Qianye, Qian... Qianye won't be sad...

How... what to do?

How...how should I put it?

And at this time, looking at Chiba whose expression had obviously changed, apart from the indelible sorrow and pain in Xue Nai's heart, it was this messy and overwhelmed thoughts.

Seeing Qianye like this, her heart hurt even more.

Thinking about what to do for such a Chiba, she wanted to let Chiba know that Hirohiko's death would not be too sad, but no matter what she thought, she couldn't think of it.

Amidst the entanglement, at this moment, her heart seemed to be tugged.

However, after opening his mouth, he still couldn't say anything, so he could only close his eyes and let the tears roll down.


Hirohiko Uchiha?

Although I don't know why Chiba was able to act in Uchiha Nobuhiko's Heavenly Commander, but it seems that I may not necessarily die.

Now, even if Qianye knew my identity, he would definitely kill me because I threatened Mr. Kushina, although he acted like a hero in front of others, he cherished the will of fire inherited from his friends However, I can see that, having experienced darkness, I can see that Chiba doesn't have any will to fire at all, he just follows a simple behavior habit.

If others treat him well, he will treat him well, and whoever treats him well will treat him well.

Simple and clear.

And if it threatens the person he loves, then he will turn into the most ruthless Shura, and I, now that I have hurt the person he loves, no matter how close I am to him, he will definitely kill me!

Therefore, I am now entering another desperate situation from one desperate situation.

Because, Chiba will kill me.

But now, it seems, I still have a chance, a chance.

He must be full of confidence when he is so determined.

So, at that time, I still have a chance!

But at this time, between Yukina and Kushina's grief and entanglement, the masked man, Obito, had a flash of eyes at this time, and found something on Chiba's face that changed color little by little. bright things.

"Chiba, calm down."

At this moment, taking a deep breath, Minato Namikaze, whose face was always composed and calm, spoke.

The moment he opened his mouth, it was to remind Chiba to calm down.

Here, after all, it is still a battlefield, and Qianye cannot be allowed to lose his mind like this. Although it should be said more euphemistically, it should not even be said, but it must be said.

You can't hide it from Chiba!

Moreover, I can't hide it from Chiba!

At this time, it is better than Chiba himself knows!

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Minato... teacher?"

But hearing this sound, Chiba's face under the emerald green brilliance froze for a moment, and the eyes looking at Hong Yan suddenly turned into despair.

Hirohiko he...

There was already a thud in his heart, and his breathing stopped suddenly at this moment.

He, suffocated.

Suffocated on the spot.


No, I can not!

I can't do this!

I can't do this!

Then, in the next second, in his heart, he began to crazily deny his current behavior.

"Hirohiko, sacrificed."

And at this time, taking a deep breath, Minato Namikaze spoke bluntly.

At this time, it is necessary to be straightforward and not tactful, because this is a battlefield, and a sense of crisis is needed. Straightforwardness is the best!

The one that reminds Chiba the most!

The one that makes Chiba feel the sense of crisis the most!

Being procrastinated and tactful will only lengthen Chiba's reaction time in terms of narration and give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of!

Although it is cruel, although it is sad, although it cannot be tolerated, Namikaze Minato can only do this.

This is also the most sensible way!

Chiba will need some time to react, but this straightforward, he will feel the urgency, with his combat experience and reaction, he will definitely be able to react when necessary!

If you can't respond, he will remind you again!

"Really...I see."

However, in the next second, there was no such adverse reaction as Namikaze Minato imagined, such as being stunned or unacceptable, and Chiba's response was unexpectedly calm.

I saw him nodding his head. Although there was a look of pain on his face, he spoke in an unusually calm manner.

The tone is also calm and concise, unable to hide the grief, but very calm.


And hearing this sound, Namikaze Minato was startled, and subconsciously wanted to speak.

what happened?

This feeling!

However, in the next instant, his complexion changed suddenly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

The sense of disobedience of time and space, the feeling of being imprisoned, suddenly...


Emperor of Heaven, once again...


It's now!

And at this moment, Uchiha Obito's eyes flashed sharply, and his face under the mask suddenly sank.


The next moment, Namikaze Minato's eyes flashed, he exclaimed, and blurted out, at the same time, his feet were already a little bit, and he rushed forward.

Teacher Kushina!

At the same time, Chiba, who had a series of thoughts in his mind, turned his head suddenly, and looked at the masked man who was grabbing Kushinai and dodging back, about to avoid the hand of Namikaze Minato who stretched forward.


Almost instantly, Chiba's figure sank subconsciously, his two fingers were erected, the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed, and the cracks spread away. In an instant, a fan-shaped crack belt of one and a half meters in front of Qianye's right toe that was struggling become!

make trouble...

It's so fast.

And in his heart, there was such a peaceful thought.

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