Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2008 This is also...

"Chi... chi chi... chi chi chi chi..."

"Ka...Ka Ka...Ka Ka Ka..."

Walking into this piece of scorched black land that is still dripping with hot air, amidst the crackling sound, in front of Chiba, wisps of white air mixed with these pitch-black smoke, accompanied by the sound of cracking and steaming , curling up.

In the entire mountain forest directly opposite him, the tree was considered huge, with about three children embracing thick and thin cracks, but it did not fall down. The lower half of the tree, which was already full of burn marks, slowly steamed from the stump.

And around the scorched land, the surrounding trees had already been ignited by the blazing temperature, and at this time, flames were crackling at the roots of the trees.

However, it didn't appear to spread, it just burned towards the scorched earth, forming a burning circle, like a flame circle, just encircling the scorched earth.

"It really is impossible to turn into fly ash..."

And at this time, looking at the scene in front of him, Qianye, whose eyes settled down, had a smile that he didn't know how to describe, and whispered to himself.

At this moment, in his eyes, there is a person sitting under the tree exuding wisps of white hot air, and the jet-black entity Chakra fragments turning upward into wisps of jet-black smoke dissipating in the air. A youth above a half-charred tree.

Exactly, Nobuhiko Uchiha!

It's just that at this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha's last piece of Susanoo coat has already peeled off and evaporated, turning into black smoke and dissipating in the air.

Susanoo mode has been released!

His head also drooped to one side, unable to catch any breath of life, as if his life had dissipated into the air like the last ray of black smoke after Chiba's gaze settled.

So, next, just confirm it!

However, looking at Nobuhiko Uchiha who seemed to have died, Chiba's face slowly became serious, and after taking two tentative steps, he cautiously turned towards this young man who was covered in hot black smoke.

The belly was pounded, it was dented all over, and the edges of the indentation were charred...

As expected of Susano, in such a situation, it is only a recess, and the entire abdomen has not been wiped out, although the viscera in the abdomen must have been completely twisted by the whirling force of the spiral pill. Irreversible damage, but according to my estimation, Nobuhiko Uchiha's body should have a hole in his abdomen at this time.

And as the footsteps stopped, Chiba finally let go of all guard, squatted in front of Nobuhiko Uchiha, and began to check the wounds on Nobuhiko Uchiha's body.

During this inspection, Chiba couldn't help being a little amazed. Nobuhiko Uchiha had only one wound on his body, and that was the most direct injury of the lava spiral pill. The large wound on the abdomen was also the only fatal injury.

That is to say, the Susanohu mode finally protected Nobuhiko Uchiha when the lava spiral pill spread to this mountain forest and created this piece of scorched earth, it did not cause any harm to Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Susano's coat perfectly protected Nobuhiko Uchiha.

If this lava spiral pill hadn't hit Uchiha Nobuhiko directly, I'm afraid Uchiha Nobuhiko is still alive and kicking now.

Moreover, it was the period of the most powerful direct hit. The spiral pill formed by the fusion of these four properties did not break through the skin of Nobuhiko Uchiha in the end, or in other words, the skin of Nobuhiko Uchiha with the coat of Susanoku did not break through. Nobuhiko Uchiha had a big hole in his stomach. Although it also twisted Uchiha Nobuhiko's internal organs into a ball, causing fatal injuries, but after all, it did not completely break through Uchiha Nobuhiko's defense.

The defense of Susanoo, whose defense power has dropped without breaking through!

"This time, I was really lucky..."

Then, after checking it again, Chiba pressed his hands up and down on Nobuhiko Uchiha's body that was glowing with heat waves, especially the side ribs and joints, and murmured softly.

And pressing all the way, Qianye's face became more dignified.

It seems that, except for the part that actually hit, there is no other damage at all. Regarding Susano, even if I am the most aggressive ninjutsu with the strongest attack power, there is no way to break through Susano Almost.

This time, being able to hurt Nobuhiko Uchiha is really...

So lucky.

But at this moment, such a rather fortunate thought flashed through his mind.

This time, if he didn't take advantage of the moment of Uchiha Nobuhiko's irresistible stupefaction when he saw Kyuubi being released, and prepared himself to avoid being attacked by Uchiha Nobuhiko, I'm afraid this attack might not be effective.

And if this blow doesn't work, then in the next battle, he can only maintain super-high-speed physical skills and wait for the opportunity.

The attack just now was actually very dangerous. If Nobuhiko Uchiha was faster, or if he hadn’t prepared to avoid Nobuhiko Uchiha, and accurately predicted Nobuhiko Uchiha’s attack method, I’m afraid this attack would have failed. .

And after failing, facing the Susanoo mode with such a high defensive power and such a great improvement in physical ability, he was helpless.

Therefore, even though it was only a moment just now, Qianye still felt a little scared when he recalled it.

Even now that he can be regarded as rich in combat experience and has experienced several desperate situations, he still has an uncontrollable feeling of fear.

Is this also... "that"?

Then, in the next second, amidst the emotions of fear, he couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

A thought that made him feel a little frightened.

Is all this, this kind of just right, also "that"?

If that's the case, then, aren't we just...

And at this moment, thinking of this, even looking at the fallen enemy, even the one who has lost his breath, his back is still chilly, feeling extremely cold.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that behind him, there seemed to be a huge shadow, a huge dark cloud... No, it should be said that it was a huge palm made of darkness, which was hanging above his head at this moment. Behind the palm of his hand, there is something bigger and bigger, watching him quietly.

At this moment, under the gaze of the bigger thing at this position, he only felt his shoulders sinking, and for a while, his forehead was already sweating.

I want to stand up, but...

Can't stand up!

Under the oppressive force of that invisible gaze, perhaps an illusion, at this moment, Qianye actually felt unable to stand up.

It seems that it is tightly pressed by a waterfall falling from a height of 10,000 meters.

Even, some are breathless!

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