Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2067 Memory

However, although it is said to be a deleted version, this memory...

Taking another look at the young man who didn't seem to have reacted yet, Qianye couldn't help taking a slight breath, and that memory couldn't help reappearing in his mind.

Even though that period had been experienced more than a dozen times, it was completely integrated into his memory, a cruel memory that was completely digested and absorbed by him. Looking back, there will still be some memories that cannot be let go.

At the beginning, it seemed that there was no such scene, so I didn't think of it immediately.

Then, unconsciously, he glanced back, at the suspended ball of light, the green brick floor of the square, and the two doors behind it.

After actively accepting that memory, after the darkness, Qianye opened his eyes that he didn't know when to close, and saw a wooden cabin, like the kind that is often hidden in the woods in foreign horror movies. In the middle, there is no shop in front and no village behind, and it is still a wooden house in a dense forest area.

And beside him, there are about six people, basically all of the same age as him.

The moment he opened his eyes, he knew that he had fallen into a dangerous mode. He even had a sense of instant vision, that of a certain type of novel, but this time, it was not a shaking It’s just a carriage, and there is no such thing as a young man with a scar holding a Desert Eagle.

In the whole room, with his vision of experiencing life and death dangers in the Naruto world, he knew that these people were ordinary people.

Of course, the him in his memory, that is, the other self, is also an ordinary person. He has nothing, and is even a little withdrawn. After waking up, he immediately moved to a corner, and did not intend to investigate the cabin. No plans, no plans to wake up the others.

Almost instinctively, he stayed away from the crowd.

At that time, to be honest, as Chiba's consciousness, he almost subconsciously checked the cabin, or woke up other people, and asked about their own situation. When Chiba was in crisis, he had already started to think of a way.

However, just when he wanted to do this, he found that he had walked into a corner. In this memory, he could feel everything, even the faint musty smell in the hut. However, this place is a memory after all, he can feel it, but he has no control over it.

The dominance rests with another person, or consciousness.

That is……

The past self, the self that just died and woke up!

The self who had experienced nothing, sank in inferiority and loneliness in the peaceful age.

Even, after she hid in a corner, Qianye almost felt that she had become that lonely and hopeless self again.

And just when Qianye tried his best to maintain his consciousness, so as not to be eroded by his past self and completely reduced to his past self, one of the other six people slowly woke up.

That is a girl, Chiba swears, no, it should be said that it is the past Chiba swears, this is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, the most friendly girl, even for a moment, in the eyes of the girl's misty eyes At that time, Chiba in the past even let go of her affinity for a while.

Of course, for the current Chiba, his focus is not on the girl, but on everything in this small wooden house, everything here, the sense of sight is getting stronger and stronger, the layout of the absolutely haunted house.

It's still the kind of plot that is often seen in film and television dramas, especially foreign horror film and television dramas.

When the girl saw Qianye, she seemed to be taken aback at first. After all, the gloomy appearance of her past self hiding in a corner was really not someone who gave people positive energy.

However, after looking around, the girl quickly calmed down after seeing five other strangers, and then gave her past self in the corner an apologetic smile, then stood up, and seemed to start checking her surroundings .

Moreover, the girl checked very cautiously and carefully, and also checked very carefully. After each inspection, some small marks and actions will be made.

While checking, I will chat with my past self.

In the past, I also rarely responded with two or three sentences. Basically, when the girl said five sentences, I would respond with one sentence.

Then in the chat, Chiba learned that the girl's surname was Qian, and her name was the name of a season.

Obviously, the girl was very careful and didn't say her full name. In the seemingly friendly conversation, the girl was also careful every step of the way, so delicate that even Chiba was a little surprised.

And the past self, in fact, did not reveal much information, but only revealed his last name, which is a kind of plant component.

Also because of each other's surnames, the two got a little closer.

The past self who has completely lost trust in interpersonal communication, even though he has a great affection for this girl, still maintains the greatest vigilance.

Then, after a long time, almost when the girl had checked the arrangement of all three rooms including a basement, and was about to go out to check the situation outside, the other five people began to wake up one after another.

And the remaining five people belonged to her older self and this girl with the surname Qian. At that time, Qianye didn't know her full name, so she kept calling her Xiaoqian, while her past self used "that" Come to address her, and when she has to, she will be called "Miss Qian", which is particularly awkward.

However, compared to myself and Xiaoqian in the past, the remaining five people are not so calm and withdrawn, they almost exploded.

It was almost exhausting for Xiaoqian to convince the few people that they were brought here from being in a coma under various circumstances.

Of course, my past self was not stupid enough to expose the fact that everyone was dead, or had died once, in front of a group of panic-stricken people.

Then, under Xiaoqian's insistence, everyone finally accepted that they were not a suspicious person in the past, but also a young man suspected of being kidnapped just like them.

However, although I agree with my past self, it may be that my bad luck in interpersonal relationships or my lonely star life has not been resolved. Except for Xiaoqian, everyone either ignores their past self or expresses their gloomy attitude towards him. Dislike or dislike, in short, the past self is still in the corner.

And the past self didn't intend to get out of this corner.

This corner, where he has always been, made him feel at ease.

As for the other six people, they seemed to have united with Xiaoqian at this time, settled down, and began to listen to Xiaoqian's analysis of the current situation, and began to "look forward to the future".

Then, at this moment, when everyone settled down and their minds settled down, Chiba's strong sense of sight was finally verified.


here we go!

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