Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2009 Resentment? mercy?


Gently clenching his fists, Chiba, who seemed to be frozen in front of Nobuhiko Uchiha's silent sitting body, was under that illusion-like pressure for a while before revealing Take a breath.

But after letting out a breath, there was a violent gasp.

Just tens of seconds of freezing pause, as if experienced a fierce battle, Qianye panted violently, like a long-drowning person who suddenly emerged from the water, desperately breathing air.

"I finally understand why you pursue power so persistently. Under the control of "that", it is indeed terrifying and breathless. It is really amazing that you did not go crazy under this pressure."

After panting for a while, Chiba suddenly turned his head, looked at Nobuhiko Uchiha, and couldn't help but speak.

In the words, it is quite emotional and sincere.

"It's just that if it wasn't for me, you should have succeeded by now, or in other words, you are already on the road to victory. Unfortunately, what you met was me...not other traversers, let alone what you said Those who traversed."

But after the unbearable sound, Qianye's eyes slowly turned cold, and his face also slowly sank, with an inexplicable feeling surging.

Even, at the end, there was a icy smile on the corner of his mouth, with a hint of mockery and a little inexplicable emotion.

Especially when his eyes touched Nobuhiko Uchiha's face with closed eyes, which still showed a little bit of astonishment and bitterness, the mockery and inexplicable emotions in his smile would always be stronger.

"I don't know, I'm so special, so special that I can't believe it."

Afterwards, as the ridicule and inexplicable emotions became more intense, Qianye murmured to himself.

"It's just that if you hadn't endangered my relatives and friends, I would still... No, maybe, this is also "that". It is "that" that prevents us from sitting down and talking, sitting down and being honest, and explaining that we are special."

Then, after muttering to himself, Qianye seemed to be quite regretful.

"Scary, this feeling, if you know it, it's better not to know it, it's really terrible. In this life, you are still dominated by "that" after all, this is intentional, I deliberately gave you a younger brother, gave you such a Brother, although you look down on Hongyan, your whole life is in Hongyan's hands! Do you find it ironic?

This is, "that" ah! "

And it seemed that this sentence opened the conversation box all of a sudden, looking at Nobuhiko Uchiha, Chiba stood up a little tremblingly, and said condescendingly.

When Hong Yan was mentioned, his face couldn't restrain a hint of resentment after all.

"Your greatest tragedy is that you neglect too much. You don't want to be close to anyone, and you erase those who can and can help you. If, in Muye Village, you have a friend like Hirohiko treats me , How could it be so late to realize my existence, and how could it be at such a critical time in the night of the nine-tailed night that there was a me, and then had to join forces with Obito, and so many moths came out.

Hirohiko likes you so much, even if you killed Nao, he chose to forgive you in the end. At that time, if you explain your thoughts to him, he will not only give you his eyes, but also make a wooden tree for you forever. Leaf eyeliner.

He is such a person, you are kind to him, and he is very kind to you!

You are to blame for all this. "

But under the resentment, Qianye's eyes were full of pity.

"It's the same with me. I was addicted to some kind of friendship game, but I lost everything in the end. I should have noticed it, but I didn't notice it at all. I really thought that after the time traveler traveled to this world, everything would be as I expected. If I want to develop, I will have the life I want... I am here to enjoy the blessings... With a little effort, I can have everything I want... It is as naive as the previous traversers."

However, amidst pity, Qianye's eyes turned back to the huge nine-tailed fox that seemed to have moved a little, and the words of pity were still in his mouth.

It's just that this time, it wasn't to Uchiha Nobuhiko, but to himself.

"This place is not a paradise for travelers, it's just another past life, another reality."

Finally, after watching the huge shadowy figure for a while, Chiba's gaze returned to Nobuhiko Uchiha, and said indifferently.

Then, there was silence, except for the sound of crackling and burning around, there was no response.

There was no sound either.


Then, after a while, looking at Nobuhiko Uchiha who didn't respond, Chiba smiled self-deprecatingly, all the expressions on his face finally faded away slowly, and changed into a calm look.

It seems that it really did.

There is no response like this, this Uchiha Nobuhiko...

But at this moment, such a thought flashed across his mind.

Then, after this thought flashed by, Qianye also turned around, looked at the moon that had already slanted to the west, and pursed her lips.

That's right, it's changed!

In the original book, it should be when the moonlight is getting thicker, but now, it is already slanting to the west.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.


And at this moment, a faint roar of a giant beast came from afar.

Now, the village should be fine.

There should still be time.

After all, Namikaze Minato has recovered quite a lot of Chakra. Although it is said that he has recovered a few percent, his cells have been activated and full of energy. If he squeezes it later, he still has a considerable amount of Chakra.

Part of the chakra decomposition energy I gave him will be stored in his cells, so he should still have some energy left.

Even without stopping the soil.

Moreover, I don't have time right now, after all, the ones here are more important.

The most important thing...

is here.

I must not ruin the thing I should do most at this time because of a momentary impulse, nor can I ruin the plan that is not the most perfect, but also the most perfect.

Even if it's "that", I want to...

And amidst the roar of the giant beast, such a thought of gnashing his teeth flashed through Qianye's heart.


Then, after the thought flashed by, he took a step towards the road where the trees fell when he came, but he ignored Nobuhiko Uchiha and walked straight back.

that time……

While walking, another scene flashed in his mind.

That scene, when he was trapped in his sealed space...

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